sisters heres the big newz!!!!


When you know your baby for the first time and knowing he/she is the most important thing in the world.....its such an overwhelming emotion I can't even explain it...

I have no relationship advice really, dh and I had been married three years and were 26 and 33 respectively when I had ds and we still weren't 'ready' for the changes it brought. A baby is tough on a relationship married or not, regardless of your age. Good luck!

When you know your baby for the first time and knowing he/she is the most important thing in the world.....its such an overwhelming emotion I can't even explain it...

I have no relationship advice really, dh and I had been married three years and were 26 and 33 respectively when I had ds and we still weren't 'ready' for the changes it brought. A baby is tough on a relationship married or not, regardless of your age. Good luck!

thanks! i feel so in love with my baby already. i looking forward to know him/her its xcitin' know my love will grow loads more too.

lifes never a smooth ride to im planning for the future but expecting the unexpected too hehe. i have a great family and SO. strange thing is my job has jus finished so now im on the hunt for a temp job till babys born. its all gunna be expensive and i dont have that long to save- due date feb 8th, as always i put my trust in God.

this is the 1st time im tellin my LHCF sisters... 'im with child'- happily pregnant
:grin: 20 wks nw!! so excited and v.nervous! (if you didnt know im 23 so its kinda young i know) my SO is a yr older. i love him so much but i dont feel its right for us to rush and get wedd. theres alot of plans we need to sort out.

so heres a few questions... add more if you can lol

have you had a baby with your BF/SO?

how did it change your relationship?

did you consider marrage?

were you living together or apart?


Congratualtions Naturalline!!!

Wishing you all the best in health and happiness x x x x
congratulations! i can't offer any advice since i've never been preggers. Why were you scared to tell us and waited 20 whole weeks to do so? :naughty:
hey! thanks for all the support ladies!:grin:

i had my second scan last week! it was so xciting to see baby again. i know its early to tell bt viewing the picture he/she has my nose... my babys a little cutie:yep:

iv started a 'baby shopping list' i have so many things to by! GOSH babys are expencive... does anyone have anything extra useful that you thing is worth buying.

its all luvvv.
a bottle warmer/cooler so you don't have to get up to feed the baby thru the night. Everything will be right there by your bed.

this is the 1st time im tellin my LHCF sisters... 'im with child'- happily pregnant
:grin: 20 wks nw!! so excited and v.nervous! (if you didnt know im 23 so its kinda young i know) my SO is a yr older. i love him so much but i dont feel its right for us to rush and get wedd. theres alot of plans we need to sort out.

so heres a few questions... add more if you can lol

congratulations naturalline
I don't think you're young, I'm 24 and expecting my first, to answer your questions:

have you had a baby with your BF/SO? my baby's due in several weeks

how did it change your relationship? not sure yet, but we seem to be getting closer in this pregnancy- but we have been together seven years

did you consider marrage? we've been married five years, but together seven years

were you living together or apart? we're living together
so heres a few questions... add more if you can lol

have you had a baby with your BF/SO? Yes

how did it change your relationship? It made us change as people for the better

did you consider marrage? We had talked about it before baby was even in the picture so it was already kinda decided, we gogt married this july that just passed, 07/07/07 :drunk: (I'm a nerd I know...)

were you living together or apart? apart


P.S. youre not too young for that. I got pregnant when I was 18 and I'm 19 now, DH(what does that stand for anyway) was 24 now 25 so in a way it kinda worked out..he was at that age when he's trying to settle down. Anyway, congratulations and be prepared your life is going to change soo much in ways you'd never imagine. My son is 7 months old now and hes just starting to really be his own person, its so weird. I always say to my husband like...we're 3 now isn't that crazy? I don't know if you're religious, but now is a good time to bring God into your life too, he made things alot more bareable for me. Even with the pregnancy and child birth. Oh and you're going to hear alot of advice and comments from people..take them with a grain of salt, or even better just ignore it. You'll know whats best for you and your child. For instance according to public views, my stomach was sooo small. (I dont think it was because I was pretty underweight when I got pregnant..) Now everyone grows within their own body's parameters but everyone who saw me had some comment to say about how my belly is unnaturally small and all this crap, scaring my husband, making him think I'm not eating or our baby is sick or something...OR they had something to say about me wanting to have a natural birth. I believe that when you take anestesia during labor, it affects your baby because the baby is still attatched via umbillical cord and thus would still have access to the drugs...and I mean you wouldn't give a newborn an adult dose of tylenol nevermind an epidural. (I'm not trying to offend anyone who had a drug-aided delivery, thats just my personal view) so anyway....on March 25, I delivered my 9.8 pound baby with no drugs, causing all those commentors to eat their words....and yes I said 9.8. It hurt...but how could I expect it not to right? So moral of the story I guess, don't worry it should be fine, and be happy and excited, imagine theres going to be one more person in the world that depends on you and will love you unconditionally forever :grin:
a bottle warmer/cooler so you don't have to get up to feed the baby thru the night. Everything will be right there by your bed.

Great idea if you decide to bottlefeed.

The other alternative is just to plop your breast in your baby's mouth