Sisterhood, Female Friendships, And The Like (Kinda Long)


New Member
This kind of a two-parter....

I have this one sisterfriend who kind of comes in and out of my life depending on her situation.... When I say "in and out of my life", there will be occasion where we'll go to events, movies, etc. And then there will be times where we don't associate as often...not because of anything bad, but because life being busy, etc. We're similar in that we both like the "finer" things in life compared to others at our church, meaning we have similar interests in movies, museums, plays, etc. We have both served on the intercessory prayer ministry. We're different in that she has two college-aged children and she's about 4-5 years older than me (although she looks younger at times!), she seems to move around a lot, I've been in school for a while, she's had challenges to finish her bachelor's degree, etc.

But sometimes I wonder if this is someone I can call a (true) friend.... No (thank God), nothing has happened between us where I felt betrayed or anything like that. But sometimes I think she can be a bit flaky...or like she deals with me when it's convenient or when no one else (children, relationship) is around or accessible.... It even seems like I recall somebody (an older woman) saying to me: "She's not your friend"...

"It's like she'll say "hey, let's do this or that" but kinda no follow up.... Latest example was today.... we were attending this women's conference in town.... So at the lunch break, we both were talking to different folk but when it was time to come in, she didn't come back in for a while.... and I was thinking "my goodness, she needs to be in here listening to this speaker! She's great!" So I sent her a text saying "You need to be in here!!!" but she never came in.... So after about an hour later, I had decided that I was gonna leave because the conference was on a different subject area and I had already been there longer than I had anticipated.... So I go outside and she's out talking to the speaker that I wanted her to hear.... So that was good... she got what she needed.... But to myself I was kinda like "I thought we were gonna share this experience in attending this conference together"...not that we need to be joined at the hip but where's the community in this?

A sense of community is something that I'm sensitive about because I usually don't feel like I have it.... it seems like I'm isolated (partly my doing, partly not....), which brings me to the second part: sisterhood....

Another sisterfriend (more like a person I was kinda supposed to be mentoring) said that I don't do sisterhood well. I told her that I know that...that that wasn't a secret. She asked why. I said well, I don't have any sisters...I don't know how to do sisterhood. (Shrug).... Maybe this is coming up as I just got back from a women's conference where unity, love and sisterhood are usually the main themes and so it's at the top of my brain....

I do know that my "reluctance" to sisterhood is part of my bigger reluctance to open myself up to people (men and women) out of fear of rejection, ridicule, and hurt/harm.... I consider LCHF as a sisterhood of sorts, but in a way it's not a REAL-LIFE sisterhood because the online environment can only go so far.... but when I see women helping each other and being supportive and encouraging and even connecting together to share resources, networking, business, etc., it's such a beautiful thing and THAT'S WHAT feels good to be a part of....

I just wanted to share this because this weekend did help me see areas of improvement in my life. I do believe that when I KNOW better, I (can and shall) DO better....

Thank you for listening/reading....
Hey RR! :wave:

I think one of my first threads I posted in the Christian forum was about Spiritual friends. I guess I could go find the link...huh?

Before I became active with LHCF I truly felt I didn't have any real tangible spiritual friends (sisterhood). Now, I can truly say you all are tangible to me. I wish we were all in the same vacinity so we could attend conferences and fellowship with eachother. We could prepare notes on what we liked or disliked. Talk about scriptures the speaker spoke on that touched our heart of hearts. Go to the movies together, kick it over each other's house on the weekend..ya know sisterhood stuff.:yep:
I completely understand what your saying in both parts of what you shared.
I have friends that I can go months without talking to them, and then once we reconnect we'll pick up where we left off, and I like that because they aren't "needy." But then I have one friend that I called my best friend. WE talked almost everyday, but then something happened which had me keep my distance..we still talk but not as much. In that situation it was as if God was telling me..alright,you are spending more time talking to her when you could be sharing with me.
I'm, really glad I came across LCHF because I get to talk with sisters from various walks of life.
I completely understand what your saying in both parts of what you shared.
I have friends that I can go months without talking to them, and then once we reconnect we'll pick up where we left off, and I like that because they aren't "needy." But then I have one friend that I called my best friend. WE talked almost everyday, but then something happened which had me keep my distance..we still talk but not as much. In that situation it was as if God was telling me..alright,you are spending more time talking to her when you could be sharing with me.
I'm, really glad I came across LCHF because I get to talk with sisters from various walks of life.

I understand well. I have freinds that I go months without talking to also and we reconnect and pick right up.

I also had a friend I considered my best friend, and we had to part ways I think I made a post about it some time ago. Well recently we attended a wedding and decided that we would try to mend our difference.
Well that Sunday when I got to church my Pastor was preaching and stopped in his sermon and said when God takes someone out of your life he does not mean for you to go back and pick them up. That hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew she and I could not be best friends again. The Lord later revealed to me that she just was not ready to go where he wants to take me. It wasn't until I truly let that friendship go that God started revealing more of his will and purpose and plan for my life.

So sometimes our friends might be holding us back.
I am feeling the sisterhood up in here. I am almost chocked up with emotion after reading this.

RR I know that woman in your avatar. NPR listner here! Never thought she was a Sister!