Sistawithrealhair Is Baaaack!

I loooove her hair! So pretty! :supergrin: Her practices are a bit unorthodox but I like that about her because mine are also, it's nice to see a regimen that doesn't require 123456789 steps to get good results/retention. I know for me when I do the "traditional" hhj practices, my hair doesn't turn out the way I like; when I do what I want – which is only a couple of things – I get my ideal results and retention. I watch her since she's a good representation of doing what you want and going against the grain can still give some people healthy, long hair.
I agree. I did all the "right" things for naturals till the cows came home and no matter what I still ended up with SSKs galore, which led to cuts, cuts, cuts. :cry3:The only thing thats been keeping them at bay for the first time is heat. I've been experimenting lightly with it - no blow dryer and 2 passes on 380. But now I'm ready to bump it up to the "thermal-lax" effect to get similar results like hers (over time.) You gotta do what works!
I agree. I did all the "right" things for naturals till the cows came home and no matter what I still ended up with SSKs galore, which led to cuts, cuts, cuts. :cry3:The only thing thats been keeping them at bay for the first time is heat. I've been experimenting lightly with it - no blow dryer and 2 passes on 380. But now I'm ready to bump it up to the "thermal-lax" effect to get similar results like hers (over time.) You gotta do what works!

That's what I had to do. HHJ for years and my hair still wasn't where I wanted it to be. It seemed no matter what, I was having one setback after another.
She has great hair. I watch just to look at her hair, not any type of advice. I think she has the type of hair that would be pretty and healthy no matter what.
Has anyone seen her latest YouTube video? She recently cut her hair from tailbone length to bald. I hate to speculate why, but hope all is well with her.
I saw it. Unless she has an illness where she was loosing her hair, I don’t understand why she did it. I also know she had been saving all of her shed hair to make a wig out of it. This video didn’t give me “I am not my hair” vibes, it gave “something is off” vibes.
I saw it. Unless she has an illness where she was loosing her hair, I don’t understand why she did it. I also know she had been saving all of her shed hair to make a wig out of it. This video didn’t give me “I am not my hair” vibes, it gave “something is off” vibes.
Same. It came too easily out of her head. I think she never really recovered from losing her grandma.
I think she suffered from anaemia, and you can see it as the density in her hair has really gone. She was also dealing with stress due to illness in her family.

It sounds like she's just been going through a lot. I do hope she's okay.

Anaemia is so terrible for hair if you don't get a handle on it quickly.
Unpopular opinion: After watching the last vid where she disclosed her diagnosis, I couldn’t help but feel like she has been preparing for this day for years. She was so sure she was going to have alopecia and she consistently demonstrated that she would with her words, thoughts and actions years before the condition ever manifested. I think we should all be careful of speaking and expecting unfortunate circumstances over our lives, even when genes, doctors, and science say otherwise.

What if she had prepared to have a full, healthy head of hair for the rest of her life and only gave that possibility energy with her words, thoughts and actions? We’ll never know but I bet the outcome wouldve been different.
Unpopular opinion: After watching the last vid where she disclosed her diagnosis, I couldn’t help but feel like she has been preparing for this day for years. She was so sure she was going to have alopecia and she consistently demonstrated that she would with her words, thoughts and actions years before the condition ever manifested. I think we should all be careful of speaking and expecting unfortunate circumstances over our lives, even when genes, doctors, and science say otherwise.

What if she had prepared to have a full, healthy head of hair for the rest of her life and only gave that possibility energy with her words, thoughts and actions? We’ll never know but I bet the outcome wouldve been different.
Sometimes, an I hesitate to say this, positive affirmations just can't conquer health issues. I would never have spoken such negativity over myself, but I have also seen positivity fail in the face of cancer. I'm saying this is the same thing. I think she was only trying to prepare herself.