Sistawithrealhair Is Baaaack!

My fav guru is back from a months long hiatus taking care of her grandmother. Her hair just keeps getting better! Amazing results she got from a simple flexi rod set.

I didn't look at the second video the first time. HER HAIR IS FIYAH! It makes no sense for one person to have all that gorgeous hair. I watch her faithfully, but that curly fro is IT!
I saw her one time in person (She lives in my area) and fortunately it was on a day that she wore her hair out. I can honestly say her hair is FABULOUS! The length was great but her hair is REALLY shiney:love: .

I remember a while back there was a thread about her b/c she was trying to gain weight and people on LHCF thought that she actually needed to lose weight or not gain weight at all. I can see why she wanted to gain a couple of pounds. She is rather thin and her face/head doesnt really match her body. I also thought it was funny that on her utube channels she talks about eating healthy but when I saw her she was f*cking up some lo mein; I mean like eating like she never at before. Me and my company were kindof taken aback by it. Maybe it was her cheat day.
I also thought it was funny that on her utube channels she talks about eating healthy but when I saw her she was f*cking up some lo mein; I mean like eating like she never at before. Me and my company were kindof taken aback by it. Maybe it was her cheat day.

Lol! She mentioned many times that eating and going out to restaurants are one of her favorite things to do.
I saw her one time in person ... The length was great but her hair is REALLY shiney:love: .
I also thought it was funny that on her utube channels she talks about eating healthy but when I saw her she was f*cking up some lo mein; I mean like eating like she never at before. Me and my company were kindof taken aback by it. Maybe it was her cheat day.


*opens up new browser window :look:*
She is a mess! Her hair is nice, but she kills me when she tries something new/out, doesn't follow instructions, then complains it didn't work. She doesn't need to give reviews on anything. I will give her points for constantly saying this is what works for for her hair. But stop it with the reviews. She has the worst hair practices, but her hair still grows. But she has her setbacks as well, so she isn't on unicorn status to me.
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I watched her videos and got mad when I see my length lol. I have a pixie cut now and I wish I would have known about silicon. My bang area has a little heat damage now.
OMG I had never heard of her before just now. That flexirod set was EVERYTHING. Her ends, shine and color are so pretty. I can't follow her care logic...seems a lil sus. I like her styling videos though.
For simple hair porn, she's great. As a hair guru, she is not it. The things she does would not work on 90% of Black women's hair. But if people want to watch her and drool, more views and money for her. Ain't no shame in her hair porn game. It just seems pointless to me to watch someone do things to her hair that would never work for me just because it looks nice afterwards.
For simple hair porn, she's great. As a hair guru, she is not it. The things she does would not work on 90% of Black women's hair. But if people want to watch her and drool, more views and money for her. Ain't no shame in her hair porn game. It just seems pointless to me to watch someone do things to her hair that would never work for me just because it looks nice afterwards.

Her hair is gorgeous. I was about to get hopeful, but then I remembered that I know my hair. 30 days sounded like a dream! then I also remembered that I workout and sweat profusely every 2-3 days and I have no time. *sigh* Pretty hair, though. I'ma still watch. ... Oh lawd, just saw her wash n go video, her texture is sooo different from mine. Still pretty though.
She has beautiful hair. Our textures are different I still watch her videos. Sometimes, I pick up other things from her video's that have nothing to do with hair. She's beautiful and I love her honesty. I don't even concern myself with more views, more money for Youtubers, everytime you turn on your tv, your doing the something but no one never mentions that.
I've never heard of her before. I'm impressed.

We have very similar hair textures and I really want to try some of her methods, especially roller setting before flat ironing.

I also noticed how she doesn't do the comb chase method while flat ironing, and instead uses a denman between each pass. I'm going to try that because comb chasing has become a pain for me lately.
Her hair is dope!
Every time I see someone with this hair texture like this or straighter, I am convinced that the higher the number (in type) the more susceptible to heat damage you are. Or at the very least, the less visible the damage is.
I can't wait to flat iron my own hair. The last time I did it myself was in 2010. I'll be in the market for a new flat iron because the coating on the one I have is peeling....not sure if that's a bad thing lol
I loooove her hair! So pretty! :supergrin: Her practices are a bit unorthodox but I like that about her because mine are also, it's nice to see a regimen that doesn't require 123456789 steps to get good results/retention. I know for me when I do the "traditional" hhj practices, my hair doesn't turn out the way I like; when I do what I want – which is only a couple of things – I get my ideal results and retention. I watch her since she's a good representation of doing what you want and going against the grain can still give some people healthy, long hair.