Sistas of less color--but they have the same hair gripes!


Well-Known Member
I was sufing the internet for hair journals (I know I am a dweeb) and I found this website: which is made up of predominantly white women who are also there to support each other in their quest for long hair.

As I was reading along, the threads started to seem all too familiar:

THE Henna Thread
V05 creamy fresh peaches?
We have a bun! We have a bun!!
Does shampooing really increase shedding?
Can anybody show me pics of how make a sock bun?
burn your ends?
Sticky: Water Only for a month.... (
1 2 3 ... Last Page) Annie
Yet another hairdresser upset! ...this one was so similar I had to get to her pic. before I even knew...she writes:

"Well here I am again, trying to regrow my hair. My hair was badly damaged due to overcolouring and bad well water. The combination caused alot of breakage and the salon said they had to cut it - SHORT! Which I did this past Christmas to just below my ears. Now it is down to my shoulders. My problem is that I keep telling my hairdresser that I want to grow it out and she keeps telling me that it wouldn't look good on me
I'm not letting her cut more than 1/2 and inch at trimmings, which I only get every 3 months. I'm pretty bitter.
Anyways, I thought it was high time to share pics so you can all see where I was at, and what I'm currently at. The thing is I don't have a current short hair photo, but the one I'm including here was taken about 7 years ago when I had short hair. The longer hair photo is about 4 years old."

Well ladies, it would appear that the quest and love for long hair transcends race...

While I will never leave LHCF, it was good to see that women of color are not the only ones often plagued in their quest for beautiful hair.

Just some food for thought.

I am a member at the long hair community along with a few other members here like anky and Candy C. Best wishes to you on your journey to long hair. ;)
cmw45 said:
I was sufing the internet for hair journals (I know I am a dweeb) and I found this website: which is made up of predominantly white women who are also there to support each other in their quest for long hair.

As I was reading along, the threads started to seem all too familiar:

THE Henna Thread
V05 creamy fresh peaches?
We have a bun! We have a bun!!
Does shampooing really increase shedding?
Can anybody show me pics of how make a sock bun?
burn your ends?
Sticky: Water Only for a month.... (
1 2 3 ... Last Page) Annie
Yet another hairdresser upset! ...this one was so similar I had to get to her pic. before I even knew...she writes:

"Well here I am again, trying to regrow my hair. My hair was badly damaged due to overcolouring and bad well water. The combination caused alot of breakage and the salon said they had to cut it - SHORT! Which I did this past Christmas to just below my ears. Now it is down to my shoulders. My problem is that I keep telling my hairdresser that I want to grow it out and she keeps telling me that it wouldn't look good on me
I'm not letting her cut more than 1/2 and inch at trimmings, which I only get every 3 months. I'm pretty bitter.
Anyways, I thought it was high time to share pics so you can all see where I was at, and what I'm currently at. The thing is I don't have a current short hair photo, but the one I'm including here was taken about 7 years ago when I had short hair. The longer hair photo is about 4 years old."

Well ladies, it would appear that the quest and love for long hair transcends race...

While I will never leave LHCF, it was good to see that women of color are not the only ones often plagued in their quest for beautiful hair.

Just some food for thought.


Good point.......just goes to show that at the end of the day we all have a lot in common.
Sorry Poohbear. :p I was going through the post and definitely didn't notice the usual suspects from here. Trust that I would have been all over a post put up by you or Anky:cool: Thanks. HHG.
Everyone goes through the same hair woes. Many times we AA women are so self-centered we have a hard time understanding we are not the only one with issues.
While searching for this site, I actually ended up at that site and thought it was the same thing. Most of the issues are the same so I just joined. My hair journal is over their too.
I'm a stylist with a diverse clientele, most of whom are Caucasian, with a few Indians and Hispanics, and yes, they do have the same hair issues. I recently applied relaxer to an Indian (as in Pakistani) woman, and just yesterday I dusted the ends of a white woman who is letting her hair grow out. She specifically asked for just 1/4" taken off her layered cut. When I was done, you couldn't see any hair on the floor. I've also noticed that most whites have a definite curl pattern to their hair, which they're not too fond of. The men with curly hair tend to keep it short for this very reason.
*grins* I'm a member over there too - and my journal is there. It's interesting reading, and I've learned a LOT over there..... *grins* I span a variety of hair forums - Nappturality, Black Hair Care, here, and Long Hair community.....
I just love this thread title b/c it is so true! :yep:

That is a great hair forum, too!
I lurk there, sometimes, but LHCF is home. :thumbsup: