Single Strand Knots driving me CRAZY


I cant figure it out. My hair almost ALWAYS feels moisturized. So I KNOW it cant be dryness causing my single strand knots. I'm tired of cutting my hair more than I want to.
I recently figured wash and go's cause knots, so I stopped doing that. The only thing I can think of is that my hair is knotting only when I wet it, but I always wash my hair in braids. So Im just stumped...
I have 3b/3c hair. I usually wear 2 strand twists or a bun. Although my hair is Mid Back Length, I seem to CANT grow pass it. >:(
I heard MBL is like a never ending journey. :nono: What do yall think?
I stopped doing wash & go style a while ago because I pay too much for them later with single strand knots and detangling. I find that keeping my hair moisturized and stretched keeps the ssk's at bay.

I would think that longer hair has less single strand knots because the hair is longer/heavier but since you are MBL, I guess my theory is wrong.
Ssks and myself are hand in hand. I get them all the time. I try to air dry w/ my ends protected. The fluff and go method w/ my banana clip or any ponytail give me ssks. I have to air dry my ends (scarf method) in any type of roller or braid/twist.

If my ends become damp and air they come. Idk how a single strand can knot itself.
Are you oiling your hair enough? I JUST stopped SSKs (about 80%) in their tracks--by loading up my hair with EVCO or Olive Oil at night before bed (in flat twists). It's always just right in the morning since the hair has absorbed all oil during sleep.
I think ssk's are a sign that your hair is not moisturized. Also consider that your cuticles may be lifted and easily catching on onto itself-- this is highly porous hair. Again, it (porosity) can be corrected by balancing your protein and moisture. I have 4b hair that is prone to ssks; but I don't get many ssk's at all and I believe it's b/c my moisture/protein content are balanced and my cuticles are laying down. With that said, it sounds like you haven't found the right conditioner/DC or leave-in products.
I think ssk's are a sign that your hair is not moisturized. Also consider that your cuticles may be lifted and easily catching on onto itself-- this is highly porous hair. Again, it (porosity) can be corrected by balancing your protein and moisture. I have 4b hair that is prone to ssks; but I don't get many ssk's at all and I believe it's b/c my moisture/protein content are balanced and my cuticles are laying down. With that said, it sounds like you haven't found the right conditioner/DC or leave-in products.

I don't think that's her case because her hair is well moisturized. As well as mine. All my products are ph balanced and I alternate between protein and moisture
Here's some really good tips I found: . I already do almost everything on that list-- I think it's solid advice. I wouldn't let a fine tooth comb or denman/brush touch my hair though. Only wide tooth seamless combs. The low-poo scalp only diluted shampoo washes are hair savers; and oil rinsing is a dream treatment to my hair for avoiding knots n tangles--> here's the thread:
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I cant figure it out. My hair almost ALWAYS feels moisturized. So I KNOW it cant be dryness causing my single strand knots. I'm tired of cutting my hair more than I want to.
I recently figured wash and go's cause knots, so I stopped doing that. The only thing I can think of is that my hair is knotting only when I wet it, but I always wash my hair in braids. So Im just stumped...
I have 3b/3c hair. I usually wear 2 strand twists or a bun. Although my hair is Mid Back Length, I seem to CANT grow pass it. >:(
I heard MBL is like a never ending journey. :nono: What do yall think?

I had the exact same issue!!! I was stuck at APL. I had issues with that for 2 years. I was natural at the time. Then I decided to straighten my hair, I figured that if it was straight it would be easier for me to keep track of everything going on knot wise. I used BKT because I didn't know how to self relax at the time. Oddly, since I had my first BKT the knots have been a thing of the past. I've been using BKT for 3 years.
Are you oiling your hair enough? I JUST stopped SSKs (about 80%) in their tracks--by loading up my hair with EVCO or Olive Oil at night before bed (in flat twists). It's always just right in the morning since the hair has absorbed all oil during sleep.

Oh no Olive Oil and Coconut oil are some of the worse for me. It always makes my hair crispy the next day. I can only use that when I flat iron. I only use castor oil and WildGrowth Oil.
I think ssk's are a sign that your hair is not moisturized. Also consider that your cuticles may be lifted and easily catching on onto itself-- this is highly porous hair. Again, it (porosity) can be corrected by balancing your protein and moisture. I have 4b hair that is prone to ssks; but I don't get many ssk's at all and I believe it's b/c my moisture/protein content are balanced and my cuticles are laying down. With that said, it sounds like you haven't found the right conditioner/DC or leave-in products.

if anything. That may be the most right. Its probably my moisture/protein balance. I use Queen Helene mega cholesterol deep conditioner in my co wash everyday. Maybe I should stop doing that every day and use the regular ol Pantene conditioner for the co wash. I guess I have use the DC only once or twice a week. :perplexed:
Here's some really good tips I found: . I already do almost everything on that list-- I think it's solid advice. I wouldn't let a fine tooth comb or denman/brush touch my hair though. Only wide tooth seamless combs. The low-poo scalp only diluted shampoo washes are hair savers; and oil rinsing is a dream treatment to my hair for avoiding knots n tangles--> here's the thread:

This is some pretty good info. I do almost everything on this list already though ^^;

Im almost ready to give up, cornrow my hair and put a wig on top. I could never see myself doing this but it might come to that. :(
Well the EVCO and OO are mentioned as examples. Castor oil never worked for SSKs in my hair. IDK what wild growth oil is. But you definately need something that will lay down your cuticles so the ends arent snagging and coiling on themselves.

Also be sure to remove shed hairs. They can also snag on remaining hair and cause ssk as they slide out if the hair isn't lubricated well enough.
I was having this issue all the time too then by accident a few weeks ago, I did a roller set using aloe Vera juice and heaps of EVCO. When my hair dried and I took the rollers out, not one ssk was in sight. my ends were smooth and moisturised for the rest of the week. Hopefully, it wasn't a fluke and I can repeat the process next time.
This is some pretty good info. I do almost everything on this list already though ^^;

Im almost ready to give up, cornrow my hair and put a wig on top. I could never see myself doing this but it might come to that. :(

Maybe you should consider more rich, organic products. Those off the shelf products are way too cheap for my hair. My hair never responded to the products you named or anything right off the shelf (including the top of the line products like Aveda/Nexxus/Nioxin). They are filled with plastics and synthedic oils. My hair has expensive taste--but it has to be organic. Apparently it can tell if something is real or not. You shouldn't give up, keep trying until you get it right. It took me years to finally let go of old habits, products and techniques to find the right thing. It's an ongoing process.

Obviously those products are not working, so it shouldn't be too hard to let them go. The protein moisture balance sometimes calls for taking moisture out. You said it always feels moisturized-- maybe your hair is overmoisturized and highly porous at the same time. Not a good combination. I used to alternate weekly w/protein then moisture. My hair responded better to weekly protein reconstructor DC's. They build the strand up in strength and do a great deal to lay the cuticles down. The affects last about a week, and you should feel your hair getting better each week.
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I think @virtuenow nailed it when she mentioned cuticles being raised and I'd like to add damaged ends to that. IIRC, there are people who know it's time to dust their hair when SSKs start to happen. They enjoy weeks of no issues, then bam, SSKs. They dust and their hair is back to normal.

I don't get SSKs and if I do, they must be so insignificant that I miss them. And I am pretty meticulous with my hair. Like when I finger comb, I literally separate my hair strand by strand (Clip) and the hair separates with ease. And because I aim to keep my strands fully separated, using a fine tooth comb is a breeze for me when my hair is loose. (Honestly if a comb is seamless, and your hair isn't full of tangles, there's nothing to fear with a fine tooth comb. Hair strands are so much smaller than the spaces of the comb. If you can't get it through, it means you have mats galore. Because if you have coily hair, then to run a comb through it, you simply use one hand to open up the coils and the other to run the comb through. Fully detangled hair will have no problems whatsoever.)

I don't know if I believe it's a moisture thing. In the clip you just saw, my hair is bare and it's how it usually is. I get my moisture from washing and then leave my hair bare. I keep my ends in good shape by dusting religiously every 8 weeks, and I include an ACV rinse at the end of every wash or in my spritz. So my cuticle is usually closed which makes for smooth strands. So IMO it's both good ends and smooth strands. I also never do WNGs. My hair stays locked in a style that doesn't allow me to manipulate my hair too much, so that helps too.
Here's some really good tips I found: . I already do almost everything on that list-- I think it's solid advice. I wouldn't let a fine tooth comb or denman/brush touch my hair though. Only wide tooth seamless combs. The low-poo scalp only diluted shampoo washes are hair savers; and oil rinsing is a dream treatment to my hair for avoiding knots n tangles--> here's the thread:

Thank you so much. This has been a real problem for me lately too.
I get those blasted SSKs too. I saw them a lot when I started paying more attention to my hair. I didn't know what they were until I came across this site.

Now that I am on my hair journey, I've been adding EVCO and Vitamin E oils to my deep conditioners and that has really helped with my knots. I hardly ever get them now.

I am so glad I stumbled upon this site. I am learning something new everyday.