Pictures of single strand knots

I get tons of single strand knots when I where my hair in a puff. Since the puff is my favorite style I'm constantly battling them. I usually end up having to cut 1/2 to 1 inch off to get rid of them. Or the knot will be 3-4 inches up the strand and I just leave it.

Here is my pic:

The knots are so tiny and you wouldn't know they were there unless you ran your fingers down the strands. Sometimes I will have two knots in one strand.

My SSKs look like yours. Mine are near my ends and I don't bother to cut them off because they aren't causing any problems with my hair. For that reason, they aren't worth the effort stressing and worrying over them. I figure I'll just get them at my next trim. If they are making me spend longer detangling, then I'll go ahead and trim them off sooner.
I rarely get them. if I do I ignore them
My 16 year old cousin gets them a lot but she will actually sit with a pin and unknot it. Her patience is unbelievable.
I get them and I am texlaxed. I don't worry about them. Normally if I am detangling, they will come out anyway. It is like split ends, it is something I just can't be worried about on a frequent basis lol. It will happen anyway. The proof is in the pudding (length I retain)
Wow..your starts must definitely be thick. There is no way my camera would ever pick up the knots that I got in the past that well.
I don't get single/double strand knots like I used to since I texlaxed. But I should have taken pictures of the ones I used to get. It was so bad. I remember finding one hair that had 4 knots on one individual strand all in different places.
Every now and then I get them. I just cut them off right away. :yep:
I can't ignore them. Somehow, I believe it will cause more problems later if I don't. :yep:
They are inevitable, IMO. The only way that I can keep them to a bare minimum is to keep my hair stretched after detangling and as it dries.