Single Strand Knots and losing hair


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing that as I comb/detangle my hair esp. at the new growth I get these knots that I end up combing out but hair is attached to it also. Is this normal, am I going to lose all my growth?

Also: I took out some kinky twists extensions this past weekend. Before washing I detangled it as much as I could trying not to break off any hair. I didnt comb to the point where I could just run a comb through my hair from top to bottom without it snatching. Well I washed it later that day. After a failed rollerset I decided to flat iron my hair a little. I only flat ironed about a 4th of it. Well As I'm coming out pieces to flat iron I see that at my roots I still have hair that is twisted and feels like it did when i first took my braids down. Combing it leads to SSKs.

How can I prevent these knots and detangle my roots properly so I don't lose hair
Hi Lauren,

I am going through the same problem as well, getting these knots in my hair and I am 15 weeks post relaxer. I have been tweaking my regimen ever so slightly and see it is helping. I began gradually adding in a co wash weekly, and I also have now implemented finger combing nightly. I am at two co washes, and one shampoo/DC per week. I really feel my hair is more softer and pliable. A big rule of thumb I have learned on these boards is to never comb your hair while dry. I see that doing that helps reduce breakage. Moisture is key when retaining growth. I am also deciding if I want to change that shampoo to a co wash, but I will see as time goes on. HTH.
im having a hard time with ss knots "& losing hair also.. since I began my HHJ i don't think my hair has grown at all.. =( I think its bec I haven't PS'd.. idk =/ im thinking about hiding it until its the length I want. S0 you're not the only 1 OP =)
hey OP:wave:,

i had this happen to me ALL the time when i was transitioning. all i did was simply cut if off because it was getting cut off anyways. but sense your not transitioning i would suggest A LOT of creamy conditioner (on dry hair because wetting tangled hair makes it worse) and first messaging the knots after you let the conditioner sit for a little big with a baggy and sliding your hair out of the knot if that makes sense. so that way youll have the least amount of hair come out. you are going to have a lot of breakage with the knots because ur literally ripping your hair, so if i were you i would just cut it because no one can tell if you cut a few strands and that way you can get some of the damaged hair out of the way without creating new damaged hair.
I can't edit.. but I forgot to add make sure you aren't sleeping in loose hair.. I tend to get lazy "& I think this could be part of the reason.. also I stopped co-washing during the week.. so I'll go back to a co-wash mid week "& a DC on Sundays.