Since there are quite a few threads concerning Indian...


New Member
hair products, the following may have already been posted, but I'll post it anyway and I apologize if it's "familiar" :)

"Soak Amla powder with adequate amount of hot water preferably in an iron vessel. Leave it overnight, and wash your hair in the morning with this extract. Repeat this every 3rd or 4th day. Alternatively prepare a consistent paste with Henna powder or Indigo Powder and apply it on the hair. Leave the paste on for hour allowing the nutrients to absorb and rinse the hair properly afterwards.

Regular usage of Amla powder gives nourishment to the hair. It may also remove mild dandruff from hair scalp while giving body to the hair."

I still haven't gotten to the powders. I'm mired in washing my hair the "western" way... it's hard to break out of it when you have stuff already mixed and ready to go! Ha!

When I do finally get around to this, I plan to boil the water with the Shi and Amla powders, pour it into my heavy-duty plastic spray bottle after it cools some (don't want the bottle melting), shake it up real good and let it sit. I'll spray it on the following morning; put a baggy on allowing it to saturate my hair. Wash out and proceed with my "western" habits :)

I just ordered double oils from the Indian website. This time around I grabbed their jasmine oil which, according to the site, inspires long, lustrous hair.

My hair is looking pretty good, though, just using the oils. There is definitely something to this Indian kick so many of us are on.

Perhaps some of you can share what's happening with your head if you're using the products.

Good thread
After some tweaking thanks to Aiesha! I have this regimen down pat. My hair feels stronger. Because of shrinkage and a major resistance to blow dryers and flat irons- I cant say if I have any growth. The same for my MN challenge - but my hair is definitely stronger!
I guess Ill have to wait till April to see what it yields in terms of growth!
That reminds me- I need to go mix up some MN !!:rolleyes: