Since I found you... pics

epiphany braids

New Member
This is a dedication to all the ladies here on LHCF who take thier time to come on this forum and explain and share the hair regimens, goodies, and the NO NO's about hair!!! Without you ladies I will still be in the hair days of Jan 2009I truly thank you and may your higher power be with you all!!!:rosebud::rosebud:

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Well Thank You My Dear But You owe it to Yourself for even seeking the advice and information, and following through with it! Kudos to You!
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Well Thank You My Dear But You owe it to Yourself for even seeking the advice and information, and following through with it! Kudos to You!

I would agree! being a member still takes work to search to find the answers and ask the question necessary for healthy hair

So be excited that you are proactive in your haircare and are among other women who are a well :)

happy to see your hair thriving!