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Ah many of you know much to my great disappointment and heartache my daughter the end of 2006 relaxed her hair behind my back! what a boooga! But then when I saw her hair was different , she avoided me and brushed me off when I asked her 'What did you do with your hair" untill I finally grilled her and she told me, after the shock I got to the details. Well long story short she got a hold of an old (thank god) Motions relaxer and put it all on her head and went to sleep with it 
when I finally got in her head, I was dang near in tears at what I saw and felt, but with much work I fixed it. She cried in between the major sessions of fixing it! When she realized she might lose her hair and I couldnt guarantee she wouldnt or how much. She regretted it and has since been growing.
Transitioning would be the correct word here. I havent looked much at her hair all this time as the relaxer did thin it out and she really just doesnt want me up in it. She will almost run away to get away from me *The nerve* But ladies tonight I caught her doing her hair and it was all down, freshly done and loose, and I grabbed her and made her let me have a look see
now the relaxed hair is almost to her waist or far past mid back! But thin! but I got to see all that natural hair and its well into her pony tail!
ohhh its so pretty and thick! I'm so happy! I told her I am gettin in that head in the next week or so and doing some good trimming since she has so much natural hair now 
But the funny thing I was thinking, she never said a word about her hair, she just bunned it and I provided the oils and conditioners, and the usual vitamins and she just kept it moving without a word or complaint , she knew what her limitations were and what she couldnt do and what she was trying to get to, and stuck to it! and now we look up and its grown so much! wow! She is almost fully transitioned! simplicity, maybe there really isnt a million answers to find all the time except to just take care of it , give it time and keep it off your mind. Its always worked for me
and now it just worked for her too!
I'm gonna post pics when I get in that head of hers!
ETA: The other thread here! geesh I should of known I wasnt gonna wait to get in that head once I SAW it! Should have waited to start this thread! But here is the other one with pics!
I Swear she has the worse case of hair anorexia I have ever seen. I had to show her how good her hair was doing. She was in tears because I wanted to mess with it *litteraly* She thinks its still doing so bad! Until I forced her to look at what I SEE! So after much begging, pleading , guilt and bribery The trauma is over and she is happy again! Me too! Geesh!
Her 18 month transition successful and without a hitch!
Pre trim/cut Stretched *almost to her waist*

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and another!

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After the trim! Her thick hair is back!!!!

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The hair! BYE BYE!

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ETA: these BEFORE pics, this was the last time I saw her hair out and had a good look at it since she relaxed it 18 months ago, this was after I worked hard to save it and had cut it (notice the top is bone straight it was very weak and hard and over processed &in the other pic her nape was already breaking off)

when I finally got in her head, I was dang near in tears at what I saw and felt, but with much work I fixed it. She cried in between the major sessions of fixing it! When she realized she might lose her hair and I couldnt guarantee she wouldnt or how much. She regretted it and has since been growing.
Transitioning would be the correct word here. I havent looked much at her hair all this time as the relaxer did thin it out and she really just doesnt want me up in it. She will almost run away to get away from me *The nerve* But ladies tonight I caught her doing her hair and it was all down, freshly done and loose, and I grabbed her and made her let me have a look see
now the relaxed hair is almost to her waist or far past mid back! But thin! but I got to see all that natural hair and its well into her pony tail!

But the funny thing I was thinking, she never said a word about her hair, she just bunned it and I provided the oils and conditioners, and the usual vitamins and she just kept it moving without a word or complaint , she knew what her limitations were and what she couldnt do and what she was trying to get to, and stuck to it! and now we look up and its grown so much! wow! She is almost fully transitioned! simplicity, maybe there really isnt a million answers to find all the time except to just take care of it , give it time and keep it off your mind. Its always worked for me

I'm gonna post pics when I get in that head of hers!

ETA: The other thread here! geesh I should of known I wasnt gonna wait to get in that head once I SAW it! Should have waited to start this thread! But here is the other one with pics!
I Swear she has the worse case of hair anorexia I have ever seen. I had to show her how good her hair was doing. She was in tears because I wanted to mess with it *litteraly* She thinks its still doing so bad! Until I forced her to look at what I SEE! So after much begging, pleading , guilt and bribery The trauma is over and she is happy again! Me too! Geesh!
Her 18 month transition successful and without a hitch!

Pre trim/cut Stretched *almost to her waist*

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and another!

Hosted on Fotki
After the trim! Her thick hair is back!!!!

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The hair! BYE BYE!

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ETA: these BEFORE pics, this was the last time I saw her hair out and had a good look at it since she relaxed it 18 months ago, this was after I worked hard to save it and had cut it (notice the top is bone straight it was very weak and hard and over processed &in the other pic her nape was already breaking off)

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