Simple Komplexity's May 2009 Update


New Member
I'm no BSL, WSL, or TBL, but I'm makign progress!! :yay: Thanx to the ladies on LHCF for helping me out when I wanted to give up!! MWAH!! Can yall believe I've been on here for 1.5 years?


I never know how long my hair is because I wear it really curly so it's like neck/shoulder length. I usually wear it like this:


I have some raggedly ends that i gotta get rid of. You can see them better here:

I took this pic last week, but it was with my bunched up new growth lol. I straightened my roots a little with the flat iron.... (I wish someone would break that thing so I would stay away from it) and took these pics in the green shirt just to make sure of my length. :giggle: I'm 6 weeks post with about 8 more weeks to go YAY!

SK Honey You Look Absolutely Fabulous Da-ling! :gorgeous:

Okay Now --- Put that Flat Iron Down!:badgirl:

Looking good keep up the good work, How did you do the curly look I like it.

LOL The flat iron is my friend!! ...NOT! I prolly would have retained a lot mroe fi I didn't use the flat iron when I am in a hurry. I'm tryna ween myself off now. If I would do my hair in advance and keep it up, I wouldn't have this problem so I'ma try to get back into the habit of rollersetting every other day

Lexie, I rollerset my hair with the green kinda small rollers. The key is to use little and clean parts. I used about 25-30 rollers. In the front for the bangs I rolled it as you would do spiral curls . Instead of taking the rollers out and wrapping my hair, I let it naturally fall. I seperated the curls with my hands and a little olive oil for shine. By the 3rd day it will look like a rollerset, but the first few days it's just tight curls.
LOL The flat iron is my friend!! ...NOT! I prolly would have retained a lot mroe fi I didn't use the flat iron when I am in a hurry. I'm tryna ween myself off now. If I would do my hair in advance and keep it up, I wouldn't have this problem so I'ma try to get back into the habit of rollersetting every other day

Girl, Im Lovin' It ! You are Workin' that Hair Over One-Eye Thang:lachen: Go 'head wid your Bad Self. p.s. Give Up the F.I. (at least for a while).:yep: