Simple Komplexity's May 2009 Update

you are doing great, SK!!! and leave them ends alone until you get closer to where you wanna be! don't be cutting off all your progress!!!
you are doing great, SK!!! and leave them ends alone until you get closer to where you wanna be! don't be cutting off all your progress!!!

You know I was really thinking about going to the shop and letting her even me up. Then My mom told me my hair has really gotten longer. I was like :rolleyes:. I took the pic and I was like WAH :blush:. I said I was getting a trim in July before school, but I have probably lied. I know as soon as I get a "trim" I'll be back to shoulder length. I'll prolly wait til BSL now cuz I wear my hair in curls everyday so it's not that noticeable. I'll just baby them and get a trim by December.
You know I was really thinking about going to the shop and letting her even me up. Then My mom told me my hair has really gotten longer. I was like :rolleyes:. I took the pic and I was like WAH :blush:. I said I was getting a trim in July before school, but I have probably lied. I know as soon as I get a "trim" I'll be back to shoulder length. I'll prolly wait til BSL now cuz I wear my hair in curls everyday so it's not that noticeable. I'll just baby them and get a trim by December.

exactly! i make that mistake often....grow a little bit and then cut "some" dh told me you grow 4" and cut off 3 - you'll never get to your goal doing that! (plus he's ready for me to get there already :lol:)

keep it up, girly!
I'm so happy for all your progress, I remember some of your earlier posts, and if I'm not mistaken you had some doubters in your life, well your hair has grown alot! Keep on growing!