Silk2 Distributor/Salon


Happy Thanksgiving Ladies,

Do any of you know of a Silk2 distributor in the Atlanta area? I was fortunate enough to get a Silk2 relaxer followed up with the deep conditioner and it was unbelievable!!!!

I asked my stylist where I could get a jar from but she didn't want to tell me where she got it from. *****! I won't be going back to her. I know that I can order it online but after I received the conditioner I was like a junkie and I need immediate access to it and waiting on the postal service just won't do. I just gotta have it!!!

Can y'all please help a sistah out???
Bumping! The distributors here in Cali say it's not a popular used relaxer/product line which I can't understand cause it's AWESOME. Have you tried contacting Reneice about maybe getting it from her? :scratchch
VWVixxen said:
Bumping! The distributors here in Cali say it's not a popular used relaxer/product line which I can't understand cause it's AWESOME. Have you tried contacting Reneice about maybe getting it from her? :scratchch

I was going to suggest the same thing regarding the conditioner, but I don't think she will sell you the relaxer. I was reading through her fotki page and I believe someone asked about the relaxer. Most stylists that I know will only get the maintainence products for you. Some won't even do that because they want you to come back to them for a wash/conditioner/style.
nikki1971 said:
I was going to suggest the same thing regarding the conditioner, but I don't think she will sell you the relaxer. I was reading through her fotki page and I believe someone asked about the relaxer. Most stylists that I know will only get the maintainence products for you. Some won't even do that because they want you to come back to them for a wash/conditioner/style.

I have found this to be true also, I just throught I'd throw it out there. I'll check around here and see if I can find anything out.
VWVixxen said:
I have found this to be true also, I just throught I'd throw it out there. I'll check around here and see if I can find anything out.

Yeah... I find that alot of stylist don't realize that we can get some of these professional products and salon equipment online. I was checking out a new flatiron my stylist had purchased a few years ago and she smugly states well this iron cost me $100.00, its profesional and you would not be able to buy anything like this. Well, I quickly asked her had she ever heard of the internet because I had been ordering professional appliances and products for several years and I already had a similiar flatiron and dryer at home that cost more, plus some of these "professional products" she used. You should have seen the look on her face :lachen: she was like :eek: It was too funny.
VWVixxen said:
Bumping! The distributors here in Cali say it's not a popular used relaxer/product line which I can't understand cause it's AWESOME. Have you tried contacting Reneice about maybe getting it from her? :scratchch

ITA. I hear this all the time but it would be popular if they would make it easily available then we would buy the hell out it. I would...
well it probably will soon or later be marketed so that we can buy it....just think how Affirm, Design, Mizani all the professional relaxers were..and now we can get our hands on them online or at a BSS...the only one i can also think of that we cant get a hold of is Dudleys...but i dont know to many people that use Dudleys relaxer...
You can get Dudley's here now, at the BSS, but i don't know, many pple that still use it in my circle of friends, I remember when Dudleys, Sebastians, Paul mitchelle were a have to have here, and you couldn't get them in the BSS neither. Well now we can, :grin:
bluediamond0829 said:
well it probably will soon or later be marketed so that we can buy it....just think how Affirm, Design, Mizani all the professional relaxers were..and now we can get our hands on them online or at a BSS...the only one i can also think of that we cant get a hold of is Dudleys...but i dont know to many people that use Dudleys relaxer...

I was able to contact the company directly. They are based here in Atlanta and was very helpful. Their website isn't up yet but if you call them they are willing to assist. Ms. Lois, 404-761-4699, ext. 104 or any of them would be able to get you what you need minus a relaxer unless you're a licensed cosmetologist.

If you spend more than $50, they'll ship your package free.
Actually, I talked to my stylist about this and alot of them do know that the professional stuff is available online or at a bss BUT he told me those products are not to be sold at regular beauty supply stores. He told me that he would never sell a relaxer to a client because if something happens, he did not want to have anything to do with it. He said some of the products are diverted. So yeah, you may find it elsewhere but the company won't guarantee it if something bad happens to your hair.

I saw a special on the new a few months back about the pro products they sell at grocery stores and CVS, etc. They said some of the products are not even the real thing sometimes.

nikki1971 said:
Yeah... I find that alot of stylist don't realize that we can get some of these professional products and salon equipment online. I was checking out a new flatiron my stylist had purchased a few years ago and she smugly states well this iron cost me $100.00, its profesional and you would not be able to buy anything like this. Well, I quickly asked her had she ever heard of the internet because I had been ordering professional appliances and products for several years and I already had a similiar flatiron and dryer at home that cost more, plus some of these "professional products" she used. You should have seen the look on her face :lachen: she was like :eek: It was too funny.