Silk/satin: Damp Hair


Well-Known Member
Forgive me if this has been asked before but I did a search and couldn't find anything. Has anyone else dealt with my type of situation. If so, how did you resolve it?

I've gone back to sleeping on cotton pillowcases because wrapping my hair in a satin or silk scarf just isn't working. I've also tried using satin or silk pillowcases and that's a no go also. The problem is that it causes me to sweat like crazy and I end up waking up to damp hair.
I can't help but wonder if the materials used are actually "Polyester". Often the stuff is labled "satin"; but in fact it is polyester or some other material with a "satin finish". NOT THE SAME!!!! (for the life of me I don't know how they legally get away with it)

Polyester makes me sweat more than other fabrics and I can't stand the smell, so I try to avoid it.

With that said, check the fabric's label and ensure it is actually Satin, or in the very least not less than 50% of a Satin blend. AND BE WARE of phony packaging claims.
I can't help but wonder if the materials used are actually "Polyester". Often the stuff is labled "satin"; but in fact it is polyester or some other material with a "satin finish". NOT THE SAME!!!! (for the life of me I don't know how they legally get away with it)

Polyester makes me sweat more than other fabrics and I can't stand the smell, so I try to avoid it.

With that said, check the fabric's label and ensure it is actually Satin, or in the very least not less than 50% of a Satin blend. AND BE WARE of phony packaging claims.
I agree. They aren't satin. Try Targets brand. They have one that is a satin finish but without the sweat factor and its only about $4.

Also consider getting a cooling pillow. I picked up one from Steinmart for about $14 and it has helped tremendously.