Silk Protein Users - Powder or Liquid ???


Well-Known Member
I would like to get some Silk Protein,

Would you recommend powder or liquid??

Some info on the powder below:

Silk Protein Powder (Superfine)

INCI: Silk Protein Powder

This Superfine Silk Powder is produced from the highest quality silk using sophisticated technology in order to retain it's chemical properties, and is made up of 100% fibroin, which contains 18 kinds of amino acids and trace elements essential to the human body. This Silk Powder is 5 microns in size.

Silk Powder serves as an ideal protein enricher for high quality cosmetics and can be used in a wide range of cosmetic applications.

Silk Powder helps to maintain moisture levels in the skin, prevent dryness and the crystalline structure reflects UV radiation. Silk powder also has anti-bacterial properties and in hair care products will improve luminance and elastic behavior.

This silk powder is oil and water soluble and incorporates easily into the oil and water phases of formulations.
Usage Rate is between 2-5%. Silk Powder can be used in a wide variety of products such as shampoo, conditioner, hair treatment, body wash, body lotion, cleaner, toner, makeup foundation, lipstick, mascara, color cosmetics.
I use the liquid from I haven't used the powder. Liquid seems easier to me. I love silk protein. I put it in everything now even my Henna!
How much do you put in your leave in condish and your DCs? Is it like drops per bottle or teaspoon full?

I think it will be good for me to use especially when I start using heat. I'm thinking it will good to put into my leave in before I use my SMB before I straighten my natural hair.

I have LTR leave-in which has silk protein in it, I can use that until I get some silk protein.
i say go with the powder. I have used both and while the silk in liquid form works just as well the smell from the lotioncrafters one is gross and not one you would want lingering in your hair. It is very hard to cover up and stinks through in formulations. AVOID!
How much do you put in your leave in condish and your DCs? Is it like drops per bottle or teaspoon full?

I think it will be good for me to use especially when I start using heat. I'm thinking it will good to put into my leave in before I use my SMB before I straighten my natural hair.

I have LTR leave-in which has silk protein in it, I can use that until I get some silk protein.

I always put oils and stuff in my DCs anyway so I just put a capful of silk protein in my DCs in there while I'm at it. It's perfect for straightening with heat because it will help protect your hair inside and outside. Also if you haven't tried Chi Silk Infusion it has silk aminos in it and it makes the hair lovely!!! :yep::yep::yep::yep::yep::yep:

And one more thing...I learned from Sareca to put a few drops in my mascara and my lashes are so lush girl....
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