Silk Elements Disappointment


New Member
I self relaxed with silk elements (for coarse hair) on thanksgiving. It is seriously under proceessed (about 70%). Then I tried to roll it up with a snap on roller and it got stuck in my hair. I had to have help to get it out. I don’t know what it is about my hair, it is thick and kinky and coarse NO relaxer applied with or without a professional can seem to get is straighter without damage. I’ll wait and do a corrective. My hair is strong and it is easier to part my hair but I would like it a little straighter. For now I will keep it conditioned and moisturized and in a bun. I am TOTALLY leaving snap on rollers alone.
Sorry it didnt work for you.
I havent tried silk elements yet. After waiting for my excitment to die down after reading people's positive reviews, I've decided to just stick with profective for now.