*Sighs heavily* Could it be a case of scalp infection?


New Member
So I have a case of persistent itching for months now.I thought my hair was dirty so I would wash it. I thought it might be too dry but I moisturize nightly. I went on a trip out of state and wore a wig for a couple of weeks. Initially everything was fine but then it was like ants crawling up and down my scalp. I could not rest for the itching. I bought Dr. Miracles oil and it worked somewhat. True relief came after ditching the brand new wig that looked like it weathered a storm after I was done with it.

The itching hasn't stopped completely. One day while I was scratching I felt what seemed to be little bumps in the back where the itching is persistent. I tried finding something on the board that would help me out but haven't been successful. The idea recently popped up that this might be a scalp infection ( like ringworm). I have tried everything from tea tree oil to cowashing every couple of days. Can someone help? I've heard solutions such as hydrogen peroxide.Has ANYONE been through this?
have you tried t-gel shampoo? I had something similar happen to me so i washed with t-gel one day, then cowashed daily for a week with aussie moist and worn wash and go's after ditching my lace front. My scalp showed noticable improvement after three days and the itching finally went away. Don't know if this will work for you but hope it helps anyway......
I haven't tried T-gel. Is it for S.D?

At the time I hadn't switched products. I'm fairly basic with coconut oil, ORS, and HE conditioners. I actually used baking soda and it is supposed to be antifungal. I won't try that again. It didn't work and I hate the smell. Anyne tried pinetar shampoos or hairdresses for this?
I had the same thing happen 3 weeks ago. It was like i could find anything to kill the itching and i had little bumps were the itching came from. What happen i was using the shea butter oil mixture that was purchase. Come to find out i was allergic to some in the product. I washed my scalp real good and i decided to use some mn mixwith tea tree oil in the itching went away... would of never thought mn would help with the itching.
Yea I've been through it. It happens still if I don't use human hair wigs. Try tea tree oil and coconut oil I don't think it's a scalp infection but the bumps do make me wonder I didn't have those. I ended up having dermatitis but it's controlled
I had this issue for a while.

I started washing my hair more often with sulfate-free shampoo with Tea tree oil in it. Also I started doing ACV rinses.

So far this seems to be keeping my problems under control.
for shampoo try dessert essence therapeutic tea tree shampoo or chagrin valley tea tree. Both of those handle my s.d.
I tried pine tar hairdress by bb it didn't do anything but make my hands messy and my hair smell like tar. If you want a hair dress try darcys scalp pomade or qhemet's teatree and grapeseed here's a good video review on it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ynQrwFyyL0
she has other good vids too although she has locks she has scalp issues but has found good solutions

I haven't tried T-gel. Is it for S.D?

At the time I hadn't switched products. I'm fairly basic with coconut oil, ORS, and HE conditioners. I actually used baking soda and it is supposed to be antifungal. I won't try that again. It didn't work and I hate the smell. Anyne tried pinetar shampoos or hairdresses for this?
i'm with the other ladies... ACV rinse would help (massage on scalp daily), LEMON JUICE, anything acidic on the scalp lowers pH.... bacteria can not live in this environment
i'm laughing b/c i'm I thought I was the only person in the world Dr. Miracle products helped with itching

tea trea oil with MN sounds great! will try... i add it to everything else anyway


by the way.... peppermint oil won't cure it... but it dayuuum shol' relieves it immediately

(i'm currently working on reproducing a dr. miracle product without the freakin TOXINS!!!)
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Does your shampoo contain sulfates? I found that a lot of my scalp issues (flaking, itching, big crusty scales :barf:) disappeared when i switched to a sulfate-free poo :yep:
i'm with the other ladies... ACV rinse would help (massage on scalp daily), LEMON JUICE, anything acidic on the scalp lowers pH.... bacteria can not live in this environment
i'm laughing b/c i'm I thought I was the only person in the world Dr. Miracle products helped with itching

tea trea oil with MN sounds great! will try... i add it to everything else anyway


It worked like a charm. i applied it 3 days straight and my scalp was back to normal.
It is for SD and so is Nizoral shampoo both of which can be bought at your local walgreens or rite aid stores.

I haven't tried T-gel. Is it for S.D?

At the time I hadn't switched products. I'm fairly basic with coconut oil, ORS, and HE conditioners. I actually used baking soda and it is supposed to be antifungal. I won't try that again. It didn't work and I hate the smell. Anyne tried pinetar shampoos or hairdresses for this?
I also noticed highly-scented products such as shampoo and conditioner can be the cause. I used to use HE LTR, as much as I loved it I had to put it down it made my scalp itch furiously all of sudden and it wouldnt stop.

I changed products after that of course.
This happened to me before, and it took me a few times to realize it, but I started using a new brand of synthetic hair to put my braids in. It was cute for a while, but after a few days I would get bumps on my scalp and they would itch soo bad. My hair started falling out too. Unfortunately for me in this case, I'm the type that doesn't jump to conclusions so i tried the same kind of hair again later and the same thing happened.
Maybe you are allergic to the wig? I don't know...
Go to the doctor. In the meantime, you may want to try Listerine (original) on your scalp. Wait awhile and follow up with coconut oil. They are both anti-fungals.
Honestly, I wouldn't do anything else until you see a doctor. All of these suggestions, while well-intended, may exacerbate the problem if it really is an infection of some sort.