.:: **Sigh**....as much as i've been avoiding it::.


New Member
Ladies, tell me the truth.......it's time for a SERIOUS trim isn't it?
Below is a snap shot I took of my hair up against a white backdrop (napkin)
I've have been wanting a good trim for the longest...but i'm scared to death to let my old stylist do it........
I'm seriously considering investing in a split-ender.
I don't know...I just feel that at this point...my splits are way beyond the little split ender's capacity.....
You ladies mind helping me out with assorting the damage?
How much do you all suggest I take off?

This is how much I was thinking

What do you think ladies?
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I think where you put the line is good.

I dont see splits, I do however see ends that are weathered. Where you want to cut, is it a bit difficult to comb?
Don't cut so much just dust the ends :)

and in a week or so if you still want give it another dusting.
I think where you put the line is good.

I dont see splits, I do however see ends that are weathered. Where you want to cut, is it a bit difficult to comb?

@ The Bolded: *whew* at least it's not as bad as I expected it was :look:
And actually the ends are pretty easy to comb...but I do think they're pretty weathered like you said :yep:.....I will make sure they're touched up at the time of my next relaxer next month.
You think a split-ender could take care of those pretty well?

i agree with what the others ladies say but if you are worried about your old stylist do it yourself and dust a little bit off...
I think that you should trim where you suggested. I don't see lots of splits just normal wear and tear. You can start the year out with a good trim and then just dust for the rest of the year. HTH
i dont see splits...u dont need to cut that much off...maybe just an inch. but like jjamiah said, dust first and see how u feel.

i cut that much off last year and regretted it so bad
Trimming is so scary! I'm due soon too:(
I agree with the others, dust a bit then see.

At least that way you wont regret cutting too much!
i dont see splits...u dont need to cut that much off...maybe just an inch. but like jjamiah said, dust first and see how u feel.

i cut that much off last year and regretted it so bad

@The bolded :blush:...thanks for the heads up, Allicat!
Was it your first self-trim?

@The bolded :blush:...thanks for the heads up, Allicat!
Was it your first self-trim?
Yeah it was my first self-trim. don't get me wrong, my ends were fabulous and I did the trim really well. But looking back i didn't need to cut that much off. I just wanted my ends to be pretty :ohwell:
Thanks for the input ladies...I thought it was wayyyy worse than what it is...lol

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@Naturallisa: Thanks for the hug chicka :) :bighug: back at ya!

@JusticeFighter: Amen to that! I'd trust these women over my stylist ANYDAY!
I just wish half of the ladies on here lived closer to my way...than I'd get THEM to "dust" me up :)

Now for my next question...Anyone know of any good dusting YT tutorials for 4b relaxed heads? :look: