Request Siggy Pics size


Well-Known Member
Some members siggy pics are ridiculously big which is distracting,shouldnt there be a limit in what size pics you can put on your siggy ?Its pretty annoying ...especially when same member post more than once and takes the whole page with the pic ..:look:
Kindheart, I do remember Nikos setting a limit. Not sure if that's changed...or how they're able to get away with it. I do know everyone who had a large siggy just had it go poof, and the explanation back then was it was too big. Which is why I have kept my li'l afro chick forever coz I know she fits the specs. Plus she's cute...and every now and then she has length progress before a setback puts her back to the 'fro she had. This was she after a growth spurt:
...but a SHS said she has split ends so she's back to a perfect Bernie Mac afro. :grin:
Co-sign. I usually report the offending members but I haven't spent much time on the board lately. It is VERY distracting.