SIDE EFFECTS puritans pride


New Member
Hi, I have been lurking for a while now, and saw that everyone raved for puritan's pride megavitamins. I began taking them this past weekend, and I noticed change in urine color. I read this was simply the body excreting extra vitamins B2. I have been takin 5(as I have seen recommended)a day, and was wondering if anyone has noticed any other adverse effects. Me being paranoid with pills like I am do not wanna start attributing changes in how i feel to the pills & stop taking them. Thanks for ur help you guys!
okay i looked back some, and i see weight gain , some bloating--but that was in one person. No other side effects, I guess?
All B vitamins will give you bloating and weight gain. B vits cause increased appetite.

I'm slowly weaning myself off of them because I've gained so much weight that my brother's friend and a woman from church had to remind me.
That's exactly correct. It is your body excreting the extra vitamins and yes they will make you gain weight because of increased appetite.
mee, please don't be totally discouraged by an increased appetite. I have noticed that as well but have curbed my appetite by always having water and carrots or apples on hand. HEALTHY snacking is okay and actually helps with weight loss by increasing your metabolism. Also, depending upon your ultimate goals (hair+overall health, etc.) you may choose to incorporate daily exercise into your daily regimine.

I say all that to say, I'd hate to see you forego the benefits of vitamin supplementation because of something manageable. Just my .02 cents. HTH
I have to agree with Tracy21 here.....

I disagree that taking B's WILL necessarily cause weight gain. I've also heard that B's help the body to metabolize the food you eat - perhaps that's what the appetite increase is about as well. More importantly though, my take is you don't HAVE to respond to an increase in appetite by eating. I don't. It's the EATING after all that causes the increase in weight, not the appetite itself.
If you must have something you could always choose healthy lo cal snacks that won't promote weight gain.

In addition, I wouldn't characterize the change in urine color as "adverse". The change in urine color is just the body excreting what your body doesn't need and therefore doesn't absorb.....

So it's a natural and not unhealthy biological response...just my $.02.
HEALTHY snacking is okay and actually helps with weight loss by increasing your metabolism. I say all that to say, I'd hate to see you forego the benefits of vitamin supplementation because of something manageable.

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More importantly though, my take is you don't HAVE to respond to an increase in appetite by eating. It's the EATING after all that causes the increase in weight, not the appetite itself.

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Hmmm thanks for the responses...good to know this stuff. I have been noticing this hunger thats all the side effects, increased appetite, for 5 PP pills a day,right??
I still may lower my dosage back down to 3 than gradually increase...