SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! He's going to the Navy!


Well-Known Member
Ok yall. Remember me and my horrible relationship? In a nutshell, I was in a toxic relationship for 3 years. I couldn't leave eventhough I wanted/needed to. After about of year of fighting...I completed a 7 day fast ...and BAM! It wasn't immediate, but God broke the yoke :) I left. I'm single, happy and focused. Sometime passes on and I'm in another relationship. PLEASE don't ask me how it happened. I'm still trying to figure it out.

Fast forward >>> Everything I used to cry and stress about that I lacked in my last relationship...this man is times 10. I still can't believe it. So we have a serious sit down and he's telling me he wants to go to the Navy :cry: WTH?!?!?!? I dated someone in the airforce about 5 years ago. I hated it and vowed I would never date anyone else in the service again. It just wasn't me. I am with another fight. Damn, can I have a break? I think I deserve one! Anybody have a SO or spouse in the service? How do you all survive?