Shoulder to APL in four months....ladies it IS POSSIBLE! **PICS**

Baggying AND DC0ing EVERY OTHER DAY? Dang you're good. If I did that I could probably reach APL too... *The urge to go to Sallys is even stronger now..*
I commend you on your excellent progress...and DILIGENCE! I just can't bring myself to "deal" with my hair more than once/week. :ohwell:

Keep up the great work!
Thanx a lot for this post Lexi84!
I have a question about baggying!
Do you plait your hair and then baggy or just leave it out and baggy.
I used to have my hair in plaits all the time but I'm not sure if its really necessary.
I baggy every night. Do you still baggy every other night?

OK, that was two questions.

Girl your hair look good and 4 months that impressive. Imagine your hair in another 4 months. Im only DC once a week, i guess i need to step it up.
that's good for ya! folk think i'm crazy when i say the sl-apl transition really isn't that hard!
Baggying AND DC0ing EVERY OTHER DAY? Dang you're good. If I did that I could probably reach APL too... *The urge to go to Sallys is even stronger now..*

LOL, resist the urge....:lachen:

But I must have typed that wrong. I meant to say I was baggying every day and deep conditioning every other day. Both of those combined did some awesome things for my hair and allowed me to gain maximum retention.:grin:

Thanx a lot for this post Lexi84!
I have a question about baggying!
Do you plait your hair and then baggy or just leave it out and baggy.
I used to have my hair in plaits all the time but I'm not sure if its really necessary.
I baggy every night. Do you still baggy every other night?

OK, that was two questions.



No I dont plait my hair first I just slather it with moisturizer (ORS olive oil or Profectiv healthy ends) and put the baggy over my ends. I dont think the braiding in necessary unless you're trying to accomplish some kind of style by having it braided.

In my OP I should have said I was baggying every day and deep conditioning every other day. So baggying was an everyday thing. And no I dont baggy every night anymore, I have a SO now and that bag going cruchity crunch in the middle of the night is a little disturbing for both of us. :lachen:
great progress:grin:. I was apl yesterday but last night i asked my licensed friend to trim my hair and now i'm at your starting point:ohwell:... seeing your progress is comforting, i think mine could grow back in 4 months... we'll see:look:
Thanks for showing so many pics of the various stages. It helps a lot to see those. I've been bad. Enjoying wearing mine down a lil too much too. I'm going back to protective styling tonight. I can't loose sight of my goals.
I hope to be brastrap in four months, I am going to see if I can start making little changes. I am grazing ARMPIT but won't post until January hopefully I will actually be there and can claim it then on towards Brastrap in four months. we will see.
on by the way congrats on your great growth, very very encouraging. Your hair looks thick and very healthy. Great Job.
Girl I needed to see this! WOW that great and my goal so I' going to do just what you suggested and hopefully be there in 4 months!:grin:
Your hair is beautiful, obvoiusly very healthy. Excellent job.

I was just looking for retention help (searching forums) and there you were. You already answered some of my questions as to why I got my hair so long, and then started losing length (breaking ends). I was neglecting it after getting to 11 inches and on and on. Now I know the first part of my regimine to get back to keeping my length is the same as what you just did.
You have inspired me!!! Thanks for providing a visual and a lesson all in one.
I hope you have continued growth. I look forward to your BSL pics!!