Shoulder to APL in four months....ladies it IS POSSIBLE! **PICS**

Hmmm im thinking i should definately start deep conditioning more than once a week.

Thanks for sharing that is inspiring and your hair sure looks gooood.
It definitely works! Hiding my hair got my from SL to APL in about 5 months, but I cut it the other day because my ends were jacked up when I started and it was time to let them go. So now I'm back to hiding my hair 90% of the time. Congrats!!
Great progress! Congrats!!! Your hair is beautiful, it looks so bouncy
Good job. We can all use the advice you postd no matter what your hair goal is. Thanks for the motivation.
thanks for all the kind words. I'm sorry I didnt get in here sooner to say thank you, yesterday got crazy right after I posted this. :ohwell:

Some of you asked what my regimen was and here it is (copied and pasted from my fotki):

I have very thick and kinky 4b hair. I relax every 10-12 weeks with Affirm regular lye.

My regimen as of July 10, 2008:

I wash my hair once per week and co-wash in between. I mainly co-wash because I work out and I need to rinse the sweat out of my hair every day. I co-wash with Pantene R&L. Every other week/shampoo day, I pre-poo with Mane and Tail Conditioner or Aphogee 2 min Reconstructor. I shampoo with Cream of Nature (green label...currently in search of a replacement since they discontinued this product). I deep condition with ORS Replinishing conditioner mixed with Roux's Porosity Control. I usually leave this on for 30 minutes to 1 hour. I love how this stuff detangles and my ends have never been silkier. After I wash or co-wash, 99% of the time I airdry. First I apply ORS olive oil moisturizer to my ends then seal with jojoba oil. No I dont use Leave-in. I let my hair air dry loose. My hair always dries straight and I never have problems with tangles after its dry. Before I go to sleep, I gather my hair in a loose bun and scarf it. When I wake up in the morning I use ORS foaming wrap to gently smooth my hair into a bun. I again apply my ORS olive oil moisturizer and jojoba oil to my ends and style for a doughnut bun or Profectiv healthy ends and wrap my hair around itself then pin it down. The scrunchie I use to secure my hair is always wet so that my ends dont dry out throughout the day. And thats pretty much it. I dont comb my hair unnecesarily during the week unless I'm rinsing because of my workouts. And thats it!
o love your thickness and layers, I just think you have a little bit more to go b4 u get to full APL

Yea, I know:sad: I know I'm not full APL, but I'm still gonna claim APL since my "tail" is there. Alot of my hair isnt there, but my next goal is full APL so I wonder how quickly I can get there. :grin:

Congrats, what king of DC do you do? Moisture DC or Protien DC? I really need a good moisture DC. My favorite was always ORS.

LOL! Thats mostly what I use. Sometimes I use Pantene R&N moisturizing condish, but thats just when I wanna switch it up a bit.:drunk:
Gorgeous hair.. I love the thickness.. You are my new inspiration lol...

How tall are you Lexi? I'm 5'6.5 I wonder if I can make APL in 4 months....hmmmm
Gorgeous hair.. I love the thickness.. You are my new inspiration lol...

How tall are you Lexi? I'm 5'6.5 I wonder if I can make APL in 4 months....hmmmm

Hey girl, I'm only an inch shorter than you are. 5'5.5. You can do it!!!!:grin:
Okay so I'm on the HYH challenge, but I felt the need to go ahead and post this as an inspiration to my shoulder length girls who are struggling.

Back in 2005 I embarked on my hair journey with damaged neck length hair. I went from there to APL in about a year with constant baggying and deep conditioning every other day throughout the summer. Here are the pics of that progress:

After reaching APL I thought I was all that...shooo, you couldnt tell me NOTHIN'!!! :lachen: Sooooo, I started blow drying and wearing my hair down ALL THE TIME no buns, no deep conditioning, no daily moisture. I was in full neglect mode just tryin to be cute, well this was the result by July 08:


Stopped me dead in my tracks when I saw that mess. Aint nothin cute about damaged, dry, breaking, thinning hair. :burning: My hair looked like dookey so I got back in full nurture mode again....boring but necessary.:yawn: After four months of bunning, deep conditioning and all around TLC, here is the end result:


I'm back at APL, but this time I did it in 4 months. Although not my ultimate goal, I am pleased I was able to recover from my negligence in such a short amount of time.:yep:

So to all you ladies out there who think APL is nearly impossible....ITS NOT!! Just keep trying with thorough deep conditioning, daily moisturizing and hiding those ends! I guarantee you'll see APL once your remain consistent with your regimen.

Happy growin' :bighug: I hope someone finds this to be useful. :yep:

Yeh I needed the reassurance. Sometimes I feel as though my hair will never grow past neck length or shoulder length. But I guess if I consistently provide it with moisture and protection and DCs it will grow..I'm ready to grow!! :yep:
Nice job. I am getting closer to APL. I need to hide my hair for another two months I should be there. I noticed a lot of growth when I was wearing my wigs.
Nice job. I am getting closer to APL. I need to hide my hair for another two months I should be there. I noticed a lot of growth when I was wearing my wigs.

Me too CG. I wore half wigs from Aug-Nov and my hair really grew in nicely, especially my problem area: my nape. I didn't even really take care of my hair underneath the wig and I still managed to make a little progress. I wonder if I do that again, but be more consistent with washing, dc'ing, etc. would I get even better results? OR does my hair just like to be left alone? :perplexed I'd hate to have a set-back now. :nono: Decisions...decisions....
Me too CG. I wore half wigs from Aug-Nov and my hair really grew in nicely, especially my problem area: my nape. I didn't even really take care of my hair underneath the wig and I still managed to make a little progress. I wonder if I do that again, but be more consistent with washing, dc'ing, etc. would I get even better results? OR does my hair just like to be left alone? :perplexed I'd hate to have a set-back now. :nono: Decisions...decisions....

You should definitely be moisturizing and deep conditioning your hair in addition to leaving it alone. You hair will be DOUBLY (<---- is that a word?) grateful!:grin:
Me too CG. I wore half wigs from Aug-Nov and my hair really grew in nicely, especially my problem area: my nape. I didn't even really take care of my hair underneath the wig and I still managed to make a little progress. I wonder if I do that again, but be more consistent with washing, dc'ing, etc. would I get even better results? OR does my hair just like to be left alone? :perplexed I'd hate to have a set-back now. :nono: Decisions...decisions....

funny, we had the same time frame for wearing wigs. I feel that my hair thrived from being left alone. I had the wig sewn into cornrows. I kept the hair sprayed with castor oil and braid sheen. I plan on getting braids in December. I love the freedom of still looking put together after a workout. Working out with my straighten hair is not cutting it.