Shoulder-Length Support Group Check-In

Im very unhappy with my hair right now....It has been almost shoulder length all year. I dont have a regime because my old one wasnt working. I co wash my hair once a week and thats about it. I just cut a little more than an inch because of frizzy ends and I am hoping to be shoulder length by sept. If Im not then I will just cut my hair short and go natural.. I know those are 2 completely opposite things but thats my decision.
webby said:
The crown, can be the hardest part to catch up if you are going for a blunt cut, because you either have to do frequent trims, to allow the crown to catch up (this also prevents losing length due to split ends) OR, you have to wait until the hair has grown out all over and do a big chop, making it all even.

If the back of your hair is shoulder length, you are still considered "shoulder length" ya know?

This is just so frustrating! I mean, yes, the back is shoulder-length, but that means that only about 20 percent of the hair on my head is shoulder-length. So I can't claim the title yet without feeling like I am cheating.


I'll never cut my hair bluntly, because I wouldn't want to lose length. I guess I'll always have natural layers.
I'm slowly getting some length... I'm going to start cw's to get some growth going I hope....
I'm taking some vitamins and trying M-T-G....
Happy Healthy Hair growing...:lachen:
So far so good. Can't complain. My shedding has slowed whether its from the MTG or slowing down on the protein I can't say but I was losing alot of hair in pt holders everyday. I've since had relaxer and I am 5 weeks post now. Still bunning it :)
I would like to join the support group!! I am a layered hair sister with my bottom layer at shoulders the shortest layer at my nose!! My goal for this year is for my longest layer to be at armpit by my birthday Dec. 19!!
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