Shoulder-Length Support Group Check-In


New Member
Okay, ladies. It is time to do our monthly status reports on our progress towards shoulder-length hair. We're actually supposed to check in on the 15th of each month, so we are a little late.

Anyway, I am now actually at shoulder-length n the rear, but only if totally stretched. With the hair in the crown of my head, it stops near the tops of my ears, so I have about six inches to go in that area. The hair that starts immediately above my ears is past chin-length, and in the front it goes to the bottom of my top lip.

So I have about 3-4 inches to go on the sides, 6 inches to go from the crown area and 3-4 to go in the front.

How about everyone else?
Well, I signed on for the support group to grow out my layers but I'm not really measuring. I'm already there in the back, but I have so much shrinkage at this point my sides look shorter than they did when we started. I'm due for a touch up soon, so I'll be able to post in the next check in.

:weird: We can do it ladies! Keep it growing!
My hair is currently braided up. I take my braids down on April 13th. I will check in with a progress pick at that time. Good luck everyone. HHG:)
I am still on the challenge, I reached my first 3 months milestone about 2 weeks ago. For some reason although I am still treating my hair well, I dont worry about it as much. But I am not breaking at all and its in good very condition. So i should be on track. I am currently a few inches longer than the bass of my neck.

Hello Ladies,

Well I am fairly new to the board and would like to join in on the "Shouder-Length Challenge". Currently my hair is about 6 inches all over and I have a really good length for growth and I wear my hair natural. My goals are to grow my hair as long as it will grow and maintain and achieve a healthy coif. :)
I'm still on track. Currently 8.5 weeks post relaxer, I planned to get a texturizer this week, but I may put it off in order to see just how far I can go. The back is bottom of neck dry but it does seem a tad longer, my main concerns are my crown.....that area is very broke off...maybe 4 inches and the sides are chin length or a tad longer. Haven't been able to see the growth just yet b/c I haven't relaxed but I know its there. :)
well....I have had mixed results this month. I was doing well with strectching my relaxer - 11 weeks - washing and conditioning regularly -and doing the baggie thing, taking vitamins religiously. I decided to try Phytorelaxer, and actually found it at a BSS here in the city. Long story short, after following directions, my hair has almost the same amount of new growth, but now its dry and the texture feels weird.

I retained alot of new growth, but am afraid I will have to sacrifice that because of this incident. I may have to switch to braids to save some hair! I will say, that after showering out the conditioner, I came out the shower and jumped because I felt something on my shoulder - it was my hair!!!! The sides - which were shoulder length anyway - have grown ALOT. The nape hasnt grown at all however, so I am still with the inverted V in the back.
hair is growing, still the same in terms of measurements- i had a trim on friday and lightened my hair for the summer. Currently added shapley's mtg to my regimine-9 days ago and shealoe butter. I decided to alternate between the two daily. My goal is to reach shoulder length in the rear not later than June 6, 2005. My next trim for growth is scheduled for july 9, 2005. i'll keep u guys posted.
Hair life is looking GREAT for me :D

I don't measure (anymore), but I know it's growing... or better yet, I know it's not breaking ;)

* My longest layer (back/nape) is brushing the top of my bs (stretched); shoulder length curly

* My sides (above the ear) is just past shoulder length (stretched); chin length curly

* My crown (shortest layer) reaches mid neck (stretched); ear length curly.

My crown is the most challenging's growing soooo dern slowly :( .
I have about 3" more to grow before the crown hair is resting nicely on/just past my shoulders. I'm hoping to reach this goal by Oct/2005. :grin:
I have not measured my hair since we started but i do believe that my sides are getting there...i have major shrinkage and am trying not to get a relaxer for a year. But i am thinking of adding a hair growth vitamin in the summer to my regimen.
I am hanging in there.. nothing to boast about... still getting a routine together for my hair... but I am retaining a little length....

This is Jan. Feb. and Mar. wet hair pictures....
Thanks for the updates, ladies!

Peachtree, your hair is on point!

Bluewatersoul, can you give more details of what happened with the Phyto? Which index did you use?
I relaxed my hair this weekend with mizani medium rhelaxer. It turned out great. so far so good.that is pretty much all I have done. Hopefully next month I will have something to add. HHG
Weeeeell...I had a lot of breakage recently, so I had to trim...but my hair in the back touches the bottom of my neck. The front is chin length.
I am checking in.. I haven't checked my length, I do have alot of shrinkage and now without hardly having to stretch the back "too much" it touches my shoulder. The sides and bangs have probably grown some as well since they grow the fastest. I plan on getting braids twice back to back keeping them in 2 months each and then relax. That will be 6 months worth of new growth so as long as I don't have any major setback, I think I should have some good results. I will keep you posted, good luck everyone.
options said:
Thanks for the updates, ladies!

Peachtree, your hair is on point!

Bluewatersoul, can you give more details of what happened with the Phyto? Which index did you use?

I used index 2. I usually use a no lye, and I also usually self relax. I followed all directions, based not only my scalp but also my ends, and sectioned and smoothed, saving the hairline and the 3 ish area at the nape of my neck for very last. It didnt stink, didnt burn, seemed ok, but as I was washing I noticed that areas I really thought were smooth, TRULY were not. Very underprocessed. I mean, sometimes I miss a spot, but never to this degree and never all over. And after the reconstructor it was really dry.And unruly. :eek:

Since then, I have been conditioning constantly, trying to infuse moisture back into my hair. I did a DC with EVOO, honey and shapleys one day; ppain evoo the next, and NTM DDC as a DC the next two days. After washing, I surge, put WGO on the really bad NG, baggie and scarf it. In the AM, I use Aveda Brilliance creme hairdress for shine and moisture, put some moisturizer on my ends, and do an updo. It feels much smoother and not nearly as unruly as it was after the initial evening.

Now, it LOOKS good - wavy and shiny. But the NG is off the chain, and I will probably only keep this up for another week or two, and then I hope to braid it. I had alot of growth, and alot of it was in a really strange texture. :confused: I think the supplements have changed the texture, really. But growth is growth, and I really want to hang on to what I got, and then build some, too!
what happened to the shoulder length group......anyone reached shoulders back has but my sides are not doing so well I give it atleast until the end of July and all my hair should be even shoulder length hopefully....I am going to try the MTG along with my hair formula 37 and exfolliate my scalp once a month I am going to measure when my MTG arrives and will not measure again until July about anyone else
I joined this group to get my sides and front to shoulder...they have grown a bit but are not yet at hoping by the end of May for my sides to be at shoulder and December for my front(bangs).
Nothing so far, it'll be quite some time before I have something to report probably. I'm trying to grow out my bangs, (part of my) sides and crown.

The back and (part of my) sides are already shoulder length.

I am getting braids in either May or June,so it'll be a while before I can see any results.

Right now, I'm in the process of taking pictures of my hair so that when I do remove the braids, I'll be able to compare.
I just made it to shoulder length...a little ahead of schedule. My next goal is armpit...hopefully by end of December.

I'm here as a cheerleader for everyone!
WEBBY! GONE SOME WERE GAL........your hair is booming I need you to be my headhaircoach you talking about cheerleader.......
I'm new and would like to join this challenge. I am only 3 weeks post relaxer (and 2 inch "trim") but my hair is about 4-5 inches all around. It does not touch my shoulders yet, but it's close.

I've noticed that in the past 3 weeks of wearing protective styles (buns, baggie, phony pony, etc.), I can't see any real new growth but my hair is pretty thick. What bothers me is that when I put it in a high ponytail, only 3 inces of hair stick out and that hair is harder and fuzzier than the rest. I think this may be from when my FORMER stylist overlapped my perm 3 wks. ago. :mad: So my method of keeping the ends moisturized has been to oil them and use the baggie method for protection. I just can't take another cut right now. :ohwell:

BTW, I have added WGO to my regimen (first time using it) and hopefully this will help. I do not plan to even THINK about another relaxer or weave for the next 9 weeks. My hair needs rest. It's TIRED! :(
Last time I took my braids down (April 12th) my hair was about at the base of my neck. This is with 6 months of new growth, so it's actually a little bit longer than that. If I can stand it, I plan to keep wearing braids until the end of 2005. So, hopefully I will have reached shoulder length by then.
caramelty said:
WEBBY! GONE SOME WERE GAL........your hair is booming I need you to be my headhaircoach you talking about cheerleader.......
I gotcha back! But YOU, my friend have a thick head of hair :shocked:
I can't remember whether or not I've joined this bandwagon.

My hair has been bungi-jumping towards shoulder-length. I think I have approx 4-6 inches all around plus some newgrowth (haven't relaxed since 3/12/05). I cut my hair at that time to even out some layers and remove the overprocessed ends (which were originally underprocessed ends before receiving a corrective relaxer). I started out with 7-8 inches and it seems like every time I take two small steps forward, I end up bouncing two GIANT steps back. *sigh*

I will say that my hair has gotten considerably thicker and healthier since I started washing more frequently and relaxing less frequently (10-12 weeks). Also trelaxing (leaving relaxer in for ten minutes) has awarded me with more body and increased strength. Now for the length!

THE DAY my hair rests comfortably on my shoulders will be the happiest day EVER!

What have you ladies been doing to reach your goal faster?
I am making progress, but I have not relaxed for 2.5 months and will not relax all summer. Currently my hais is brushing my shoulders, but i am not claiming shoulder length yet.
How long does it take the crown to catch up? That is what I am most frustrated with. It's only logical that it takes the longest, as it has the longest distance to travel to reach the shoulders. At my rate, it might be next year before the hair in my crown area reaches my shoulders.

Where I am currently:

Hair in front reaches the bottom of my bottom lip
Hair on sides ranges from cheek (if you're pulling from near the crown area) to about 1 inch from my shoulder (at its longest point)
Hair in rear is actually shoulder-length in the back right now
My hair is coming on nicely. I had some breakage issues a few weeks back. but I am back on track. I am going to put my hair in braids next week for about two months at a time so we will see. Well done everyone. keep up the good work and HHG
options said:
How long does it take the crown to catch up? That is what I am most frustrated with. It's only logical that it takes the longest, as it has the longest distance to travel to reach the shoulders. At my rate, it might be next year before the hair in my crown area reaches my shoulders.

Where I am currently:

Hair in front reaches the bottom of my bottom lip
Hair on sides ranges from cheek (if you're pulling from near the crown area) to about 1 inch from my shoulder (at its longest point)
Hair in rear is actually shoulder-length in the back right now
The crown, can be the hardest part to catch up if you are going for a blunt cut, because you either have to do frequent trims, to allow the crown to catch up (this also prevents losing length due to split ends) OR, you have to wait until the hair has grown out all over and do a big chop, making it all even.

If the back of your hair is shoulder length, you are still considered "shoulder length" ya know?