Shoulder Length Challenge #2


New Member
The other shoulder Length Challenge end this month.
So I'm starting a new challenge from June to Dec
so fell free to join in.
I did not realize that it ended. This entire year, for me, is dedicated to getting full shoulder length all the way around.

Technically, I am shoulder length, but not all around like I want.
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:yay: Count me in! :yay:

Currently the sides of my hair are about chin length and the back is damaged, short, and uneven in different areas. I'm a newbie, and I started taking my vitamins-Futerbiotics, flaxseed oil, and MSM-3,000 mgs per day (plus 64 oz. of water daily) last Thursday. I've also been oiling my scalp with oil atleast three times a week. I'm patiently waiting for my MTG to arrive (:mad:FedX is running kinda late:mad:), it should've arrived today... but I'm going to give FedX 1 more day/chance before I call that 800 number.
HoneyDew said:
I did not realize that it ended. This entire year, for me, is dedicated to getting full shoulder length all the way around.

Technically, I am shoulder length, but not all around like I want.

Cosigning with Honey Dew... I didn't know it was over. And I have no clue how long my hair is. It's cornrowed under a wig. I haven't had it out since my last relaxed on 4/15/06. Well out and totally straight. Who knows how long this stuff is when it's all drawn up. I know before the back was shoulder length, and the sides were barely touching, but I want it to be shoulder length all around. Maybe I'll take it down this weekend and take a look.
I want to join too! I think that I will be a full shoulder length by Dec. This time frame is more realistic for me to achieve my 1st goal of being at shoulder length;)
I'm in:D :D :D !!! My personal challenge was til December anyway bc i knew that was the absolute soonest i'd be anywhere NEAR shoulder length. I've been stretching for 12 weeks and Friday I'm getting a Phyto relaxer for the first time and maybe a trim (havent had a professional trim since end of January) so i'll see what i have to work with then.

I have layers and damaged sides, so i'd be kidding myself to think i'll be full shoulder. I just want the back layers to be at shoulder by December. Let's do this:grin: !!!!
I'm in, I have a long way to go with all the damage at the back of my hair but I might as well have something to aim for.
plove said:
get on your case about what?
I have a tendency of getting lazy and losing motivation, even when things are going well. How often will we be checking in? I may need a PM poke to remind me to do so.
I think we should check in every month.
Show our progress at the end of the challenge in the comparison shots thread.

I'm in the no heat for 6 months and hide hair until Christmas so that is why we are going to show progress in Dec.

I'm trying to give more ppl time to join in this month.:)
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Nymphe said:
I have a tendency of getting lazy and losing motivation, even when things are going well. How often will we be checking in? I may need a PM poke to remind me to do so.

I will give you a PM poke
I'm going to annoy you to death:)
You can count me in!!! I posted in the other shoulder length challenge thread that my goal was at the end of this year. Good luck ladies!! :)
Count me in! I was just about shoulder length until my hair dresser got a little scissor happy about a week ago! I thought, I was going to get a trim:eek: .
Laides I'm here to stay. Okay so been on this challenge since January (also joined the armpit challenge).

I'm creeping on armpit in the back and the front is beginning to graze my collarbone. So I'm happy. But I had some breakage in Feb. 2006 so my kitchen is recovering. Also on the hide hair until christmas challenge.

Ready Set Grow
I was unaware that the other had ended as well. I'm also on the "hide your hair til Christmas" challenge and my goal is to "try" and be shoulder length (longest layer) by the end of the year. So count me in! I'll get a cheapy digi cam from CVS today so I can chart my "starting" progress. Won't be able to show monthly progress since that's against the rules on the other challenge. HHG!
Hey I wanna join! I'm already at shoulder length in some areas but I have some SERIOUS breakage in some areas of my head and I have no idea where it came from. I'm also trying to get the front to catch up with the back...soooo...count me in!!!
Hi everyone! I'm a newbie and this is my first real post. I'd like to join this challenge. Although I'm already at shouder length, I want my hair to be fuller and more healthy at shoulder length. I'm going to keep it cut this length until I get there.
I'm in, I too had no idea the other one had ended. can't show my hair until december though, against the Hide Til Xmas challenge
I'm in. I'm doing the crown and glory method. I'm using mtg as well. I'm at collar bone so I should be there at the end of the year.