Should she let it go?


My friend is going through some things with her SO and I'm not the best person to give her advice cus I can be a sucker, lol. Plus our SO's are friends so I'm already biased. So, our boo's are merchant marines. Recently hers has been doing overtime so she hasn't seen him lately. He was gone for maybe 2 weeks and wherever he was shipped to had bad service so his phone was off the entire time. When he regained service he did not call her right away because he received info that his father was hospitalized outside of the country. So I'm assuming he was busy calling family and all that and calling her to let her know he was back was not a big priority for him.

She basically reached out to him finally and then he told her about his dad. She let him know that she was not pleased with the way he handled the situation but she didn't stress it because he sounded upset as it was. So a few days pass and he lets her know that he is leaving to see his father and that he will see her before he leaves (they haven't seen each other in a a month or so since he was on over time). So she tells him her availability and he doesn't respond. A whole day passes before she finally gets in contact with him and then he tells her that he left the country already.

This angered her greatly. So what she's saying to me is that yes she's disappointed that she didn't see him but she's really pissed that he did not bother to even give her a heads up when he was leaving. I agree that he should have said something. So they were going back and forth and he is saying that she is beefing about seeing him when he is trying to make sure he sees his father. Almost like he's purposely ignoring the part where she said she's upset that he did not bother telling her he was leaving. So there was no apology or anything from him because he is basically holding on to the fact that his father is dying and he just had to go.

So that was Friday. I told her that I don't know what I would do in the situation cus while I may be mad I'd still be supportive. He isn't going on vacation he's going to see his father- btw his father is an 80 plus year old diabetic about to have open heart surgery on a small island in the Caribbean. Idk; I wanna tell her to let it go. They haven't spoken since they argued. I understand she feels slighted and left out, but if his dad dies and she wasn't supportive at all I just don't think it's a good look. They also have been together less than a year.

What do you guys think?
I think she needs to let everything else go and jus be there for him...

Now if he's using this as an excuse to be rude and inconsiderate, I would wait until his father's situation is over and he returns, then you guys can discuss it.
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I would assume he would want her around even more now that's he's hurting? But I also agree with the above. Maybe she's been feeling like this for some time and this is only the tip of the iceberg.
She needs to let it go and stop giving him more stress at this tough time. He's not going to be thinking straight and she needs to let him get through it in his own way.
Some people need to go through these things by themselves, she should just let him know that she is there if he needs her.
If I was him and I went through that and my partner was worried about other insignificant things I wouldn't be happy with her at all.

She is worried about the wrong thing, needs to take a step back and be a supportive partner. Now really isn't the time!

How old are they?

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I understand why she feels slighted/left out but unless this is a recurring theme of their relationship this isn't about her. The man is trying to be there for his father. But I do wonder why he didn't tell her right away, I know I'd want as much support as I could get in his situation. Maybe she's into him more than he's into her? Either way, I wouldn't want to add to his stress so I'd let it go for now but bring it up when the dust settles.
She needs to let it go and stop giving him more stress at this tough time. He's not going to be thinking straight and she needs to let him get through it in his own way.
Some people need to go through these things by themselves, she should just let him know that she is there if he needs her.
If I was him and I went through that and my partner was worried about other insignificant things I wouldn't be happy with her at all.

She is worried about the wrong thing, needs to take a step back and be a supportive partner. Now really isn't the time!

How old are they?

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He's 30 and she is 29.
I think her concerns are valid as well, but I agree with scorpiobeauty about letting the dust settle. From what I know he is extremely independent and she is his first girlfriend in a looong time, lol. Because of his job he has a history of women leaving him so he hasn't been in anything serious. I think he may not be used to answering to anyone. I can't speak on if he is a cheater or whatnot cus she hasn't mentioned anything like that and I don't want to introduce that type of convo if she isn't even going there.
She needs to fall back and give him some space. Time will tell if it was anything more than the stress of his dad being I'll......
yeah she really needs to not make this about her. everyone handles a situation like this differently. my ex's best friend tried to kill himself last year and he went into seclusion. and since i didn't know the whole story at first (he told me he overdosed but didn't say it was a suicide attempt), i was like "...??" but then he did let me know what happened and he had to work through it on his own b/c that's how he copes. if i tried to make it about me, i would have looked like a huge jerk. while if it had been me, i'd be like OMG I CANNOT BE ALONE BE HERE FOR ME NOW.

ITA about waiting until it settles and watching his behavior/actions then.
I would be upset, this is a very important situation in his life and he's not sharing it with her, therefore I would assume she's not that important to him.
I agree that this is not about her, but y'all telling me this man could not find 60 seconds to at least text or make a call quickly letting her know about his dad and the fact that he had to leave the country? No, too much? Ok.......

Her concerns are valid and I would be upset too.

This is her real issue, and I agree like c'mon man you looking at your phone at the airport or before take off say something. I told her not to be too chummy chummy but at least send a "praying for your family" type of text.
I think there is a lot behind the surface.
Are they in a serious relationship?
Do they both agree that they are in a serious relationship?
If this is the way he handles things now, it is the way he is going to continue to handle things. She can fall back for now and discuss it with him again later.
Is he really that into her?
Is she a clingy person? Is he mad at her about something.
Is he used to being in a relationship?
I believe her concerns are valid. But if I were her I would just fall back. Maybe do like you said and send a text wishing him and his family the best, sending prayers, etc., then I would let it go and let him reach out to me and contact me. I do believe he is slowly dumping her though, and if that's what he wants to do I'd let him, and move on. Time will tell, real soon. She'll just have to see what happens, I know it's hard but she will feel worse if she keeps chasing him and arguing with him. I'm sorry your friend is going through this, I would be hurt too. My dh and I never go more than 24 hours without some kind of contact so I just can't imagine going weeks without seeing each other or talking.
shenitab said:
I think there is a lot behind the surface.
Are they in a serious relationship?
Do they both agree that they are in a serious relationship?
If this is the way he handles things now, it is the way he is going to continue to handle things. She can fall back for now and discuss it with him again later.
Is he really that into her?
Is she a clingy person? Is he mad at her about something.
Is he used to being in a relationship?

I never asked if they are serious. I assumed they were but idk about the details, like if they had the talk. I met her through our SO's so as far as I know that's her man. They aren't on the L word yet though.

He seems into her from what I've seen but she said recently he hasn't been too attentive so maybe he is slowly dumping her, hopefully not cus that would suck lol. This is the only major issue I've heard about along with him being not so attentive lately. She could be clingy but I really don't know. When this all started she was blowing his phone down but idk about on a regular basis lol. But he is definitely not used to being in a relationship, that I know. He said its hard to keep one with his job.

She told me she feels like the roles shifted from him chasing her to her chasing him. She's slowly giving me what's going on beneath the surface, lol.
He is "just not that into her". I guess that's an unpopular opinion since most are saying she should fall back.

I understand that he is going through a rough time and worried about his Dad but after he initially regained reception on his phone and received that bad news I would think if he really considered her his SO she would have been the next call to let her know what was up.

Then a whole day passes and she finds out he is in another country! This man is not thinking about her. There are 24 hours in a day he couldn't find 1 minute to call her to let her know whats up and say Sorry but I have to see you later?

She is not an important person in his life and unless your leaving out some facts I find that obvious. Your friend needs to sincerely wish him well and move on .

An SO is supposed to share their life and their feelings and communicate.
He is "just not that into her". I guess that's an unpopular opinion since most are saying she should fall back.

I understand that he is going through a rough time and worried about his Dad but after he initially regained reception on his phone and received that bad news I would think if he really considered her his SO she would have been the next call to let her know what was up.

Then a whole day passes and she finds out he is in another country! This man is not thinking about her. There are 24 hours in a day he couldn't find 1 minute to call her to let her know whats up and say Sorry but I have to see you later?

She is not an important person in his life and unless your leaving out some facts I find that obvious. Your friend needs to sincerely wish him well and move on .

An SO is supposed to share their life and their feelings and communicate.

ITA If he was into her, she would've been the first one he called when he found out about his dad. Not to mention he hadn't called her in forever.
It's been less than a year, so let it go. When a man wants you, he makes it happen. Dude is not making it happen for her.
He wants out, but he's too much of a coward to break up with her so he's orchestrating this to make her look like the bad guy so when he relays it to mutual friends (like your SO) he looks like a saint.

I've seen it so many times before....
@kweenameena Lol. he was getting deported and was scared to tell her! The father was really dying and he did go out there to see him but the details are sketchy. Idk the reason he got deported and she isn't saying; I don't think he told her to be honest because everytime she brings it up it doesn't make sense. I believe they are getting married soon. She isn't saying that exactly but they aren't broken up.'

So my crazy theory is that he was being held in some place when his phone was off. I think they allowed him to go and get some stuff and that was when he reached out to her. Maybe he thought he could dip and see her but he couldn't; who knows? Either way he told her enough to make her forgive him.
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Well, I was gonna say that some men don't deal with their emotions well but now that I see he was being deported it seems he was hiding something.