Should Naturals use Protein Treatments?


New Member
I know it is recommended for those with relaxed hair to use protein treatments b/c of the damage caused by the chemicals, but I was just wondering if it is necessary to use protein treatments if you are natural? and how often and what brand should you or do you use?

I do because my ends are super dry and weakened from continual braid abuse. And I use heat, which breaks down the cuticle.
I use Keraphix (I love it) and sometimes Emergencee
I don't have a set routine with the protein but I think I'm going to try using the Keraphix 1 a month and the Emergence 2-3 a year.
Hard core protein didn't work for me when I was natural but is a necessity now that I'm relaxed. But my natural hair would be crunchy.

Now natrual hair loved Aubrey Gpb. Some have had success with Nexxus Keraphix.

I don't think so. I think protein treatments are for damaged and processed hair and unless you are doing something to break it down then it isn't neccesary. If you have color treated natural hair then I would reccomend it or if you straighten your hair or use heat a lot. Otherwise, I would not reccomend protein treatments for natural hair.
Super_Hero_Girl said:
I don't think so. I think protein treatments are for damaged and processed hair and unless you are doing something to break it down then it isn't neccesary. If you have color treated natural hair then I would reccomend it or if you straighten your hair or use heat a lot. Otherwise, I would not reccomend protein treatments for natural hair.

ITA, unless you are using excessive heat or whatever, I wouldn't recommend a hard core protein treat like AphoGee. However, I do a protein treat with mayo, egg, evoo and cholestrol, every couple months or so. That's has hard as I'm going to get...
I use Aubrey GPB every once in a while. It strengthens my hair especially since when I'm not in twists, I have to detangle my hair often to keep my ends in decent shape (and sometimes I'm not as patient). But I only use it once a month, I wouldn't use an aphogee or anything really heavy.
I have natural hair, don't use heat and my hair is healthy right now, so I don't use protein treatments. I've found that they can be counter-productive. On occasion I will use GPB, but not as a deep treatment, just as a conditioner. Other than that, some of the conditioners I use to co-wash have small amounts of proteins. A lot of conditioners do. It's sometimes hard to avoid.
I definitely wouldn't use something intense, but I use a little light protein from time to time. I add a little Elucence EMRT to my deep conditioner every few weeks.
I started using my Elucence protein treatment once a month. I guess it is defeating the purpose. It doesn't seen like my hair feels better after the treatments. Thanks for starting this thread.
bbmatl said:
I know it is recommended for those with relaxed hair to use protein treatments b/c of the damage caused by the chemicals, but I was just wondering if it is necessary to use protein treatments if you are natural? and how often and what brand should you or do you use?


Hi bbmatl. I use protein treatments all the time when I was natural and now. I use the Hair Mayonaise by Parnevu and the one by Organic Root Stimulator. I use either or once a week. They make my hair stronger (resulting in less breakage) and more manageable. I hope this helps.
I use protein because for one I have colored treated hair, and secondly I have very fine fragile hair which needs protein for strength regardless. I have always used AO GPB since going natural and have been using Nexxus Emergencee usually once a month.

I think your need for protein as a natural will depend on your own hair texture.
Thanks for all the replies. I think if will try the egg/mayo mixture for now. I dont use heat on my hair unless Im getting it straightened which is usually once a month just to check my progress. Im planning on putting color in my hair this spring so I might try a more intense treatment @ that time. Again thanks for all your advice.
kristina said:
I do because my ends are super dry and weakened from continual braid abuse. And I use heat, which breaks down the cuticle.
I use Keraphix (I love it) and sometimes Emergencee
I don't have a set routine with the protein but I think I'm going to try using the Keraphix 1 a month and the Emergence 2-3 a year.

Please Kristina can you explain how you weakened your hair with braids? I'm in a weave challenge so I will braid my hair until june and I'm scared!
I don't like any protein in my hair, it makes it hard and crispy.....Nope.

Unless you are having serious breakage..I'd say no
Soleado said:
I use protein because for one I have colored treated hair, and secondly I have very fine fragile hair which needs protein for strength regardless. I have always used AO GPB since going natural and have been using Nexxus Emergencee usually once a month.

I think your need for protein as a natural will depend on your own hair texture.

i believe protein is not strictly for damaged or relaxed hair. protein is what makes up hair, so i think if your hair is weak or brittle ti could benefit from a protein treatment.
bbmatl said:
I know it is recommended for those with relaxed hair to use protein treatments b/c of the damage caused by the chemicals, but I was just wondering if it is necessary to use protein treatments if you are natural? and how often and what brand should you or do you use?


great question/thread bbmatl!
Is ORS mayo considered a protein treatment? If so, I used it daily w/ no problem. My hair loves all the wrong things anyway, so I may be an exception.:rofl:
naturallyme said:
is it ok to use an aphegee treatment (can't spell it) when your experiences alot of shedding?

I'm a regular Aphogee user. Every 6-8 weeks. I sometimes switch to DRC 28, which seems a little less harsh to me. I judge what I should use depending on the condition of my hair. My hair likes protien. I took a break from it and suffered a lot of breakage. I give a lot of credit for a successful 18 month transition to protein, because I refused to BC.

Every once in a while, I'll stretch out the weeks between my hardcore treatments (Aphogee, DRC 28) and just use a hair repair like Emergencee or Dudley's Hair Repair (I love Dudley's HR).
I'm natural and i use protein treatments- once a month to stop shedding and because it helps my hair along- my hair is also color-treated and naturally dry. I use Jherri Redding 100% Natural Protein Treatment(ingredients are basically ACV and protein ) so you know it is strong.
I am natural and I do not use any protein treatments whatsoever. I don't see the need to use them, especially since I do not use chemicals or heat anymore.
I do because curly hair still has crack and bends in it where the hair curls at....I dont do heavy ones. A light treatment does the job since I dont use heat or comb frequently.