Should I use Protein Conditioners?


New Member
:spinning:Hi Ladies!

I decided to post this thread because I am always wondering about the answer to the question.
I have all natural hair (4b) and I deep condition weekly with a moisturizing conditioner (Nexxus Humectress). I have not used heat on my hair in about two months (with the exception of one time about two weeks ago to do a length check). I absolutely love my moisturizing dc, however, I see that many women also use protein conditioners. It got me the wondering a bit-->Should I add protein conditioners to my regimen? What exactly will it do for my hair? Is it for relaxed hair or natural hair? If your hair isn't damaged, should you even bother? How do you know if you need it?

I know that I am asking a bit much, but I am sure that you lovely ladies can provide answers to them all.

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Great questons, OP. I often wonder the same.

I'm 4A/B natural and although I don't do anything to my hair to break the protein bonds (i.e. relaxing, texlaxing, etc), I still use a protein conditioner. Why? I dunno...makes me feel better.

For example, today I did the Aphogee Two-Step Protein Treatment. This is a HARD protein application. I probably didn't need to do this since my hair isn't damaged but I have hair goals and if an occasional hard protein treatment helps me get there, bring it on! :grin:

I also use MegaTek for overnight protein treatments but I wash it out in the morning. I have other protein conditioners in my "collection" and my hair hasn't been adversely affected by any of it.

It's all about balancing moisture and protein.
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Some ladies on here with natural hair use Aubreys GPB which balances moisture and protein.

It depends on what problems you have with your hair, if you are not having any problems then stick to what you are doing.

Myself I'm 4b relaxed and my hair loves a good protein to combat breakage and enforce strength but after I need a good deep conditioner to balance the protein because it may cause breakage.
Check this thread out:

Actually quite a few naturals use protein. If you have fine strands protein may help you retain because it can further strengthen your natural hair. I am starting weekly treatments and I am a transitioning 4b I just think my hair breaks easily even in it's natural state so I'm going to use protein to help make and keep it stronger. I just need that extra boost. Of course you have to find a protein that's right for you (if it's right at all). I say start out with light protein treatments and move up if necessary.
Just walking around outside or touching your hair EVER, there is environmental and/or mechanical damage happening to your hair. No matter what kind of hair you have, weathering of the strands occur over time. (Naturals just don't see it because it's all curly--when getting trims it's often good to do them on dried, straightened hair so you can actually see if any damage exists.) But as the hair grows you must maintain those ends that weather over time. Protein conditioners really help prevent damage from ruining the hair.

There are more than one type of damage out there, mechanical, environmental, and chemical. Being natural does not make your hair immune to damage.

HTH :)
Redken Deep Fuel is worth giving a try. Not only dose it strengthens but leaves hair soft.
And yes it has protein in it. I'm a 4/b natural as well and this has done my hair some justice as well as their instant conditioner for co/wash also Sauve version of Redken in the blue bottle is great for co/washes plus very cheap and smells good too. My hair is strong and soft at the same time. With minimal breakage.
I started using protein again (used Nexxus Emergencee today). I didn't think I needed it but I think from all the daily handling, braiding, blowdrying, flatironing, etc. it's a good idea to use one to help fortify the hair. I followed with a DC. Btw, many fine haied ladies swear by Joice kpac reconstructor, I haven't used it before but will get some later on this year.
I think I may need some protein, just not sure. Right now I'm natural, I have some breakage some splits, my strands are fine, my hair seems kind of fluffy/maybe feathery if that makes sense and lots of fly aways.
I'm a 4a/b natural and my hair goal for this year is to add strength to my hair. So I'm using moisturizing conditioners that contain proteins too. And if your hair doesn't like protein much, than you should try using protein conditioners as a pre-poo, I got this tip from Macherieamour.
