Should I Trim My Ends?


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies:

I have been a DIY for almost a year now. I am using great products, washing EVERY week etc., etc. My problem is I am not seeing much progress re growth. I have not trimmed by ends since I became a DIY. Think if I trim my ends I will possibly see some growth progress?

Welcome aboard!

Trimming your ends does not necessarily aid in length retention (trimming your ends does not make your hair grow). Instead, cutting your ends contributes to the overall health of your hair. Please post your regimen complete with the products you use and the ladies here will chime in with advice to help you in retaining length :)
Are you taking progress pics? A year of not trimming should have allowed you to see some growth if your hair is not breaking and taking pics will let you see if your ends need a good trim. Trimming your hair won't improve your growth rate but it will help you get rid of split ends and stop your hair strands from snagging each other all of which could impede retention.
Trimming your ends won't make your hair grow and you'll be cutting off any progress that you've had.

Why do you think you're not retaining the hair you grow? If you're not seeing retention it's because your ends are either being trimmed or breaking off. Since you haven't trimmed, then they must be breaking.

Do you use direct heat often? If so, do you use heat protectant? quality tools? dc often?
Do you wear your hair down a lot? cover your hair at night? how's your protein/moisture? is your hair dry? do you use a lot of products with ingredients that may build up on your hair (silicones, petroleum (paraffin), mineral oil, etc)? Are you gentle with your hair when washing/detangling/styling?

The answers to those questions may help you figure out why you're not retaining length.
If you haven't already, going forward I'd def. recommend taking progress pics. Sometimes it's hard to really "see" the difference when we look in the mirror each day. It's great having the pics there as documentation of any change.

In terms of trimming... it's hard to say without seeing how they look. Do you think the ends are split/damaged, or just thinner than the other parts of your hair? If the former, trimming is inevitable. If the latter, you can just use your judgment based on what your ultimate goals are.