Should I Relax with No-lye?


Well-Known Member
On 8/1 i relaxed with ORS lye relaxer which did nothing. My question is, is it a good idea to relax again with a nolye relaxer? Is it to soon?

My hair is shedding and is very itchy, just like when its time to relax.
I've used ORS lye before and it did NOTHING AT ALL!!!

I used to think a lye relaxer couldn't get my hair straight and I would always have to use no lye because it would at least get my hair to a desirable straightness....

I tried Vitale Life and Body Relaxer (lye) and I like it, gets hair bone straight, with minimal smoothing for my 4a/b hair!:yep: I also have an extreme sensitive scalp and it doesn't burn (I also base my scalp though).

Give it a try you might like it. Vitale Sensitive Scalp (No lye, it comes in a shiny blue box) is good as well if you decide to go that route...
I've used ORS lye before and it did NOTHING AT ALL!!!

I used to think a lye relaxer couldn't get my hair straight and I would always have to use no lye because it would at least get my hair to a desirable straightness....

I tried Vitale Life and Body Relaxer (lye) and I like it, gets hair bone straight, with minimal smoothing for my 4a/b hair!:yep: I also have an extreme sensitive scalp and it doesn't burn (I also base my scalp though).

Give it a try you might like it. Vitale Sensitive Scalp (No lye, it comes in a shiny blue box) is good as well if you decide to go that route...

thanks, do you think its too soon??
@LexiDior - It's too soon, imo. Breakage may occur if your hair is exposed to chemicals again so soon. I'd stretch for a few more weeks and co-wash/DC frequently to minimize shedding. Maybe you can do a corrective at some point, but I'm not familiar with the process enough to advise you.

Btw - I previously used ORS lye, but found I was always underprocessed. I now use Linange and I like it because it leaves some texture and my hair feels conditioned. I wouldn't switch to no-lye based on the experience you had with ORS lye. It may take experimenting with different brands (with reasonable stretches in between) to decide whether lye works for you. I switched around 2 years ago with no regrets! HHJ!
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ok i guess ill wait then. i dont want my hair to fall out. thanks for the info. also i think ill go back to no-lye and just deal with the dryness.
My last Linange Lye relaxer got me extremely straight....

I spent more time smoothing than I usually do...

Just putting it out there.

I have 4 a/b (I think) strands.
I think you should stick to Lye, just find the right brand for you.

Also, as others have advised, just wait a little longer; consider a corrective rather than doing the whole process over. You can google Corrective Relaxers or watch some videos that explain the process on YT.