Should I let a new stylist trim/cut my hair?


Doing it my way
Ladies, I feel like I’ve been to the mountaintop since I discovered LHCF a little over a month ago, and I have all the great product suggestions and new tips this community has provided to thank for that.
Unfortunately I can already see myself facing some serious PJ issues down the line. Hoping that will cease once I find the right hair regime for my hair.

I’m 12 weeks post relaxer, and couldn’t be more proud of myself for sticking it out this long. However, because of the amount of breakage I’ve noticed over the past two weeks, I realize my hair may not hold up the 18 weeks I was originally shooting for before touching-up again.
Before I discovered this board, I use to be so excited to go to the salon, but now I’m TERRIFIED!! I know I won’t be going back to my old stylist because I realize now that she wasn’t treating my hair properly. I have new growth galore, but I’m undecided on whether to cut or continue to try and salvage the damaged ends of my hair, and you know how stressful it can be getting a cut/trim from a new beautician.

Now for my question… Should I schedule for a cut/trim, or wait to see if the stylist will suggest it first after she looks at my hair? I’m apprehensive about scheduling cuts/trims because I think most stylists are going to carry out the request regardless if you need it because they want that extra money. Am I wrong? I’ve been doing my own hair for the past three touch-ups to save money (no-lye box), but I’m interested in seeing what the Affirm relaxer can do for my 4a/b hair. I’m afraid I may have over-processed this last time around.

Sorry for the essay. I’m a bit excited and nervous about my new challenge to achieve healthy hair.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

~ Dee
Dee, welcome! I know its a lot to soak in, and most of us are guilty of PJism.

As far as the relaxer, most ppl have more success with a lye relaxer because they arent as drying. Some people do ok with no lye relaxers too, but u need to stick with one or the other. If u go to the affirm (lye) DO NOT go back to no lye. For some reason they say its ok to go over no lye with lye but going over lye with no lye causes problems.

As far as the trim, its a matter of preference. It depends on whether you prefer fresh clipped ends or u want to retain as much length as possible. If u keep your ends in good shape you dont really need trims too often. Most stylists like to trim after each touch up so u will probably have to tell them u dont want it trimmed...
I agree with Leslie and I understand how you feel. The closer I get to touch-up time, the more nervous I get about letting someone touch my head. I've been going back and forth about where to get a trim for the last 3 weeks. After you do your touch-up take a good look at your ends. That will give you an idea of whether or not to hold off or go ahead with the trim. I think when you have a lot of newgrowth it tends to make your ends look really thin and scraggly, because the hair closer to your scalp looks so much thicker. If you need to, take one of those little cheap plastic rulers, so that you have an actual visual of how much you want to cut. Sometimes our idea of 1/8" is completely different from someone else's.
If I were in your place, I would not schedule the trim first-off. You can discuss it later at the appointment. I would be more concerned going to a new stylist for a chemical service. Make sure he/she is on point about that first, then worry about the trim. What's the diff if you won't have any hair left to trim after he/she relaxes it? Have you observed the new stylist or had a wash/set with him/her before you get the chemical service? Try not to go in cold, meaning, establish some level of comfort with the stylist before you let them do the serious stuff. I have seen way too many stylist horror stories this past month!!! Make sure this is the person you want doing your hair first. Give them a test run (go in for a less serious service first) if you already haven't. If you have, you should have an idea of their philosophy on trims. They are usually pretty vocal about that stuff until you tell them what you think about it (and sometimes will still remain vocal!). My stylist knows to ask and if I say no, end of story. Good luck to you!
I agree with ubavka123. I would not schedule a trim for your first visit.
Hopefully when you go, you'll be able to observe her work and maybe you'll be able to see her give someone a trim. Talk to her about her trimming style. How much does she generally cut when doing a trim. While there, see if there's any other clients of hers getting their hair done. Ask them about her trimming and cutting style.
Thanks for the helpful responses. Advice well taken. Quite a few of my friends and family have been giving me crazy looks, trying to figure out why I’ve suddenly become so “obsessed” (as they put it) with my hair.
I’m learning it’s so much easier just to ask here.

Right now I’m confused as to whether my hair is mostly shedding or if it’s breakage. I’ve seen an equal amount of both. I’ve been yielding loose/broken strands of hair with just a light brush of my fingers through my ends, and that’s got me all paranoid.
I feel the need for some professional assistance to get back on the healthy track. Hopefully…

I just made an appointment with a stylist my friend has highly recommended. She’s been pleased with her hair techniques, but I will definitely observe first, maybe even wait for a second visit before going in for the trim.

Thanks, ladies! My growing knowledge of hair care continues to inspire me. Can’t wait to begin following my progress with a hair album.

~ Dee
Keep in mind that it takes time to see the fruits of your labor. When I first started my hair growth journey, I saw bits of broken hairs on my shirt and in my sink for a couple of months. I remember asking on one of the hair boards why no on talked about breakage. Someone responded that they had their breakage under control so it wasn't an issue. Now, after caring for my hair for some time, I see almost no breakage. No more bits of hair on the back of my shirt when I comb it. Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll get there, too.