Should I just let it all go? LONG


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!

I have been with my boyfriend for about a year. When he initially came along, I wasn't interested in him because I didn't find him very attractive and he has a 9 year old son. I don't have any children and cringed at the thought of dating someone with a child. Well, he was very persistent and I finally recognized how beautiful this guy is. He has such a kind, genuine heart and goes out of his way to make sure I always have a smile on my face. He's someone that I can talk to for hours about anything and everything :yep:

Here is my 1st problem: He acts more like a female than I do. He is clingy and when something doesn’t go his way, he gives me the silent treatment. When I give him the silent treatment for whatever reason, he quickly blasts me for doing so which frequently leads to arguments and days of not talking. It’s one of those you can dish it out but cannot take it situations. :ohwell: It always results in him calling me inconsiderate, or rude, or the like.

2nd problem: My family hates him. Ok, my mom hates him. My dad is indifferent. My 3 brothers like him and everyone else feels that I can do much better. Why? “You shouldn’t settle for someone with a kid.” Settle? No, I don’t like it but it hasn’t interfered with our relationship. Yes, I’m afraid of the time that it will become problem and I will have to deal with a baby mama, child support and him being in and out of court. I don’t think I should have to deal with that mess; but as he so “eloquently” put it in the beginning days of our courtship “out of sight, out of mind” because his son didn’t live in the same state. But wait. The BM and child have just moved back and are living in the same city as us. Seriously?! He hasn't seen his son in over a year (but that's another thread...) His child is a delicate subject in our relationship but until something huge happens, I’m just enjoying the uninterrupted time we spend with one another.

3rd problem: I just confirmed that he smokes a few months ago…I HATE SMOKE!!! No, I had no idea in the beginning. I never witnessed him smoking and neither he nor his place ever smelled like smoke. I few months ago, I saw an empty carton of black and mild :barf: in his car. It caught my attention but I didn’t think too much about it. As time went on, I started to see more boxes pop up here and there and then I finally asked him if he smoked. He confirmed but told me that he didn’t do it often because he’d been trying to quit. :ohwell: I’ve noticed that when we have a problem or he wants to piss me off, he’ll smoke to get under my skin. :swearing:It works. Every. Time.

Lastly, I’m just tired. I’m tired of feeling like my two worlds—my boyfriend and my family will never be one unit. I can't talk to my fam about the awesome vacay or whatever I had with my bf and I can't talk to my bf about anything that involves my mom...which is a lot. I will always have to keep them separate. That is so stressful. Is it just time to cut my losses and :driver:or things will possibly work themselves out eventually? We seem to have reoccurring issues that we can never seem to overcome.
If you are dating for marriage, it doesn't sound like you are compatible. What's ok when you are dating will quickly become too much when you are married. Plus he's a deadbeat dad. It's up to you what issues you want to deal with, but I'd throw him back.
A lot of issues here, but a big red flag to me is the fact that he hasn't seen his child in a year. I don't like to deal with men with kids myself, but when I do, I damn sure don't deal with deadbeats.
I understand what you are going through... particularly with problem 2. Why hasn't he seen his child in so long? I would not be happy as the child or mother. It's also strange that he says "out of sight, out of mind" when there is a child involved. Would he act like that if you two had a child?

I'm an admitted over thinker, and I wouldn't be comfortable with all of these conflated ideas. I had to let someone go for the same issues; there may not be drama per se, but a proud, doting father should choose the child's welfare over you from time to time. I couldn't handle that, or some of the other issues we had, so I had to let it go. :sad:

In the long run, I'm much happier that I'm not stressed out worrying about the war of the worlds. My peace was more important to me. Do you feel happy in your relationship more often that not? Are the recurring issues the ones listed, or are there more?
I would've dropped him when he said that "out of sight, out of mind" mess. I mean what if you two had kids and he did/said the same thing. That just doesn't sit right with me...among other things.
hasnt seen his child in a year---major character flaw for me----major red flagg!!!


also they have moved closer to be near him--i would let him go and be with his BM and son..honestly

and sensitive---is he a cancer? lol
Welp him acting more feminine than you is a really big red flag to me. And it's okay for him to give you the silent treatment but not vice versa? I don't know how you do it.
I understand what you are going through... particularly with problem 2. Why hasn't he seen his child in so long? I would not be happy as the child or mother. It's also strange that he says "out of sight, out of mind" when there is a child involved. Would he act like that if you two had a child?

I'm an admitted over thinker, and I wouldn't be comfortable with all of these conflated ideas. I had to let someone go for the same issues; there may not be drama per se, but a proud, doting father should choose the child's welfare over you from time to time. I couldn't handle that, or some of the other issues we had, so I had to let it go. :sad:

In the long run, I'm much happier that I'm not stressed out worrying about the war of the worlds. My peace was more important to me. Do you feel happy in your relationship more often that not? Are the recurring issues the ones listed, or are there more?

HE says it's because he and the mother don't get along and he chooses not to deal with her. For instance, last year he flew to Wisconsin so see his son for the weekend (planned trip) but once he got there, the BM had sent the son to stay with someone else for that weekend. He was PISSED. He gets other people (his mom and brother) to call his son from their phones because she doesn't answer when he calls. They are in a sad situation and the child is suffering. I know he pays child support and all but I just don't think that's enough.

His son also attends school less than ten mins from his house and still hasn't seen him??? I don't get it. But I'm not interested in getting involved in that mess. :nono:
I don't do/didn't deal with MOODY MEN AT ALL!!!

He hasn't seen his child?!! Nooope!

Mama don't feel him. Nooooope!

You ain't feeling him either.

Please. Press. On.
:nono: The child issue of "out of sight out of mind" would have made me :roadrunner: Regardless if his child lives 1000 miles away he needs to go see that child. His lack of parental character and responsibility would make me end it fast......
hasnt seen his child in a year---major character flaw for me----major red flagg!!!


also they have moved closer to be near him--i would let him go and be with his BM and son..honestly

and sensitive---is he a cancer? lol

IDK. The BM is married but still manages to bounce around from city to city. Her moving so close seems to be a ways of dangling his son in front of him but saying "can't touch". It's really weird for me as the gf. Another reason why I hate dealing with men with offspring.

:lol: Yes, he's a cancer!!! :lol::lol:
A little clarity: "The out of sight out of mind" statement was him telling me how I should view the situation, not out of sight out of mind for him.

It still doesn't make it ok though.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who took issues with "out of sight out of mind". That was the biggest red flag to me. I have no respect for deadbeat fathers.
You sure there's no type of restraining order on him keeping him from seeing his son that attends school 10 min. away? Idk just get out while you can with no child from him. Something ain't right.
OP, if I wrote what you did, what advice would you give me?

(((HUGS))) He does not seem to be the man for you. The silent treatment is some real bisharseness. I mean really. You both are adults. Ignoring someone that you know wants to speak to you (especially someone you care about) is a manipulative move if I have ever seen one. My ex used to do that with me. You should not have to keep anything separate. What would happen if you guys got married? Had a baby? How would you coordinate things? I am a Cancerian and do not care for Cancerian men. I did go out with one last night and he is the exception to MY rule, LOL!

I wish you all of the best and I say, LET. HIM. GO!
It seems that if he is paying child support he could get the court to establish visitation, if he really wants to see his child on a regular basis. Extended silent treatment and smoking to annoy you sounds like emotional abuse.
You sure there's no type of restraining order on him keeping him from seeing his son that attends school 10 min. away? Idk just get out while you can with no child from him. Something ain't right.

I'm pretty sure but I agree that something isn't right.

OP, if I wrote what you did, what advice would you give me?

(((HUGS))) He does not seem to be the man for you. The silent treatment is some real bisharseness. I mean really. You both are adults. Ignoring someone that you know wants to speak to you (especially someone you care about) is a manipulative move if I have ever seen one. My ex used to do that with me. You should not have to keep anything separate. What would happen if you guys got married? Had a baby? How would you coordinate things? I am a Cancerian and do not care for Cancerian men. I did go out with one last night and he is the exception to MY rule, LOL!

I wish you all of the best and I say, LET. HIM. GO!

I would definitely tell you to! I just didn't know if I was being too dramatic and making something small seem bigger than it is. Judging by the responses, I'm clearly not overreacting.

It seems that if he is paying child support he could get the court to establish visitation, if he really wants to see his child on a regular basis. Extended silent treatment and smoking to annoy you sounds like emotional abuse.

... :scratchch
OP, if I wrote what you did, what advice would you give me?

(((HUGS))) He does not seem to be the man for you. The silent treatment is some real bisharseness. I mean really. You both are adults. Ignoring someone that you know wants to speak to you (especially someone you care about) is a manipulative move if I have ever seen one. My ex used to do that with me. You should not have to keep anything separate. What would happen if you guys got married? Had a baby? How would you coordinate things? I am a Cancerian and do not care for Cancerian men. I did go out with one last night and he is the exception to MY rule, LOL!

I wish you all of the best and I say, LET. HIM. GO!

I'm a cancerian and also can't do cancerian men
I dated a Cancer for 3-4 years. Good luck trying to break up with him. I musta tried to break up with the guy like 5 or 6 times. Every time.... EVERY FRICKIN' TIME dude would start crying and flipping out, talking about childhood ****. I would feel so guilty. Man they are manipulative.

Anyway, break up with this dude (like I said, good luck). I hate when these men with tons of baggage think their entitled to young, beautiful women who have their whole life ahead of them. Yes, you can do better and I think you know it too.
I don't do/didn't deal with MOODY MEN AT ALL!!!

He hasn't seen his child?!! Nooope!

Mama don't feel him. Nooooope!

You ain't feeling him either.

Please. Press. On.

My mother has like a third eye, if she says something wrong with a guy 10/10 times she's right.
HE says it's because he and the mother don't get along and he chooses not to deal with her. For instance, last year he flew to Wisconsin so see his son for the weekend (planned trip) but once he got there, the BM had sent the son to stay with someone else for that weekend. He was PISSED. He gets other people (his mom and brother) to call his son from their phones because she doesn't answer when he calls. They are in a sad situation and the child is suffering. I know he pays child support and all but I just don't think that's enough.

His son also attends school less than ten mins from his house and still hasn't seen him??? I don't get it. But I'm not interested in getting involved in that mess. :nono:

His not being a dad to his son is a HUGE BIG RED FLAG. Everything you mentioned above is an excuse that he uses not to handle his business. If he's really having so many problems with the mom, you use the courts. If he desires to be responsible and be a dad, nothing could keep him away. Don't fall for the okeydoke and think you can live in La La land with him happily. He has serious character flaws and that won't just fade away.
I dated a Cancer for 3-4 years. Good luck trying to break up with him. I musta tried to break up with the guy like 5 or 6 times. Every time.... EVERY FRICKIN' TIME dude would start crying and flipping out, talking about childhood ****. I would feel so guilty. Man they are manipulative.

Anyway, break up with this dude (like I said, good luck). I hate when these men with tons of baggage think their entitled to young, beautiful women who have their whole life ahead of them. Yes, you can do better and I think you know it too.

This made me laugh :lol:. I tried to break up with him once and he showed up to my place all upset and stuff (I'm like 'DUDE, I'm on vacation, why aren't you at work???'). Initially, I wouldn't let him inside (I watch too much Snapped :drunk:) but he was so moody that I felt terrible that he was standing outside my door pleading with me. Once inside, he was completely falling apart. I gave in :rolleyes: ...and 3 months later, I'm debating on how I'm going to do this again. For good.
You never should have let him in.

You will have to be firm this time. No answering the door, phone,texts or email. Don't allow him to explain. Just be done!
This made me laugh :lol:. I tried to break up with him once and he showed up to my place all upset and stuff (I'm like 'DUDE, I'm on vacation, why aren't you at work???'). Initially, I wouldn't let him inside (I watch too much Snapped :drunk:) but he was so moody that I felt terrible that he was standing outside my door pleading with me. Once inside, he was completely falling apart. I gave in :rolleyes: ...and 3 months later, I'm debating on how I'm going to do this again. For good.

Please be careful with this dude, he sounds a little unstable.
HanaKuroi said:
You never should have let him in.

You will have to be firm this time. No answering the door, phone,texts or email. Don't allow him to explain. Just be done!

I really can't hold this in but
"shoulda never gave those n*ggaz monayyy"
Dave Chapelle
It seems that if he is paying child support he could get the court to establish visitation, if he really wants to see his child on a regular basis. Extended silent treatment and smoking to annoy you sounds like emotional abuse.

sounds very passive aggressive to me. he passive concerning being able to be a part of his child's life too. a lot of men are like that. they just don't fight. they give up. nobody could ever keep me from my children.

and you don't know the whole story about him not seeing his child. he could be a dad that likes to come and go as he pleases. but i won't speculate.
I really can't hold this in but
"shoulda never gave those n*ggaz monayyy"
Dave Chapelle


sounds very passive aggressive to me. he passive concerning being able to be a part of his child's life too. a lot of men are like that. they just don't fight. they give up. nobody could ever keep me from my children.

and you don't know the whole story about him not seeing his child. he could be a dad that likes to come and go as he pleases. but i won't speculate.

I really like the bolded point. You could be right. He could just have given up but I don't know the ins and outs of that situation because it isn't one that he discusses with me unless I ask a particular question. What I do know is that if I had a child, I would definitely want to be in every part of my child's life...and not a parent from a distance because I cannot get along with the other parent.