Should I just cut it? Please advise,


Well-Known Member
Some of you may remember that after my last relaxing (Overlapping!) experience that my hair is breaking every time I handle it. Some pieces are as short as 1/4 inch, some are as long as 3 inches, vast majority are 1 to 1.5 inches long.
Its very frustrating to have finally gotten my hair to shoulder length only to have it snapping off now. I'm not sure I have the heart to cut it though.
Right now I'm almost 2 months into my relaxer. I only handle my hair once a week. I shampoo, condition, and sometimes hot oil as well. I spray a leave in, use coconut oil and cornrow it up, using only my own hair. Other than spraying Surge (on the scalp only) twice a day and misting about once a day with distilled water, I leave it alone. I sleep on satin of course, and I also cover my hair whenever I leave the house.
My question is, since I don't wear it down, can I get away with not cutting it? Or would it be better for my hair health to just chop it instead of continuing to let it break off? The thing is, I hate to cut 3 inches if all of my hair doesn't need it.
Please help!
If I were you, I would probably cut off the damaged hair after the next touch-up, but not all at once. I'd get a minicut, then continue with the handling once a week (I do this as well), and then maybe chop off a little more after the next touch-up, and do it as you go, rather than do a shock cut.
slwe I have aphogee'd, keraphixed, and deep moisturized this hair. The problem is that the ends were overlapped all the time from my first stylist that I stopped using early last year. I used to only get it done 2-3 times a year and then just about 80% straight. This last stylist I went to, after trying a few times to do it myself, overlapped to the ends. (I never overlapped when I did it). I think the poor ends just couldn't take anymore, I don't think ANYTHING can save them. The damage is irreparable.
If damage control isn't an option, you should decide which would cause you more stress: watching them break off gradually or trimming them off in one sitting. Do what will give you peace of mind.

The decision won't change your appearance in public, as you're wearing your hair up all the time. Only you and the LHCF members will know.
I agree megon. I got a nasty chop in November, and I haven't been wearing my hair down, therefore, no one can tell.
I would deep condition every other day and do the baggie technique to retain most of the moisture. What moisturizers do you use?
This may or may not help, but have you tried deep conditioning your hair with a conditioner containing, hydrolyzed collagen. I've found this to be my miracle protein. Some conditioners containing this are Bone Marrow, Motions Silk Protein, LeKair Cholesterol, Nexxus Ensure. I really think hydrolyzed collagen and plenty of moisture helps keep my hair pliable.

Let us know,
Umsumayyah ~

I hope I'm not too late responding to your post. Before you pick up the scissors, chica, please check your PM.
Well, I decided to stop trippin' and just cut it. I shampooed and cholesterol'd my hair (w/heat) and then sectioned and twisted it. I trim/cut about 1.5 inches off each section right before twisting. I decided I was tired of all the pieces snapping off and since that seems to be the average length of the broken pieces, that would be a good amount to cut.
It wasn't oo traumatic, although I do notice the lost length when I look in the mirror. I think my hair only grows 1/4 inch a month, so this was a significant setback.
I am still considering going natural. Going to stylists is just stressful and a pain in the rear. I am afraid that even if I did manage to find a good one she would move, retire, or die and I would be back to square one. My hair is thick and getting longer so I'm not sure about self-relaxing. Even though I very rarely wear it straight, having it relaxed shows more length in my cornrows and twists (my usual styles).
Anyway enough with my rambling. I cut the stuff and I'm hoping that this will stop the breakage, although I guess all the 3 inch pieces that were breaking will be 1.5 inches now, I hope there won't be that many.
I'll let you guys know.
I always felt like that pruning a rosebush seems so brutal...and it takes away the beauty of the rose...

It's actully the cutting out the dead wood, giving the new branches room to grow...the bush comes back thicker and stronger...becasue the disease is gone...light can hit the under is not wasted on dead wood.

Once the damage is done to our cannot be undone...if your goal is the have healthy hair...then sometimes a severe cut is neccesary to get rid of the damage...but it will grow back...and if you've learned a few new wont have that kind of damage again.

I had to do a severe chop it is a little unnerving to see so much growth dissapear...but a nappy friend asked me..."Is it better to have healthy hair...or longer appearing hair?" That planted the seed...and when I was really ready....I let it go.

It will grow back.
Re: Should I just cut it? Please advise,

Hi Um.

I went through the same thing 2 weeks ago. I got 2 inches chopped, but I'm sooooo happy it's gone. My hair looks much thicker and fuller, not to mention it behaves better now. Like Pookey said, it will grow back, but you'll have the comfort in knowing it's in much better condition now.