Should I forgive Her? Where do I start? ( looong)


New Member
I was thinking about posting this conflict on both the off-topic forum and the christian forum. (I didn't want to limit myself to just one view). I had a friend, we'll call her LG, at my university who I became instantly close to. Its like, as soon as we became roomies... we were like blood sisters. I helped her through her decision to be engaged to her ex, I was her detective when her ex keyed and attacked her car. The two of us became so close after one week that we wanted to get our first apartment together and spent our summer searching for the perfect place. All while this was happening, the both us, now single, set out on a search for her new beau. She had spent most of her HS years with a particular young man and had yet to experience fun in college bc of this relationship. I was the ever doting friend. One day, we went to visit a male friend of mine in his home and the two of them were smitten. I was so excited! He seemed perfect for her, everything she was looking for, and as far as I had known he was a decent man. Well, while the two of them were dating, they noticed my affection for another male friend named ML ( I have several posts refering to him). We were excited to take our friendship to the next level and were happy. I was supportive of him through his emotional crisis, I prayed for his financial and prayed every moment for us to stay together forever. Well, the relationship btw her and the guy ended bc he was basically a dog and I didn't know. The two of them blamed me bc I warned her that i was noticing signs that he was no good and she was too pretty to put up with his games. This destroyed all of our dreams for rent-to-own on a condo, being at each others weddings... the friendship slowly dwindled. She instead moved in with a young lady, call her Katie. They then set out to destroy my relationship with ML. I would noticed on his facebook all of these enticing messages on his wall inviting him over, flirting, etc. I asked her one day why she was doing it and she gave me some run-of-the mill excuses, "oh, ML is just having fun with you", "You guys are over", "You broke up my relationship, and now we think you're trying to break up Katie's". What?????!!! I don't even know the girl, I have just heard of her promiscous sexcapades through ML. Four Months Later, ML and I succumbed to couple deathbed and our friendship and romance was ruined. To anyone who knew me, I was a former shell of who I once was. I was known around campus for being energetic, lively, happy-go-luck goof troop. After the break-up, I was no longer fun to be around, i didn't talked to many people, not even my parents. I would spend my weekdays at work or at class, and then spent my lonesome nights crying. Eventually my hardwork in school and at work suffered and I was fired and failed my classes. I decided to take time off this semester to recoup and get back in order, as well as get surgery for scoleosis. I have been doing fine, I stop cursing god for the break-up and the pain. I started attending church again, dating again, and am peacing my life back together. Late Last Night, I get a message:

hey girl.
ive realized that what happened to us was really dumb and immature and it should have never even happened. there was so much drama involved and i really couldn't handle it. you were absolutely right about katie. i never meant to hurt you or do anything to you. you were a good friend and i wanted to ask you if u could forgive and forget and put the past behind us. i would really like to be on good terms with you. jeremy said u were back home. i hope all is going well for you and i heard u were having surgery as well.. i hope everything's okay.
hopefully talk to you soon!
♥ LG

This is how i feel about the message
My Mom thinks I shouldn't even respond to her; Have absolutely nothing to do with her. I feel that to say I forgive, but to still not even say hello when I see her or even respond to her attempts at contact means I am still hold malice and contempt in my heart. Does that still make me a christian? Am I still making progress in my faith and doing the works of Jesus if I make the decision to not be friends? Or do I have to forgive completely and give her another chance in order to be true? I don't know if I can ever trust her again, and certainly not around any potential love interests!
I wonder if she would have sent you that nessage if you and ML were still together...

I dont know her but she sounds like a total b****. The kind of friend that would not really be happy for you when you are succeeding in life.
I dont know your history but i think she has proven herself for what she is.

I would forgive her but keep her far away (ie not be as close to her).
Henrietta said:
I wonder if she would have sent you that nessage if you and ML were still together...

I dont know her but she sounds like a total b****. The kind of friend that would not really be happy for you when you are succeeding in life.
I dont know your history but i think she has proven herself for what she is.

I would forgive her but keep her far away (ie not be as close to her).

My thoughts precisely... or if her a Katie were still friends. I think she went messing with ML, bc she subtly hinted that she or Katie were going to get with him.
bravenewgirl87 said:
My thoughts precisely... or if her a Katie were still friends. I think she went messing with ML, bc she subtly hinted that she or Katie were going to get with him.

Girl, she sounds nasty...what kind of close friend would tell you that they were going to get with the guy you're with?? urgh.

Please dont even be friends with this girl. You will be exposing yourself to more betrayal. Get new friends that are gonna be there for you through thick and thin.
Yes I would forgive her but that does mean keep her in my circle. You have to forgive her in order for GOD to forgive you, that's not an option. But I would not be as close to her as I was previously. You now know her heart and its not a good one when things don't go her way. Let the the pass be the pass and forgive but don't be around her at all. Still, pray about it though.
There's a chance she's not being genuine and only apologizing for one or more of these reasons:

You aren't with ML anymore so she's no longer jealous.
She and Katie aren't friends anymore and she wants to weasle her way to being friends with you.
She wants to clear her conscious before your surgery.

Forgive her, but don't let her back into your life.
bravenewgirl87 said:
This is how i feel about the message
My Mom thinks I shouldn't even respond to her; Have absolutely nothing to do with her. I feel that to say I forgive, but to still not even say hello when I see her or even respond to her attempts at contact means I am still hold malice and contempt in my heart. Does that still make me a christian? Am I still making progress in my faith and doing the works of Jesus if I make the decision to not be friends? Or do I have to forgive completely and give her another chance in order to be true? I don't know if I can ever trust her again, and certainly not around any potential love interests![/B]

Of course you're still a Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean you're no longer human :). I don't think you have to be close friends with her (to start), but I do think you need to forgive her and at the minimum be cordial and nice to her, then see where it goes. You reap what you sow. At some point you may hurt someone else and you'll want them to forgive you...and you'll want things to go back to how they were.

I'll point you to these scriptures:

For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
—Matthew 6:14-15 (NIV)

21 Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” 22 Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.
—Matthew 18:21-22 (NIV)

So watch yourselves. "If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him."
—Luke 17:3-4

I am one of those people who says forgive...but don't forget. If you forget, how will you not make the same mistake with her in the future? That doesn't mean be mean to her...treat her differently...or hold it over her head. To me it means, be aware of what happened and move on.

I think she already knows that what she did was dirty. Regardless of her motivation, you need to forgive her. Forgiveness isn't for her, its for you. How can you focus on Christ when you've got those bad feelings in you. Plus, if you don't let it go...that anger and disappointment will always be in you. You may not even realize it most of the time but, you'll feel it later when you remember what happened.

As for the contempt and malice - its hard, but you have to let that go, too. It feels good to have it, and we all really want the people to hurt us to suffer and know they did wrong. That's natural...but not Godly. I really think you should pray that the Lord take that from you because it will only impede your growth in your Faith. Think of the kind of Christ we would have if he had contempt for everyone that wronged Him. Contempt...brings not healthy for your body...soul... or spirit.

Pray over it.
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Everyone has basically posted what I was thinking. You can forgive her, sure why not? God wants us to forgive, it's written in the Bible. Forgiveness releases [/b]US from all of the pain and hurt that we have endured. Forgiveness is not about the other person it's about YOU. I would forgive her so your life can be free and so that God can forgive you. BUT there comes a time when it's best to forgive and move on. From reading her e-mail it seems that she is remorseful but I am questioning why? Is she still friends with Katie? Probably not. Now she needs a friend :rolleyes: Also, is it because her conscious is killing her and she wants to see if she can get back into your good graces? Maybe so. You have come so far in this situation and whatever you decide to do, proceed with caution. Sometimes God removes people out of our lives for a reason and she may have only been put in your life for a season. Think about it, pray over the situation and proceed once God gives you the answer you need. HTH :)
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You can forgive her, but she clearly cannot be trusted or allowed back into your inner circle.

Forgivness does not always mean everything's ok let's be best friends again.
StrawberryQueen said:
You can forgive her, but she clearly cannot be trusted or allowed back into your inner circle.

Forgivness does not always mean everything's ok let's be best friends again.

Exactly! You can quietly forgive her in your heart and never see her again or speak to her again. I also agree with CandiceC, I'm not sure she's being genuine. I think she misses you as a friend now that Katie has likely stabbed her in the back. I think she is also being nosey about your surgery and wants to be in your business and will go back and share any and every thing you share with her if you guys spoke. Just keep moving forward and focus on your well-being.
You should definitely forgive her but that can be done without contacting her. I do not think you should respond to her. She has proven herself unworthy of your friendship according to the description of events. You do not need to involved your spirit with this individual. I have had my share of experiences with drama craving individuals. There is no end to there chaos. Forgive her in your heart, and move on :)
I don't know if she is really sorry. Or sorry because the well ran dry between her and Katie. Either way, you should forgive her not for her but for you. Let go of the past and move on. I always look at the lessons I get out of heartbreak and letdowns. Hopefully you now know that no matter what, people are just human and they will sometimes let you down but GOD never will. Just continue to put Him first and you can be cordial and nice to her but you don't have to let her in like before. Hugs to you and I will be praying that your surgery goes well. Q
i'd never be able to trust her either. if you do decide to reconcile things take things very slow and don't let her get too close too quickly.