Should I email him or what?


Well-Known Member
Well, while I was in college I met a guy that was really really cool. He said he didn't want to "go there" (I was too young for him to be in a relationship with. I was 19 he was 25-26) but he always went out of his way for me, always. Taking me places, out to eat and back and forth to school. He was like my first college "real guy kiss". I found his email by chance online (he goes to the same school as I did and was featured on the website. I put his name in the directory boom bam his email). I mean the last time I talked to him was over 5 yrs ago. Should I email him to say, "Hi thanks for being a cool guy"? Or should I leave it alone? I mean he could be married, have a girlfriend or a kid. I don't want to look like I am stalking or reaching for something, because I’m not! But is it wrong to drop a message? He may not even remember me! I don't want to look stupid!

What do you think?
I think you should. He was a good friend a while ago, and you're thinking of him. Say that. People like to know they are thought of.
E-mail him and tell him you thought about him after seeing him on the website.
Sure, why not? If he's got a family or anything, I'm sure that will come out in during the conversation if you all decide to talk.
I don't see anything wrong with dropping a email to him. You were friends. Drop him a line saying wassup.
hell, i'm curious my dayum self. nothing wrong with keeping in contact. i say e-mail him, drop a line and see if he responds. let us know how it turns out.
I sent it yesterday. I should have done it earlier because this is finals week. I hope he doesn't over look it and sent it to trash. I know sometims I didn't check my college mail for months. So if and when he responds ya'll be the first to know what went down!

to be continued...
do it!
If I hadn't sent that first email message I probably wouldn't be married today! :giggle:

let us know what he says.
DO IT!!!!! Thats what happen between my SO and I. I got in contact with him by email one day. Now we have a son and have been together almost 5 years.
LOL @ ya'll!

K so I sent the message on Tuesday and he replied back the same day. It’s been small chit chats. He remembers me! (He got my major messed up by asking "aren't you the fashion girl". lol my major was Interior Design Architecture. It was in the same building as the fashion design students. He was close!) He asked me how I found him. I told him I saw his pic on the University website. He replied, "as long as you’re not stalking me ha-ha" (he was always a smart-mouth! He hasn't changed a bit lol). He asked like when I graduated and how my life was going. And when was I going to do my Masters, blah blah blah. So I replied and asked him the same questions on Wednesday. He has not replied back yet to that email. So I don't know his avail status as of yet. But I have a feeling he may be "off the market". There’s no way some girl hasn't hooked her teeth into all that! *rolls eyes*. But regardless I’m glad I said hi. I’m a very shy person (invisible to everybody) so it felt great take the first step and be spontaneous for a change.

Whenever I get the email I will return! be continued!
LOL @ ya'll!

K so I sent the message on Tuesday and he replied back the same day. It’s been small chit chats. He remembers me! (He got my major messed up by asking "aren't you the fashion girl". lol my major was Interior Design Architecture. It was in the same building as the fashion design students. He was close!) He asked me how I found him. I told him I saw his pic on the University website. He replied, "as long as you’re not stalking me ha-ha" (he was always a smart-mouth! He hasn't changed a bit lol). He asked like when I graduated and how my life was going. And when was I going to do my Masters, blah blah blah. So I replied and asked him the same questions on Wednesday. He has not replied back yet to that email. So I don't know his avail status as of yet. But I have a feeling he may be "off the market". There’s no way some girl hasn't hooked her teeth into all that! *rolls eyes*. But regardless I’m glad I said hi. I’m a very shy person (invisible to everybody) so it felt great take the first step and be spontaneous for a change.

Whenever I get the email I will return! be continued!

Thanks for the updates and keep us posted.
Definitely let us know the response. Whenever in doubt about whether or not to call or email a guy, just do it. I learnt that a long time ago. Otherwise it just consumes you for days and you waste precious time. Life is too short! Just enjoy it!
I am glad you emailed him.

There is nothing more you need to do. If he is available and interested, he will let you know.