Should I cut?


New Member
My hair is uneven, shorter on top, layers and long at the back...passing bra strap length. I've never had problems growing hair nor retaining the ends as they do accumulate in length. My problem? Damage. I did it again and I've been holding off cutting it for months. The longer my ends get, the more tangly they become. WTH???

I've done Aphogee, Porosity Control by Roux, thinking about French Perm Stabilizer for combouts. I've taken the advice from others who bind their hair and only combout once weekly or 2-3x per week. My hair is buttered, conditioned and just damaged...I'm thinking about cutting off 5 inches and starting over. My goal is waist-length but I'm afraid of accumulating more length with the same problems.

I've never had it tangle so damn much. I use a k-cutter, Jilbere shower comb, Denman, have the best conditioners, only relax new's shedding. I also used what I thought as a professional product for me, Mizani and Linange, but I shed with them (didn't leave on long and they straightened fast). I hate seeing those hairs in the shower. Just hate it. It sheds less after Aphogee but still tangles on the end like crazy. Plus, the new growth didn't take last time...after a few days, it's awful in contrast. I used Linange and only left on for 8 mins. Someone suggested ORS? See, I used to relax with no-lye and my hair was fine. Then I switched because someone said those over dry the hair and lye's are better, allowing you to retain more moisture and texture. I ultimately wanted to texlax but the contrast is urking me.

What I think happened is more length (I usually wore a bob, always wore to shoulder and shorter) thus, more tangly ends. I hate short hair but I'm afraid this is what I'll have to do. The new growth that didn't take...why did I ever use chemicals (all you naturals just laughing at me...give a negresse a break!!!), why o' why????? I promised myself not to cut yet.
I feel like sh..t. Before I go mad and cut this stuff like a just-scorned woman, someone give me advice to rescue me. HEEEELLLLLPPPP:wallbash::wallbash:
Maybe try going to a stylist that has experience with your type of hair. I would just get a wash and roller set until you and your hair calms down. The stylist usually can get our hiar smooth without overprocessing or frying it with a blow dryer. Have a cup of tea and relax things will get better. :)
It sounds to me like you are using too many products. If no lye was working for you then I think that you should stick to that. I would also suggest no heat. Just Co-wash, moisturize, seal ends and let it airdry.

Just see how this works, please let cutting be a last resort, because I am transitioning, and I wish I would have waited before I cut my hair. HTH
It sounds to me like you are using too many products. If no lye was working for you then I think that you should stick to that. I would also suggest no heat. Just Co-wash, moisturize, seal ends and let it airdry.

Just see how this works, please let cutting be a last resort, because I am transitioning, and I wish I would have waited before I cut my hair. HTH

Thank you to both of you. I had a coffee and some apple and orange slices.:lachen:A little bit calmer. But don't you just get that moment when you are miserable? I've held on thus far, I guess I'll keep doing so until I get over this. Could this be a common stage? Perhaps it's also the weather...and I'm losing weight...maybe all factors somehow.
Thank you to both of you. I had a coffee and some apple and orange slices.:lachen:A little bit calmer. But don't you just get that moment when you are miserable? I've held on thus far, I guess I'll keep doing so until I get over this. Could this be a common stage? Perhaps it's also the weather...and I'm losing weight...maybe all factors somehow.

Girl, I did just get that miserable moment. You see my short bob. Don't do it, don't let your hair be your scapegoat. That is exactly what I did, I got so mad at someone else that I took it out on my hair. Stress can cause the shedding. Some women swear by garlic pills and co-washing for the breakage.