Should I Cut or Not?? (Pics Included!)


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm having a dilemma.
I'm currently transitioning because relaxers have just RUINED my hair. My hair is a little past shoulder length and I want to get back to how my hair used to be before relaxers so that's why I'm transitioning. I never had short hair so I'm very self conscious of doing a BC so I want to take baby steps to cutting the relaxed ends off. The first picture is before I got my ends clipped about a week ago. She only clipped about an inch off to even out my hair and got rid of some of the split ends. The other picture was taken a week ago right after co washing my hair.

I just feel like my hair is so damaged and I'm tired of the "relaxed" ends looking scraggly, rough, and damaged. My hair has crazy layers from broken off pieces and it's just pissing me off. I'm not willing to BC but I'm thinking about cutting maybe 3 more inches to make my hair chin length.

My mom says I'm being impatient (she's been on her hair care journey for 9 years and her hair is down to her butt....i swear!)
But my DH agrees with her but won't be mad if I cut it.

What should I do?? Am I just being impatient??!



  • before trim.jpg
    before trim.jpg
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  • after co wash.jpg
    after co wash.jpg
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Just transition longer if you do not feel ready to cut it. Another poster mentioned that they had lots of damage from a weave where many parts were broken off, in that case, I said BC. But for you, you hair does not look too bad in the photos you posted. You can just wear braid outs etc and slowly cut your hair.
Your hair doesnt look bad. Especially if you trimmed off and inch and evened it up. You can always trim off the hair when you feel ready, there is no need to rush something that you may regret. I would take a little time to really think it over, and if afterwards your ready, go for it! :)

Hope that helps
Since you're not ready to BC, I'm thinking that you should get a trim in lieu of a cut... unless your ends are uber damaged, then maybe a deep trim and a good treatment. I wouldn't go as drastic as chin length just yet.
I think you wanna do it to get it done and over with..To say "I BC'd!!!" I would get a cut I mean there is no need cutting off perfectly good hair. I mean maybe its me and I know "it will grow back" but I am into retention. Ultimately it is your decision but you reallydon't seem sure. And to those who believe its not a big deal. IT IS A BIG DEAL!
Enjoy your journey!
Personally, I would not chop. I am in the same position as you. I plan on pressing until I'm at a comfortable length for me, which is a bit past APL just to blend the two textures. But, that's my personal opinion.
Thanks for the responses. I may just cut to shoulder length to get rid of some of these ends!