Should I be concerned?


New Member
with this breakage? I have done the Aphogee 2min protein treatment around every third wash. However, is this breakage cause for concern. I really am confused by all the ambiguity and trying to determine what my hair is doing in the first place and what it is i need to fix.

BTW - I haven't combed in about 5-6 days

That doesn't look like a lot to me, but if you're worried, cut out the Aphogee for a while and up the moisture :yep:
Okay, that is comforting. It makes me feel like I have at least been doing something right. I learned here not to comb so much and I really don't do that anymore. I combed to get these hairs to come out to measure the damage.

I thought that the Aphogee was to stop breakage and it seem like I have a 50/50 mix of breakage and shedding. Do you still think I should do the Aphogee 2min or something else?

My reason for asking is that I am preparing or pondering my virgin relaxer and much needed trim. Not sure if I should continue to go at it natural, I wear straight 100% or just go ahead and get relaxer in spite of condition now.

depending on how frequent every third wash is for you, I'd say it is possible you have some protein overload, as Aphogee is a strong protein. I would reduce that to once a month right now and up your moisture game, as mentioned above, and see how your hair responds. Honestly, my hair doens't break that much, but was before, and so for me, I realize that's probably not good, IMHO... But I think it could be a lot worse if it continues... When you do an Aphogee treatment, be sure to always follow it with a very moisturizing deep conditioner.

Right now, it would be great if you could wash once a week, preferrably with something very gentle, then follow with a serious heated deep conditioning treatment, and then style as usual.. Be sure to cut out on heat if you are using that... And to protect your ends, some Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship leave-in with castor oil or coconut oil on your ends will help tremendously. I would baby the hair for awhile, and cut out anything that could be causing the damage. Also, if possible, get some gentle hair tools like a Jilbere shower comb to detangle with, and a Goody Jojoba Infused Paddle brush from Walgreens or Rite-Aid.

Also, if you are stretching your relaxer or have lots of new growth, combing through that without the softening and moisturizing effects, as well as detangling effects of a good conditioner and deep conditioner will cause some serious breakage... I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, please PM me.. I am not the authority on anything, but I've learned a lot here to keep my hair from breaking, and shedding a lot... I am well pleased with the results...
Also, I should explain why I recommend those hair tools... The goody brush will glide right through your hair, but will not tug on the hair causing it to break... It is very gentle, but still gets the job done wiht a few more passes than a normal stiff brush.. The shower comb is great for detangling, but always detangle with lots of conditioner in the hair. I always detangle first in the shower with my Goody jojoba brush, and do so in sections, and then I use the Jilbere whilst my hair is running under the water. The pressure of the water assists the detangling process...

Also, I see that you just said you are a natural andyou wear your hair straight... I was doing this for awhile, and trying to keep my hair straight for more than a week without wetting it again and avoiding damage was nearly impossible. For some reason, the hair needs replenished moisture and resealing. If you wait more than a week, it is possible that your hair is drying out in between and causing more breakage.. I am natural 100 percent as well, and I can no longer go more than a week without a wash and deep condition... I can straighten or press, and for a few days I'm great, but after like four days, I start getting breakage and shedding like crazy... that's telling me my hair is thirsty and needs some serious moisture, unfortunately, moisturizing lotion doesn't work, but a full out wash and deep condition... HTH