Should I ask him out? Reacquainted First Love

Wow, this is an awesome thread. I know that I’m weighing in on this a little late, but RR, I just wanted to encourage and tell you to keep holding on. Your waiting is not in vain. I have been where you are. I waited for my husband for what seems like a lifetime, but in reality it wasn’t that long…about three years. He is a man I had dated before, but the timing was wrong. Once we broke up I couldn’t get over him. One night, on my parent’s couch I was taking a nap when I heard a voice say, “It’s not over between you and him.” I knew it was God. A few months later I prayed and asked God to reveal to me if he was the one for me or not. A few days later I had my answer. Only I recognized the answer was from God. Anyone else wouldn’t have noticed, but I did. From that moment on I held on to what God told me. You see, that was all I had to hold on to. Everything in the natural made it look like I was crazy for waiting for this man. Many times I felt crazy. Many times I felt stupid. All these men in the world and a few of them were interested in me, but I waited. I dated some and I even tried to imagine myself married to someone else, but my heart was always with my husband. I knew that he was the one. It took patience, prayer, fasting and time, but when my husband came around and started noticing me it was a beautiful thing. We’ve been married now for six years. There are times when I look back and I say to myself, “That wasn’t so bad.” I spent many Valentine’s days alone. There were many birthdays where I had no sweetheart to take me out to dinner and treat me like a princess. Those were some sad times, but for what I have right now it was well worth it. I could have settled. I could have pursued a man my parents adored and who I knew was interested in me. We may have even had a nice life together, but he was not the one for me. I could have given up in all my loneliness, sadness and frustration, but something wouldn’t let me. I had to keep holding on. There were so many times I would cry myself to sleep. There were times I would yell out in anguish, but through it all a small part of me could whisper to God, “I’m still going to hold on.” I’m so glad I did.

RR, we never know what God is doing behind the scenes. There are times when we think we’re ready, but we’re really not and He has to finish preparing us for the great blessing that are coming our way. There have been so many things in life that I wanted, but if I’d gotten them when *I* thought I was ready it wouldn’t have worked. My husband and I tried to get pregnant for a year. When I finally got pregnant I ended up having a miscarriage. That was one of the darkest times in my life. To this day I look back at the moment in my life and tears come to my eyes. But, I can see, three years later that that wasn’t the time for us to have a baby. We needed more time together as husband and wife…just the two of us. We needed to build a stronger foundation. Now, we have a beautiful 13 month old girl and my husband’s daughter has been living with us for the past two years. Our lives are full and busy. We’re blessed, but I can truly see where we needed a little more time together, just the two of us. God knew that. I didn’t know, but God did.

RR, keep holding on. Keep trusting and believing God. ((((((hugs)))))) to you.
:cry: Mselle...this is so beautiful. How faithful our God is. The awesome beauty is that 'You knew His voice.'... Praise God. You 'KNEW' God's voice and the voice of a stranger, you did not follow.

I pray above all things, that you and your husband will continue to abound in love with and towards one another for always. In Jesus's Name...Amen. :love3:

Praise the wonder Name and Voice of Jesus! :amen:
Thank you, Shimmie for your prayers and kind words. Your posts are always right on time. ((((((hugs)))))
Mselle, may I share this?

Whenever God 'speaks' to us, it's for many reasons regarding 'one' situation. God needed someone special for your husband; someone who was attuned to His voice and to obedience. God chose 'you' as He chose the Virgin Mary who was called 'Highly Favored Above All Virgins'.

God didn't want just anyone for your husband, He wanted someone who could be trusted and obedient to His plan for your husband's life (his Destiny).

God DOES indeed have a plan and it takes a strong, beautiful vessel and handmaiden of the Lord to fulfill this for the Lord and His purpose.

Mselle, this is not the first nor will it ever be the 'last' time that God's voice has / and will speak to you regarding your husband. You see, there's always a 'hand-selected' and 'HEART-selected' woman that can only fill the shoes that can 'walk' the walk' and in order to follow the path that God has pre-ordained...long before the foundations of the earth.

You are your husband's 'ear' to the Lord. Your husband has a 'call' that will keep him busy and at times distracted...yet you will be his ear to the Lord and God has ordained you and annointed you and most of all, He can trust you to not only hear -- but listen, then follow and obey.

In Mark chapter 4, it speaks of the process of fulfillment, "...first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear."

God planted the seed into your heart that your husband was the 'one' and that it wasn't over...the 'blade'. The process of growth continues ... "the ear' (the buds of the corn plant); until the God's plan has been fulfilled..."the full corn in the ear"...your husband's Destiny.

Our husbands may be the 'Head', but we (the wife) are the 'Neck' that support them. :yep:


I hope the corn theory makes sense....:rolleyes: I wasn't calling your natural ears a ear of corn....:nono: :lol:

Blessings angel...:love2:
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Wow. I'm pretty late on this thread, but I just wanted to say that I feel you, RR. There was a point in my life where I was the "freak". I was the only one of my group who had no boyfriend, wasn't dating, or partying or having sex. And I didn't want to because I knew God had me set apart at that time for a reason. It was hard, but I've never been closer to God than I was at that time of my life.

Be strong. There is a purpose and a reason for all of this. I can't pretend to tell you when you will receive everything that God has already set up for you, but I know it's coming, and when it does...your mind will be blown.:yep::grin:
39 yo virgin?!! I'm in awe. Hold on, I say!!!!! Don't breakdown because you're ready for a breakthrough (can't remember where I heard that one, but I love it). You're being tested: suddenly a crush and a first love appear. You couldn't even mouth the words to make the "appointment" with the first love - oooooh!!! to be kept by God (He had his hand over your mouth, no doubt).

Joshua 14:10 - Pray for the spirit of Caleb - he waited 45 years on his promise (not that I want you to be a 45yo get the gist: hold on!:lachen:)

Numbers 14: 24 - But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall possess it.
39 yo virgin?!! I'm in awe. Hold on, I say!!!!! Don't breakdown because you're ready for a breakthrough (can't remember where I heard that one, but I love it). You're being tested: suddenly a crush and a first love appear. You couldn't even mouth the words to make the "appointment" with the first love - oooooh!!! to be kept by God (He had his hand over your mouth, no doubt).

Joshua 14:10 - Pray for the spirit of Caleb - he waited 45 years on his promise (not that I want you to be a 45yo get the gist: hold on!:lachen:)

Numbers 14: 24 - But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall possess it.
I KNOW! She oughta be doing this :yay:!!!

RR, we celebrate you!!!! :circle:
39 yo virgin?!! I'm in awe. Hold on, I say!!!!! Don't breakdown because you're ready for a breakthrough (can't remember where I heard that one, but I love it). You're being tested: suddenly a crush and a first love appear. You couldn't even mouth the words to make the "appointment" with the first love - oooooh!!! to be kept by God (He had his hand over your mouth, no doubt).

Joshua 14:10 - Pray for the spirit of Caleb - he waited 45 years on his promise (not that I want you to be a 45yo get the gist: hold on!:lachen:)

Numbers 14: 24 - But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall possess it.

Hey, Mocha and Trini....

I just want to make it very clear to the entire UNIVERSE (and all the other universes that our Lord may have so graciously created) that it is all to the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ that He has kept me.... No lie, no hook, no crook about it....

Trini: you're the first one that caught that point of seeing BOTH the HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH AND THE FIRST LOVE within a four-week period.... That was deep... for real....

And hear me when I say that as much as I love the Lord my God (and I do), I wasn't trying to hear Him on this matter in that moment of that brief conversation with that first love.... I felt those words travel from my brain down through my face to the insides of mouth. I (my flesh) tried to push them out from inside my teeth, through my lips, my tongue to enunciate/pronounce/articulate those words.... I'm a witness that the Lord WILL SET A GUARD AT YOUR LIPS....

And the thing about it? I know he (my first love) was NONE THE WISER... just like he wasn't none the wiser 19 years ago when I had initially planned for him to be my first... but the Lord blocked that, too....

Mocha: part of me is excited and moreso grateful that the Lord has preserved me from A LOT of HEARTACHE, 'cause I might not have survived it.... And part of me is like "My God, will I ever feel the passion I felt for this dude? Will a man (the RIGHT MAN) hold my hand in that special way? It's been so long since I've been held like that... even something simple as a hand, a big bear hug....

It's like the series of messages in that "Why Did I Get Married" thread and how (I thought I heard) the speaker said that at some point that there is such an awareness of that space, desire, for that companion.... I believe that I have reached that point.... to the point where I now sort of understand why some women choose to have ANY man instead of NO man, even though that's very unwise....

I continue to thank my Lord for your dear ladies and your heartfelt, honest, wise responses. I'm also grateful that others are being edified by our conversation here....

And I'm not 39 yet, y'all! Got a couple more months, though.... and I definitely believe the Lord that I will not be a recent film title, either, by the grace, mercy, and promise of the Lord!