Should I ask him out? Reacquainted First Love


New Member
Even though this is a type of relationship question, I'm asking in the Christian Forum for a "purely" Christian/biblical perspective.... Sigh....

For the record, I already know what I do and don't want to do.... I was just curious to see some different perspectives. Here's the story....

I saw my "first love" at a mixer recently. He's not the fresh-faced handsome boy-man I remember almost two decades ago. He's thicker, and he's growing some kind of weird sideburns(?) But anyway.... I hadn't seen him in a long, long time.

We talked for some moments asking each other about family. He remembers my entire family, where my parents live, etc. He's still single, no children. Good job, one he (still) enjoys. He has A LOT of nieces and nephews (many of whom I remember when we were dating) and they're grown with their own children.... Time is flying!

A small part of me hoped that there was a spark to remind me that I could still feel romantic/sexual feelings(?!) and that he would say something (get my number or something) that would facilitate us staying in touch.... beyond an obscure email reference, that didn't happen....

Part of me attempted to make a bold suggestion to make arrangements for can I say...personal and purposeful time/contact (sex so I won't be a virgin at age 39).... the words were on the path from my brain to my mouth....but they just didn't come out....(talk about a guard at the lips! Ha!)....

Interestingly, within this month, I have encountered both my high school crush and my first love and clearly, those situations are nice memories that belong where they are: in the past. I hope and believe that the Lord would be so kind to illuminate any lessons/reasons for these encounters to help me advance and make the transition into the particular divine connection that He has promised me....

Looking forward to your responses....
:pray: "Precious Holy Spirit, what is the answer? Thank you for making it plain / crystal clear. That it won't loud as thunder, nor will it be a whirlwind, but that 'still small voice' that she will hear behind her ear saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it."

In Jesus's Name we pray, Amen and Amen. :pray:

RR, I want only the best for you. You have my support no matter what. Okay, precious one? :kiss:

Keep us posted.

BTW: You said 'sex' twice :blush: It made me...:giggle: It was worth the smile. :yep:
Awww, Shimmie....

One of my friends IRL said I should ask him out...because I would have "nothing to lose"... just to see if there are some sparks there or at least to remain friendly acquaintances.... I was just like "hey, not looking for a relationship, just sex"... maybe as a defense if I could have sex without emotion:look::ohwell::nono:....not even capable of that....

I suppose I don't want the fire and brimstone no judgement.... but a Throne Room answer... you know... the kind that is so undeniable, clever...suave...a satisfying, edifying word....

And at the moment, my mind is so foggy....
Go for it. Regardless of what happens, as long as you learn from the situation-it's not a mistake. Remember, you are still an imperfect human being with thoughts and feelings to work with. IMO the "what if" are the worst.
Awww, Shimmie....

One of my friends IRL said I should ask him out...because I would have "nothing to lose"... just to see if there are some sparks there or at least to remain friendly acquaintances.... I was just like "hey, not looking for a relationship, just sex"... maybe as a defense if I could have sex without emotion:look::ohwell::nono:....not even capable of that....

I suppose I don't want the fire and brimstone no judgement.... but a Throne Room answer... you know... the kind that is so undeniable, clever...suave...a satisfying, edifying word....

And at the moment, my mind is so foggy....
I hear you little sister....:giveheart: . That's why I prayed. I promise you that you will hear that still small voice and you will know that you know...that you know.

RR, of all of the answers that I could give you; I wanted to give you a 'gift' instead. The gift of love from a sister's heart. You see, I truly want you to have the very best. The best answer, the best time, the best in love.

No matter what or how this current situation turns out, you will not lose ground in God's promise for your future in marriage. You are someone's Bride to be, and he is a very blessed man...indeed.

So....don't dare give up hope. You will not be a hopeless virgin, but a beautiful wife and loved eternally.'s in that still small voice (our Precious Holy Spirit) which bypasses the fog...:love2:
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Ok, so my immediate response was, "Yep! Do it!" cause I'm all for asserting one's self and not waiting for him to make a move. But then, for me, the deal breaker was that you started mentioning sex.

Young lady, you are VERY special! WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait on God cause He's still waiting on you to trust Him completely. Make sure...I repeat...make sure that you have given all of yourself to Him before you let the fear of NOT giving yourself to man manifest itself. I love you and I'm covering you in His precious blood.
Ok, so my immediate response was, "Yep! Do it!" cause I'm all for asserting one's self and not waiting for him to make a move. But then, for me, the deal breaker was that you started mentioning sex.

Young lady, you are VERY special! WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait on God cause He's still waiting on you to trust Him completely. Make sure...I repeat...make sure that you have given all of yourself to Him before you let the fear of NOT giving yourself to man manifest itself. I love you and I'm covering you in His precious blood.

Mocha5, you're making me cry... for real....

Sometimes I feel like it's never gonna be enough.... like I'll never be able to give all of myself to Him...mainly because of fear of disappointment.... not that God isn't able...I sometimes feel He's unwilling because I haven't given all of me to Him.... And at one point He had all of me.... but then at the unfulfillment of the promise of's so long... so much pressure.... You say special.... I feel like a freak of nature....
Mocha5, you're making me cry... for real....

Sometimes I feel like it's never gonna be enough.... like I'll never be able to give all of myself to Him...mainly because of fear of disappointment.... not that God isn't able...I sometimes feel He's unwilling because I haven't given all of me to Him.... And at one point He had all of me.... but then at the unfulfillment of the promise of's so long... so much pressure.... You say special.... I feel like a freak of nature....
Angel you will never be a freak of any kind...never :nono:

In Isaiah 43, God says, you are precious in His sight and loved; and that he has called you by name...thou art mine..."

RR, you are among God's most precious and chosen. Your dreams for love and marriage are not forsaken, and neither are you...love2:
Mocha5, you're making me cry... for real....

Sometimes I feel like it's never gonna be enough.... like I'll never be able to give all of myself to Him...mainly because of fear of disappointment.... not that God isn't able...I sometimes feel He's unwilling because I haven't given all of me to Him.... And at one point He had all of me.... but then at the unfulfillment of the promise of's so long... so much pressure.... You say special.... I feel like a freak of nature....

That's exactly how satan wants you to feel. He has peeked into your future and knows the blessings that God has in store for you. Don't let him rob you of them.

This is for you from TD Jakes' (Woman Thou Art Loosed) Bible. Speak it over and over until you not ony believe it but until something changes.

Soul Secrets
when it seems too late

God, I have prayed for years. I have done everything I know to do in order to see my dreams come true. I have had seasons of working hard and seasons of "letting go and letting God" and, still, the things I have believed You for seem they will never happen. I have had one disappointment after another. And it's almost too late.

I feel like Sarah- like it is impossible for me to ever hold the one thing I long for most.

God, do not let me miss my destiny! But do not let me hope for things that are not a part of Your plan for my life. Let me hear Your voice telling me what You really have for me. Give me glimpses of the gifts You have for me so that I might fight with faith to apprehend Your promises. Help me to understand the diference between what I must go after and what I must wait on. When it is up to me, give me the strength to demolish doubt and to march fearlessly into the new day You have prepared for me. When I must wait on You, give me grace and patience. Fill me with holy anticipation that accompanies a perfectly timed present.

They say You are never, ever late. God, in these days when it seems like time is pressing in around me on every side, keep me firm in faith. Save me from giving up. Do not let me stop short of my blessing. Thank you for being faithful. Always faithful. It is never too late with You.

Genesis 21: 1-7
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Mocha5, you're making me cry... for real....

Sometimes I feel like it's never gonna be enough.... like I'll never be able to give all of myself to Him...mainly because of fear of disappointment.... not that God isn't able...I sometimes feel He's unwilling because I haven't given all of me to Him.... And at one point He had all of me.... but then at the unfulfillment of the promise of's so long... so much pressure.... You say special.... I feel like a freak of nature....

:cry::cry::cry: You are making me cry. Please continue to wait WAIT on the Lord. I don't have any answers to give you as I am in a similar position myself and sometimes I struggle to keep myself from going out there and getting just snatching the one who seems to fit my desires. In fact sometimes I have, but it never seemed to work out and all I was left with was pain. WAIT ! ! !

I know God has not forgotten you and he does hear your prayers.

Mocha and Shimmie that what y'all said was beautiful.

I think I'm getting ready to duck out the forum for now the (CF) is getting to emotional for me, beside I'm at work and these people are just not going to understand why I'm crying all over the place.

Peace and Ladies.:grin:
:cry::cry::cry: You are making me cry. Please continue to wait WAIT on the Lord. I don't have any answers to give you as I am in a similar position myself and sometimes I struggle to keep myself from going out there and getting just snatching the one who seems to fit my desires. In fact sometimes I have, but it never seemed to work out and all I was left with was pain. WAIT ! ! !

I know God has not forgotten you and he does hear your prayers.

Mocha and Shimmie that what y'all said was beautiful.

I think I'm getting ready to duck out the forum for now the (CF) is getting to emotional for me, beside I'm at work and these people are just not going to understand why I'm crying all over the place.

Peace and Ladies.:grin:

I love you Sister Shalom...our sweet sister of Peace.

Now, my eyes are tearing up...:cry: Gee whiz, I just want everyone to be happy. :yep: :love2:

RR and Shalom, I know that your dreams are not so far away that they won't reach you before you have doubt again. Just hold on sweethearts, just hold on. God has not said no. :nono:

We're here together to get you through this short time of waiting. At least it's the Lord that we're waiting upon...and not ourselves. Otherwise we'd never get the blessings.... :cry:

I love Juanita Bynum's worship song...

"I don't mind waiting...I don't mind waiting...
I don't mind waiting...on the Lord.

I don't mind waiting, I don't mind waiting,
I don't mind waiting on the Lord...:heart2:
I love you Sister Shalom...our sweet sister of Peace.

Now, my eyes are tearing up...:cry: Gee whiz, I just want everyone to be happy. :yep: :love2:

RR and Shalom, I know that your dreams are not so far away that they won't reach you before you have doubt again. Just hold on sweethearts, just hold on. God has not said no. :nono:

We're here together to get you through this short time of waiting. At least it's the Lord that we're waiting upon...and not ourselves. Otherwise we'd never get the blessings.... :cry:

I love Juanita Bynum's worship song...

"I don't mind waiting...I don't mind waiting...
I don't mind waiting...on the Lord.

I don't mind waiting, I don't mind waiting,
I don't mind waiting on the Lord...:heart2: ya'll got me :cry::cry:from all the love that is shown.

RR, you are so blessed and have so much to offer. I pray only the best for you and I know your decision would be a wise one!

Luv ya!
I love you Sister Shalom...our sweet sister of Peace.

Now, my eyes are tearing up...:cry: Gee whiz, I just want everyone to be happy. :yep: :love2:

RR and Shalom, I know that your dreams are not so far away that they won't reach you before you have doubt again. Just hold on sweethearts, just hold on. God has not said no. :nono:

We're here together to get you through this short time of waiting. At least it's the Lord that we're waiting upon...and not ourselves. Otherwise we'd never get the blessings.... :cry:

I love Juanita Bynum's worship song...

"I don't mind waiting...I don't mind waiting...
I don't mind waiting...on the Lord.

I don't mind waiting, I don't mind waiting,
I don't mind waiting on the Lord...:heart2:

Now I'm tearing up. :cry: Like Shimmie said, I so much want for
you all to be happy. But so many of us have found that the husband/baby/career/house doesn't equate joy ESPECIALLY if we don't wait on Him. What we do know is that the joy of the Lord is our strength and He can make ANY situation bearable if we just trust in Him. Don't give up on Him. He'll surely see you through this season.
Now I'm tearing up. :cry: Like Shimmie said, I so much want for
you all to be happy. But so many of us have found that the husband/baby/career/house doesn't equate joy ESPECIALLY if we don't wait on Him. What we do know is that the joy of the Lord is our strength and He can make ANY situation bearable if we just trust in Him. Don't give up on Him. He'll surely see you through this season.
Well that's what sisters do with each other...we cry and hold each other up, no matter what... :yep:

:heart2: :cry: :pray: :cry: :heart2: :pray:
Dear Beautiful and Loving Women of God:

Thank you for your prayers and beautiful, heartfelt, powerful words of encouragement.... The constant theme I have continued to hear and feel in both the spirit and the natural in recent weeks is simply to HOLD ON.... (Sigh)....

At times I have felt that that (short) word is not enough for me to hold on to...that I don't have the mental/emotional/spiritual strength to do that....

But God.... there's some peace coming from somewhere to me. There's some strength coming from somewhere to me.... I know somewhere isn't just anywhere.... I know it's coming from the Lord.... And I say it's "coming" to me because I didn't have the strength or the will to reach for it.... I simply didn't care to reach for it. I was willing to make a conscious decision to go out of the will of God.... But God....

The Lord is speaking... for real.... even the sermon yesterday spoke to what was going on within.... Hmmm... the title of the sermon was "The Sin Within".... The speaker referred to Romans 7 7:14-25;&version=65;

The speaker also mentioned about the man with the child who had a dumb spirit.... the man cried out "Lord I believe! Help my unbelief!" The speaker said all we need is a mustard seed of faith, which this man had, and that the request for help for the unbelief was for those areas that needed help to believe....

I don't want to miss God.... I so appreciated the prayer that Mocha5 shared.... When I prayed this morning I asked the Lord to show me more than a glimpse...more than a flash! Show me a trailer! Show me a preview! Show me an extended preview...of this particular promise....

I also asked Him to show me my guardian angel...but then I got a little nervous about seeing angels and angels' wings! LOL! That might be too much for me to handle....but definitely a sign to let me know that my guardian angel is there with me....

Thank you for the support.... Thank you.... Thank you....

P.S. I don't know if this is connected or not, but all of this angst/struggle is coming after a weekend at a women's conference where I moved into a much more participatory mode, ministering and a new level to me....
Dear Beautiful and Loving Women of God:

Thank you for your prayers and beautiful, heartfelt, powerful words of encouragement.... The constant theme I have continued to hear and feel in both the spirit and the natural in recent weeks is simply to HOLD ON.... (Sigh)....

At times I have felt that that (short) word is not enough for me to hold on to...that I don't have the mental/emotional/spiritual strength to do that....

But God.... there's some peace coming from somewhere to me. There's some strength coming from somewhere to me.... I know somewhere isn't just anywhere.... I know it's coming from the Lord.... And I say it's "coming" to me because I didn't have the strength or the will to reach for it.... I simply didn't care to reach for it. I was willing to make a conscious decision to go out of the will of God.... But God....

The Lord is speaking... for real.... even the sermon yesterday spoke to what was going on within.... Hmmm... the title of the sermon was "The Sin Within".... The speaker referred to Romans 7 7:14-25;&version=65;

The speaker also mentioned about the man with the child who had a dumb spirit.... the man cried out "Lord I believe! Help my unbelief!" The speaker said all we need is a mustard seed of faith, which this man had, and that the request for help for the unbelief was for those areas that needed help to believe....

I don't want to miss God.... I so appreciated the prayer that Mocha5 shared.... When I prayed this morning I asked the Lord to show me more than a glimpse...more than a flash! Show me a trailer! Show me a preview! Show me an extended preview...of this particular promise....

I also asked Him to show me my guardian angel...but then I got a little nervous about seeing angels and angels' wings! LOL! That might be too much for me to handle....but definitely a sign to let me know that my guardian angel is there with me....

Thank you for the support.... Thank you.... Thank you....

P.S. I don't know if this is connected or not, but all of this angst/struggle is coming after a weekend at a women's conference where I moved into a much more participatory mode, ministering and a new level to me....

RelaxerRehab.....:kiss:, from me to you!

New levels....don't you just love it?:yep:
Dear Beautiful and Loving Women of God:

Thank you for your prayers and beautiful, heartfelt, powerful words of encouragement.... The constant theme I have continued to hear and feel in both the spirit and the natural in recent weeks is simply to HOLD ON.... (Sigh)....

At times I have felt that that (short) word is not enough for me to hold on to...that I don't have the mental/emotional/spiritual strength to do that....

But God.... there's some peace coming from somewhere to me. There's some strength coming from somewhere to me.... I know somewhere isn't just anywhere.... I know it's coming from the Lord.... And I say it's "coming" to me because I didn't have the strength or the will to reach for it.... I simply didn't care to reach for it. I was willing to make a conscious decision to go out of the will of God.... But God....

The Lord is speaking... for real.... even the sermon yesterday spoke to what was going on within.... Hmmm... the title of the sermon was "The Sin Within".... The speaker referred to Romans 7 7:14-25;&version=65;

The speaker also mentioned about the man with the child who had a dumb spirit.... the man cried out "Lord I believe! Help my unbelief!" The speaker said all we need is a mustard seed of faith, which this man had, and that the request for help for the unbelief was for those areas that needed help to believe....

I don't want to miss God.... I so appreciated the prayer that Mocha5 shared.... When I prayed this morning I asked the Lord to show me more than a glimpse...more than a flash! Show me a trailer! Show me a preview! Show me an extended preview...of this particular promise....

I also asked Him to show me my guardian angel...but then I got a little nervous about seeing angels and angels' wings! LOL! That might be too much for me to handle....but definitely a sign to let me know that my guardian angel is there with me....

Thank you for the support.... Thank you.... Thank you....

P.S. I don't know if this is connected or not, but all of this angst/struggle is coming after a weekend at a women's conference where I moved into a much more participatory mode, ministering and a new level to me....
Of course it's connected. Your new level is being challenged with a familiar struggle. '

Now, you didn't think the devil was going to allow you to 'arise' without trying to grap a hold to your shirt tale as you climb did you? :scratchch: :nono: Of course not. :rolleyes:

However, right above you is Jesus with His out stretched hands holding you up. don't even have to hold on because He's got you! Yes sweetheart, He's got you and He is not letting you fall.

Remember the promise..."He that is able to keep you from falling will continue until the day of Jesus Christ."

Ummmm, that's my 'ice' confession when the sidewalks haven't been cleared after a snowfall here. Each step I take walking on that ice, I kept confessing..."Lord, you who are able to keep me from falling....:yep:"

So it is with you, RR. You will never fall, no not ever. For Jesus has you in His loving hands and into His arms you are safely held close to His heart within. :love2:


I will not fall on that not ever. :nono: No sir ree. Not me Shinmie. I will not fall on that ice.... :lol:

I Love you, RR :kiss:
Dear Beautiful and Loving Women of God:

Thank you for your prayers and beautiful, heartfelt, powerful words of encouragement.... The constant theme I have continued to hear and feel in both the spirit and the natural in recent weeks is simply to HOLD ON.... (Sigh)....

At times I have felt that that (short) word is not enough for me to hold on to...that I don't have the mental/emotional/spiritual strength to do that....

But God.... there's some peace coming from somewhere to me. There's some strength coming from somewhere to me.... I know somewhere isn't just anywhere.... I know it's coming from the Lord.... And I say it's "coming" to me because I didn't have the strength or the will to reach for it.... I simply didn't care to reach for it. I was willing to make a conscious decision to go out of the will of God.... But God....

The Lord is speaking... for real.... even the sermon yesterday spoke to what was going on within.... Hmmm... the title of the sermon was "The Sin Within".... The speaker referred to Romans 7 7:14-25;&version=65;

The speaker also mentioned about the man with the child who had a dumb spirit.... the man cried out "Lord I believe! Help my unbelief!" The speaker said all we need is a mustard seed of faith, which this man had, and that the request for help for the unbelief was for those areas that needed help to believe....

I don't want to miss God.... I so appreciated the prayer that Mocha5 shared.... When I prayed this morning I asked the Lord to show me more than a glimpse...more than a flash! Show me a trailer! Show me a preview! Show me an extended preview...of this particular promise....

I also asked Him to show me my guardian angel...but then I got a little nervous about seeing angels and angels' wings! LOL! That might be too much for me to handle....but definitely a sign to let me know that my guardian angel is there with me....

Thank you for the support.... Thank you.... Thank you....

P.S. I don't know if this is connected or not, but all of this angst/struggle is coming after a weekend at a women's conference where I moved into a much more participatory mode, ministering and a new level to me....

Wooow! I love it! Yes, hold on, girl! Not only am I praying for you to hold on but I'm also praying for even higher levels for you (which might just mean seeing some angels and stuff)! Take that satan..take that!
Of course it's connected. Your new level is being challenged with a familiar struggle. '

Now, you didn't think the devil was going to allow you to 'arise' without trying to grap a hold to your shirt tale as you climb did you? :scratchch: :nono: Of course not. :rolleyes:

However, right above you is Jesus with His out stretched hands holding you up. don't even have to hold on because He's got you! Yes sweetheart, He's got you and He is not letting you fall.

Remember the promise..."He that is able to keep you from falling will continue until the day of Jesus Christ."

Ummmm, that's my 'ice' confession when the sidewalks haven't been cleared after a snowfall here. Each step I take walking on that ice, I kept confessing..."Lord, you who are able to keep me from falling....:yep:"

So it is with you, RR. You will never fall, no not ever. For Jesus has you in His loving hands and into His arms you are safely held close to His heart within. :love2:


I will not fall on that not ever. :nono: No sir ree. Not me Shinmie. I will not fall on that ice.... :lol:

I Love you, RR :kiss:

And when He comes rolling in on those glorious clouds....

Ummm...errr...I'm logging off. :cry::cry::cry:
And when He comes rolling in on those glorious clouds....

Ummm...errr...I'm logging off. :cry::cry::cry:
Praise Him and All of His Glory....Oh How We Praise Him... and give Him all the Honor and the Glory...


All Glory...All Honor....All Power to You...
Precious Jesus, we worship you, Precious Jesus our Lord
All Glory....All Honor...All Power to You...

:pray: Unto You Oh Lord, We pray...

Merciful God in Heaven above, how grateful we are for all of your love and tender mercies which you've bestowed upon us. Dear Lord, how we honor and praise you with all of our hearts, it is you whom we adore. Amen. :pray:
RR, we backing you up to that next level....

Yes we are...Little Sis, you are not alone and you will not indeed. :nono: You will not fall.

We love you....:heart2:

We got you too, Shalom...:heart2:

None of us are in this thing alone. :nono: No way :giveheart:
RR, we backing you up to that next level....

Yes we are...Little Sis, you are not alone and you will not indeed. :nono: You will not fall.

We love you....:heart2:

We got you too, Shalom...:heart2:

None of us are in this thing alone. :nono: No way :giveheart:

Never alone....Praise the Lord!!!
WOW, that's all I can say ladies because your words of encouragement to RR is awesome. :grin::grin::grin:

RR, glad to hear you doing and sounding better because yesterday you were breaking my heart I was really feeling all of your pain. There was so much emotion in your words. It's always an excellent choice to decide to wait on the Lord.

Shimmie, What a wonder you are.

Mocha & Nice/Wavy, I am always inspired by your words of wisdom. Awesome jobs ladies.
Wow, this is an awesome thread. I know that I’m weighing in on this a little late, but RR, I just wanted to encourage and tell you to keep holding on. Your waiting is not in vain. I have been where you are. I waited for my husband for what seems like a lifetime, but in reality it wasn’t that long…about three years. He is a man I had dated before, but the timing was wrong. Once we broke up I couldn’t get over him. One night, on my parent’s couch I was taking a nap when I heard a voice say, “It’s not over between you and him.” I knew it was God. A few months later I prayed and asked God to reveal to me if he was the one for me or not. A few days later I had my answer. Only I recognized the answer was from God. Anyone else wouldn’t have noticed, but I did. From that moment on I held on to what God told me. You see, that was all I had to hold on to. Everything in the natural made it look like I was crazy for waiting for this man. Many times I felt crazy. Many times I felt stupid. All these men in the world and a few of them were interested in me, but I waited. I dated some and I even tried to imagine myself married to someone else, but my heart was always with my husband. I knew that he was the one. It took patience, prayer, fasting and time, but when my husband came around and started noticing me it was a beautiful thing. We’ve been married now for six years. There are times when I look back and I say to myself, “That wasn’t so bad.” I spent many Valentine’s days alone. There were many birthdays where I had no sweetheart to take me out to dinner and treat me like a princess. Those were some sad times, but for what I have right now it was well worth it. I could have settled. I could have pursued a man my parents adored and who I knew was interested in me. We may have even had a nice life together, but he was not the one for me. I could have given up in all my loneliness, sadness and frustration, but something wouldn’t let me. I had to keep holding on. There were so many times I would cry myself to sleep. There were times I would yell out in anguish, but through it all a small part of me could whisper to God, “I’m still going to hold on.” I’m so glad I did.

RR, we never know what God is doing behind the scenes. There are times when we think we’re ready, but we’re really not and He has to finish preparing us for the great blessing that are coming our way. There have been so many things in life that I wanted, but if I’d gotten them when *I* thought I was ready it wouldn’t have worked. My husband and I tried to get pregnant for a year. When I finally got pregnant I ended up having a miscarriage. That was one of the darkest times in my life. To this day I look back at the moment in my life and tears come to my eyes. But, I can see, three years later that that wasn’t the time for us to have a baby. We needed more time together as husband and wife…just the two of us. We needed to build a stronger foundation. Now, we have a beautiful 13 month old girl and my husband’s daughter has been living with us for the past two years. Our lives are full and busy. We’re blessed, but I can truly see where we needed a little more time together, just the two of us. God knew that. I didn’t know, but God did.

RR, keep holding on. Keep trusting and believing God. ((((((hugs)))))) to you.
Wow, this is an awesome thread. I know that I’m weighing in on this a little late, but RR, I just wanted to encourage and tell you to keep holding on. Your waiting is not in vain. I have been where you are. I waited for my husband for what seems like a lifetime, but in reality it wasn’t that long…about three years. He is a man I had dated before, but the timing was wrong. Once we broke up I couldn’t get over him. One night, on my parent’s couch I was taking a nap when I heard a voice say, “It’s not over between you and him.” I knew it was God. A few months later I prayed and asked God to reveal to me if he was the one for me or not. A few days later I had my answer. Only I recognized the answer was from God. Anyone else wouldn’t have noticed, but I did. From that moment on I held on to what God told me. You see, that was all I had to hold on to. Everything in the natural made it look like I was crazy for waiting for this man. Many times I felt crazy. Many times I felt stupid. All these men in the world and a few of them were interested in me, but I waited. I dated some and I even tried to imagine myself married to someone else, but my heart was always with my husband. I knew that he was the one. It took patience, prayer, fasting and time, but when my husband came around and started noticing me it was a beautiful thing. We’ve been married now for six years. There are times when I look back and I say to myself, “That wasn’t so bad.” I spent many Valentine’s days alone. There were many birthdays where I had no sweetheart to take me out to dinner and treat me like a princess. Those were some sad times, but for what I have right now it was well worth it. I could have settled. I could have pursued a man my parents adored and who I knew was interested in me. We may have even had a nice life together, but he was not the one for me. I could have given up in all my loneliness, sadness and frustration, but something wouldn’t let me. I had to keep holding on. There were so many times I would cry myself to sleep. There were times I would yell out in anguish, but through it all a small part of me could whisper to God, “I’m still going to hold on.” I’m so glad I did.

RR, we never know what God is doing behind the scenes. There are times when we think we’re ready, but we’re really not and He has to finish preparing us for the great blessing that are coming our way. There have been so many things in life that I wanted, but if I’d gotten them when *I* thought I was ready it wouldn’t have worked. My husband and I tried to get pregnant for a year. When I finally got pregnant I ended up having a miscarriage. That was one of the darkest times in my life. To this day I look back at the moment in my life and tears come to my eyes. But, I can see, three years later that that wasn’t the time for us to have a baby. We needed more time together as husband and wife…just the two of us. We needed to build a stronger foundation. Now, we have a beautiful 13 month old girl and my husband’s daughter has been living with us for the past two years. Our lives are full and busy. We’re blessed, but I can truly see where we needed a little more time together, just the two of us. God knew that. I didn’t know, but God did.

RR, keep holding on. Keep trusting and believing God. ((((((hugs)))))) to you.

Thank you RR for this thread. Thank you mrselle for sharing your story. I needed to hear all of this today. Thank you.
Have a party (get-together)
I’m really old fashioned, and I don’t believe in asking boys out (so I know where you are coming from). But where there’s a will, there’s a way (or a J as in Jesus:)). Anyway, I think it’s time for you to have a party (i.e. a get together with some friends). This way, you can invite him over and begin the communication to see if there are still feelings between the both of you. You could make it a fun get together, like sushi night, or Caribbean or Latin food—something spicy with a little flair, yet still delicioso:lick:. This way, he will technically still have to “ask you out,” but you made the first invitation. Also, having your friends around may put you at ease, and many Christian women who did not have sex until marriage say this (group dates—I believe Lauren450 did this with her DH). It will discourage any “bad behavior” from him (like trying to put the moves on you)!

ETA: And your friends may weigh in on their thoughts of him too! But I agree that God’s timing is always perfect! Even when we don’t know it.
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WOW, that's all I can say ladies because your words of encouragement to RR is awesome. :grin::grin::grin:

RR, glad to hear you doing and sounding better because yesterday you were breaking my heart I was really feeling all of your pain. There was so much emotion in your words. It's always an excellent choice to decide to wait on the Lord.

Shimmie, What a wonder you are.

Mocha & Nice/Wavy, I am always inspired by your words of wisdom. Awesome jobs ladies.

:kiss: Shalom, you are too, little one. :yep: