Short Hair and New Growth!


New Member
I am currently 7 weeks post relaxer and I am loving the new growth that is coming in but... I am having a hard time dealing with styling my hair using minimal heat. Does anyone have any suggestions.

I am trying to stretch to 10 weeks but since this is my first stretch I don't know if I can make it. My current regimen is:

co-wash 1x week
dc 2x week
protein w/ aphogee 2 min reconstructer 1x week
seal and moisturize twice a day

What can I do with my hair. Currenly every time I wash I am either air drying then flat ironing or blow drying than flat ironing. I know that this is not the best for my hair but at this length what are my alternatives?
How short is short? You didn't give us an idea of what length you're working with. I think that'd help.
Yes what is your length???

If your SL then i could give you some ideas.

I went from NL to SL in sic months, i used heat once a week sometimes less(but not more). I would do rollersets to get my hair stragiht. I did braid outs, bantu-knot outs, rollers, twist outs. I even have some pictures too.
I'm growing my hair out now from a short cut and I have reached the point where I can do an almost cross wrap. It keeps me from using too much heat on my hair.
Braidouts/ rollersets should help. Also I airdry in two firm ponytails (helps stretch my roots) and then put a silk scarf tight over it to smooth (variation of sylver 2's method)