Short hair and layers


New Member
Hello all!

I need your opinion on something:

I have short hair (about nape length in the back and the shortest part in the front is mid cheek). I am wearing braids right now to try to grow my hair out. My original plan was to grow it like that until the front was about nape length and then get it cut in a bob or something, but now I'm having second thoughts. I hate to waste all this time and effort on growing my hair only to have it cut so much in the back trying to grow out the front. I would feel like that was a lot of wasted effort. However, once I get layers, I am clueless about that "mid" stage that I would have to go through growing them out. Wouldn't I be going through the same thing all over again? Please help! I wanna keep my length, but I would prefer an even cut as soon as possible. Any suggesions would be much much much much appreciated.
I'm going through the same thing....I decided the best thing for me was to keep getting it cut at the bottom until it grows into a good bob shape and then let it grow on it's own from there, but with you wearing braids you may not have to do that. I think either way is fine. I just wanted my hair to look like it has somewhat of an intentional style to it, so I just don't look like I'm trying to grow my hair out...if that's makes sense...
