Sho-Nuff Doo Gro!!! (New Miracle growth product!!)


New Member
This is mine and Sassy's new miracle product just hitting the market, get yours today!


The Sho-Nuff Doo Gro Story In Sassy's own words:

The Sho Nuff Doo Gro Story—

I discovered the powers of hydroxycelluloseamoniumoxide when I was
working on a farm as a condition of my parole. What I was convicted of
is not important. Just know that those people are all LIARS and that
my product did not cause their subsequent blindness!

Iris was a fellow inmate and Rio victim. She had suffered severe
damage to her hair follicles and was completely bald for seven years.
Shiny bald. No hair, okay? We got into a fight and I threw the horse
product all over her. Weeks later her hair started growing back!
Within six months her hair was waist length! (On the infomercial,
Iris will start crying with joy at this point)

I consulted a chemist to create a product that is completely safe for
humans and now I'm in business!

Simply massage it into your scalp every night. It's that simple! If
your family, friends, and co-workers complain about the smell don't
pay any attention to them. The haters will be begging to know what
you're using when they see the results!

FDA approval pending. Wear gloves when applying. Do not use around pet
fish or birds. Results may vary. If you ever stop using the product
your hair will return to its original condition. NO REFUNDS.

Disclaimer:Hyroxyquinonemoniumoxide is very expensive to make. The buyer is
getting a DEAL at these prices! In addition to rapid hair growth, it
is also proven to cure diaper rash, athlete's foot and walleye. Don't
ask to see documents of these studies, though...

we take cash orders only (we dont have paypal yet) please PM for PO Box orders. Thank you........enjoy!

*serious face*

Girl, you're scaring me.
You better keep that stuff away from me, or I'll sho-nuff pour it on you. (hmmm, if it hits your face, will you grow a beard?)

You are CRAZY! :lachen::lachen:
haha, well we wrote on the bottle in the directions , keep away from face. That takes care of beards and stuff!

WomanlyCharm said:

Girl, you're scaring me.
You better keep that stuff away from me, or I'll sho-nuff pour it on you. (hmmm, if it hits your face, will you grow a beard?)

You are CRAZY! :lachen::lachen:
So this is proving more effective than monkey ball sweat, Monistat, Vicks and Dr. Miracles? :scratchch:scratchch:scratchch

I'm looking for that extra tingle.
Irresistible said:
This is mine and Sassy's new miracle product just hitting the market, get yours today!


The Sho-Nuff Doo Gro Story In Sassy's own words:

The Sho Nuff Doo Gro Story—

I discovered the powers of hydroxycelluloseamoniumoxide when I was
working on a farm as a condition of my parole. What I was convicted of
is not important. Just know that those people are all LIARS and that
my product did not cause their subsequent blindness!

Iris was a fellow inmate and Rio victim. She had suffered severe
damage to her hair follicles and was completely bald for seven years.
Shiny bald. No hair, okay? We got into a fight and I threw the horse
product all over her. Weeks later her hair started growing back!
Within six months her hair was waist length! (On the infomercial,
Iris will start crying with joy at this point)

I consulted a chemist to create a product that is completely safe for
humans and now I'm in business!

Simply massage it into your scalp every night. It's that simple! If
your family, friends, and co-workers complain about the smell don't
pay any attention to them. The haters will be begging to know what
you're using when they see the results!

FDA approval pending. Wear gloves when applying. Do not use around pet
fish or birds. Results may vary. If you ever stop using the product
your hair will return to its original condition. NO REFUNDS.

Disclaimer:Hyroxyquinonemoniumoxide is very expensive to make. The buyer is
getting a DEAL at these prices! In addition to rapid hair growth, it
is also proven to cure diaper rash, athlete's foot and walleye. Don't
ask to see documents of these studies, though...

we take cash orders only (we dont have paypal yet) please PM for PO Box orders. Thank you........enjoy!

*serious face*

:lol: Now watch somebody try to do some research on it.
Irresistible said:
we will send out all of our own research notes. No need to waste time or do tedious searches! we gotchu!


Will it make my breast grow too? I'm trying to maximize the benefits of this product:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Um why actually yes.....somethin to do with the horse hormones!

you will not only have long lusterous hair but big plump boobs too, just rub it in nightly

maybe we should up the price some.....hmmm

Makes note to consult with Sassy for the extra perk (no pun intended lol)this product delivers

JLove74 said:
Will it make my breast grow too? I'm trying to maximize the benefits of this product:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
You ain't right girl!:eek: And the rest of y'all ain't right either:lol:

Nice to see you back round these parts tho

And I'll take 4 bottles:D Do I get a discount cause you know me and you go waaay back :look:
lol girl, yes, we gotchu!

2 percent discount for all the "you and me go way back folks and dem". we even throw in a plastic baggy cap for ya!

ya know how we do!

nurseN98 said:
You ain't right girl!:eek: And the rest of y'all ain't right either:lol:

Nice to see you back round these parts tho

And I'll take 4 bottles:D Do I get a discount cause you know me and you go waaay back :look:
renae226 said:
Irresistible said:
If you ever stop using the product
your hair will return to its original condition. NO REFUNDS./quote]

That doesn't sound to good.:perplexed

:grin: how come why not? think about it if we stop using all the stuff we use our hair will return to its original condition ....right?

we just bein real about it, thass all!

My cousin said her cousin's cousin sister's niece's uncle's sister used this and she gained 1 inch in 2 days:shocked:
Irresistible said:
renae226 said:
:grin: how come why not? think about it if we stop using all the stuff we use our hair will return to its original condition ....right?

we just bein real about it, thass all!


That's true :lachen:
But it will go all the way back to how it originally was? and how long does it take to revert back?
well , actually, kind of immediately

we wanted it that way so the orders keep coming. You dont want to be without this stuff! btw the smell Sassy spoke of, well i swear you do get used to it in time. Dont mind them folks that hold their noses, they will get used to it too. Its formulated to numb the sense of smell to it over time.

what product can say that? No more torture for your own nose or of those around you.


renae226 said:
Irresistible said:
That's true :lachen:
But it will go all the way back to how it originally was? and how long does it take to revert back?
Sassy is watching!

lol anybody thats has been around lhcf long enough ALREADY knows your arse is crazy Sassy! lmao

ALRIGHT, keep those orders coming! Sassy has to pay for her wigs and we owe for a law suit (totally unrelated to the making and sales of this product)


ok ok, 5 percent discount for all lhcf members for the next ten minutes

Irresistible said:
This is mine and Sassy's new miracle product just hitting the market, get yours today!


The Sho-Nuff Doo Gro Story In Sassy's own words:

The Sho Nuff Doo Gro Story—

I discovered the powers of hydroxycelluloseamoniumoxide when I was
working on a farm as a condition of my parole. What I was convicted of
is not important. Just know that those people are all LIARS and that
my product did not cause their subsequent blindness!

Iris was a fellow inmate and Rio victim. She had suffered severe
damage to her hair follicles and was completely bald for seven years.
Shiny bald. No hair, okay? We got into a fight and I threw the horse
product all over her. Weeks later her hair started growing back!
Within six months her hair was waist length! (On the infomercial,
Iris will start crying with joy at this point)

I consulted a chemist to create a product that is completely safe for
humans and now I'm in business!

Simply massage it into your scalp every night. It's that simple! If
your family, friends, and co-workers complain about the smell don't
pay any attention to them. The haters will be begging to know what
you're using when they see the results!

FDA approval pending. Wear gloves when applying. Do not use around pet
fish or birds. Results may vary. If you ever stop using the product
your hair will return to its original condition. NO REFUNDS.

Disclaimer:Hyroxyquinonemoniumoxide is very expensive to make. The buyer is
getting a DEAL at these prices! In addition to rapid hair growth, it
is also proven to cure diaper rash, athlete's foot and walleye. Don't
ask to see documents of these studies, though...

we take cash orders only (we dont have paypal yet) please PM for PO Box orders. Thank you........enjoy!

*serious face*