Shikakhai Powder and Amla Powder


Well-Known Member
Tried this for the first time on Sunday and it worked out very nice. I was sooo afraid that it was going to dry out my hair and I also saw a little breakage and I wanted to give myself a aphoghee treatment. At first I was undecided, but then I choose to do it. I put shikakhai oil all over my hair and scalp and I scratched my scalp for 10 minutes. When I finished my scalp tingled. I was suppose to rinse my hair, but i forgot and I just added my shikakhai and amla powder to my hair but I didn't have enough but I managed with what I had. I left it on for 30 minutes and rinsed. I then deep conditioned my hair, left it on without heat for about 40-45 minutes. I rinsed then I added a hair conditioning rinse slightly to my hair but concentrating on my hair ends and then I rinsed. I sprayed my hair strengthener all over my hair, then proceed to take sections to detangle which worked very smoothly. To each detangled section, I added this dominican hairdressing with placenta and then braided my hair. I had about 10-12 braids. I put on my satin cap and went to bed. I took down my braids this morning and all I can say is soft, soft, soft. I am sooo impressed. Here I thought my hair was going to be dry and it is soft as can be. It is also about 3x fuller. My hair looked so pretty. I've decided to go back to wearing my hair in a bun which is the way I styled it. This is going to be my regime every week. I truly belive that indian product and dominican products works wonders on our hair. I used dominican products by mirta deperales and I found the shikakhai and amla powder at my local indian store. I also will put shikakhai and brahami amla oil mixed together on my scalp everyday. The brahami amla oil is very strong so I just use my fingertips and put in scalp. I am soooo excited, I just had to share. Thanks Candy for recommending scratching your scalp, it worked better than any massager I have ever used.
Wow, that sounds nice.

How exactly did you use the Shikakhai Powder and Amla Powder? Did you mix them together with water to make a paste? Did you put this on the entire length of your hair or did you just concentrate on your ends?
I sent my mom into work last night with a list of questions to ask her indian friends about their hair care routines and where they get their hair products.
Wow, that sounds nice.

How exactly did you use the Shikakhai Powder and Amla Powder? Did you mix them together with water to make a paste? Did you put this on the entire length of your hair or did you just concentrate on your ends?

I mixed 1T of Shikakhai powder and 2T of Amla Powder, added water to make a thick paste. I added it throughout my hair; length, ends, etc. but I didn't have enough. Perhaps it could have been because I forgot to rinse my hair and it was dry when I added the powders. I will be doing this once a week, it is definitely a keeper.
Thanks for posting this. I had to chelate this week, but I am going to be putting the shikaikai in heavy rotation, since it is getting cold.
You can also brew these as teas and place them in your shampoo or conditioner or as a daily spritz as long as you use a preservative with it.