She's Still Wearing Her Protective Style


With Love & Silk
I went to high school with this chic and we were on drill team together. Her hair was never past chin length during high school. It was very nicely kept, usually a wrapped bob.

We went away to college and then for our 2nd year of college, she transferred to my university. She wore her hair in a bun. The first time I saw her take her bun down, I was at her apt. visiting her roommate (another high school buddy) and she was tying her hair up in a scarf for the night. (she's where I learned my "ponytail wrap" from) But her hair was at least bra strap length. I was floored because this was the same girl who just 2 years prior had chin length hair.

I was never bold enough to ask her what she was doing to her hair, but I asked her roommate. She said that it was nothing special, but that she was doing her own relaxers & trims every 6 weeks. She also said that she was running track and that she (roommate) thought that might have been making her hair grow fast. Who knows?

I would see her hair down every once in a while in college. I know it was at least mid-back length when we graduated.

Anyway, it turns out that she is a new teacher this year and will be teaching at my school! How funny is that? She's STILL wearing her bun. Dedication or convenience? I don't know--the bun has become more of a habit to me. But a lock of hair was coming unraveled from her bun and I could see that she still has a nice length of hair. (maybe a little below bsl--can't wait to se e it all down)

Another fun thing about wearing the bun is the shock-factor that comes when you do finally wear your hair down. Maybe that's why she does it.

So... be inspired if you are a dedicated protective style wearer. As for me--the 4 year bun is getting kind of mundane. I did create a really cute protective style this past weekend. I took pics and will try to get them uploaded soon. I hope to wear my bun less in the near future and hair down more often.
You two should wear your hair out on the same day. On second thought, that might cause too much hating.
Not Rapunzel said:
You two should wear your hair out on the same day. On second thought, that might cause too much hating.

A double portion of hating! Ha ha--no luckily, we don't have a lot of catty women in our school, BUT I have been in schools where there were and let me tell ya...

Okay, why does the little cartoon in the avatar really look like you? :D That's cute. :)
[Okay, why does the little cartoon in the avatar really look like you? :D That's cute. :)[/QUOTE]

You should see her whole outfit. She has on overalls and is working in a garden. She is my animated twin.
Yes that bun does get old. I just hate that mine never look really really cute. I am still playing with it. Just my edges stick up most of the time. I hate that.

Now, on to the pony wrap. Please tell. (Or is it in your album) sounds interesting.

Letitia said:
Yes that bun does get old. I just hate that mine never look really really cute. I am still playing with it. Just my edges stick up most of the time. I hate that.

Now, on to the pony wrap. Please tell. (Or is it in your album) sounds interesting.


The ponytail wrap is just a quick way to put the hair up for the night and to keep it from moving during the night. (which is best)

You just gather your hair into a ponytail and then pull the pony around one side of your head. That's all. Then you tie your scarf on. You don't even need to secure the ponytail with anything.
Supergirl, your hair is SO long!! It's now time to wear it down and reap the rewards of your hard work. Nice flowing hair like yours should be on display...., your hair is almost at your butt! I cannot imagine having hair that long - I would be overwhelmed. Bless your heart.........
I LOVE buns now, since I have enough hair for a somewhat decent looking bun. I have no problem wearing one everyday! I guess it's all about learning to love buns. What I like most about them is that it can be hard for people to really distinguish your hair length in a bun. Therefore, it allows me to grow my hair without worrying too much about my length.
I just started wearing a bun. I didn't think I could wear one because I have a "kitchen" issue on the left side. I tried to remedy that by wearing a low bun that covers up that area. Now, I worry about wearing it on that side all the time hoping it won't cause anymore breakage. My bun is a tube sock, with a pantyhose covering. It's cute but sometimes, I get breakage on the ends no matter how much I moisturize. I'll continue to alternate between the bun and my braidout which I wear 95% of the time.

Any tips on how to stop the breakage on the ends and how to enjoy wearing my bun? Do u think I need to get another covering for my tube-sock bun?
Supergirl! Your hair is gorgeous! :love: How long is it now? Waist length? Bless you! I would prolly have fits trying to manage all that hair (but my husband would love it!).
gurl next time just ask her what she did to get crazy growth like that! since you have waistlength hair yourself she might take it as a compliment.
My kitchen has always been an issue. I thought that when I went natural it would be little cute curlie BUT NO. All of my hair can look right and then I have little black dots along the back of my hair line. They don't turn into pretty little wisps or curls like other naturals I know. They stay that way so I started shaving them off. I've tried for over 9 years to get them to act right and they won't. Next time I'm getting them waxed off. I've had it. It looks so much more better that way!
FeelinIt said:
My kitchen has always been an issue. I thought that when I went natural it would be little cute curlie BUT NO. All of my hair can look right and then I have little black dots along the back of my hair line. They don't turn into pretty little wisps or curls like other naturals I know. They stay that way so I started shaving them off. I've tried for over 9 years to get them to act right and they won't. Next time I'm getting them waxed off. I've had it. It looks so much more better that way!

:lol: I am not picking at you. I am just laughing at your description "little black dots". Here we and for as longs as I can remember call those "peas" or as Martin Lawerence used to say to Pam "bead to bead buckshots". You are right though, the best was to deal with this is to get an edge up or wax regularly. My friends daughters are like this. As for me, my hair has a slight kink to it but I don't relax it as often because the relaxer can be strong on that part of my hair and can casue breakage.
FeelinIt said:
My kitchen has always been an issue. I thought that when I went natural it would be little cute curlie BUT NO. All of my hair can look right and then I have little black dots along the back of my hair line. They don't turn into pretty little wisps or curls like other naturals I know. They stay that way so I started shaving them off. I've tried for over 9 years to get them to act right and they won't. Next time I'm getting them waxed off. I've had it. It looks so much more better that way!

Have you tried a mini-shingling on them, Feelin'?