Shen Min


New Member
I know we talk about hair vitamin ever so often, well my vitatress hair vitamin is finished and I don't think I got that much from it, so i'm back to shen min which I took years ago and saw good growth, anyone else has taken shen min or is taking it, what is your experience with it.
I've never taken it but I heard it's supposed to work very well for hair health, including restoring it to its natural hair color (if there is any gray).

Is there a reason you stopped taking it?
I took shen min a couple years ago but I didn't get any results. But I only used it for a month so that's probably why
Isn't that stuff dangerous? :confused: I read that one of the ingredients creates cancer. I need to look it up again. I don't mean to scare you... only to warn you.
Isis said:
I've never taken it but I heard it's supposed to work very well for hair health, including restoring it to its natural hair color (if there is any gray).

Is there a reason you stopped taking it?

I'm a product junkie and heard about other vits.
Kristenxdollface said:
Isn't that stuff dangerous? :confused: I read that one of the ingredients creates cancer. I need to look it up again. I don't mean to scare you... only to warn you.
which ingredient is cancer causing?
princesmich said:
I know we talk about hair vitamin ever so often, well my vitatress hair vitamin is finished and I don't think I got that much from it, so i'm back to shen min which I took years ago and saw good growth, anyone else has taken shen min or is taking it, what is your experience with it.

Hey Princesmich, i ve been taking Shen Min Advanced Women s formula for 7 months. I really like it. I have good growth but i take so many things also for optimal growth plus my regimen but it s a part of my regimen because of the abundance of fo-ti (he shou wou) it contains which help with health,skin hair and less wrinkles even though i dont have any but the skin under my eyes is very sensitive and i m trying to avoid dark areas and wrinkles there:)

shen min ingredients:
SHEN MIN HAIR NUTRIENT Advanced formula for women clinically proven 100%natural
Serving size:2 tablets
vit A 5000IU 100% DAILY VALUE
niacin 20mg 100%
vit b6 10mg 500%
pantothenic acid b5 200mg 2000%
biotin 1400mcg 466%

shen min herb blend (standardized 12:1 extract of he shou wu root powder) 1320mg!
isoflavones 20mg
shen min follicle stimulating and botanical blend 640mg (hydrolized fish collagen,silica,gigko biloba leaf powder, horse chestnut standardized extract),uva ursi root standardized extract, black cohosh standardized extract,burdock root extract,cayenne pepper standardized extract(capiscum minimum)
Bioperine standardised piperine extract 2mg (it enhances the bioavailability of other active plant compounds to deliver maximum results.

This shen min is the new one advanced formula to maximize your hair s potential naturally
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I tried one or two bottles of Shen Min a while back. I saw a bit of growth, but the some of the ingredients definitely did not agree with my digestive system. So, to get rid of the "trots", I had to leave it alone. It could also be that I take vitamins anyway, and mixing Shen Min with my regular vitamins may have been product overload. Who knows...
I have been taking shen min for two months now and my newgrowth comes in quick. I just ordered two more bottles. I use shen min advanced formula for women and it is natural it grows your hair naturally. It says on the bottle to achieve maximum results you should use the vitamins for 3-4 months. When I first started using the vitamins I did not notice any hair growth now that I have finished the second bottle I am noticing alot of newgrowth I mean alot. I also take two biotin vitamins 1,000mg too. My newgrowth feels very wavy and soft now that I use the vitamins along with the tips from the lhcf. You will notice results definitely after 2 months...