Shelf life of products?


New Member
How long do you typically keep a product before you throw it out? or until it is unusable?

I purchased a one liter bottle of EQP Creme Shampoo a while back probably early this year or really late last year and I was using it weekly until I decided to try EMB shampoo (about 2 months ago). I opened the EQP shampoo and poured some in my hand and it had white spots in it (fungus maybe?) and it smelled sort of fishy. It also lost its pinkish color.
ya know, i've always wondered about this too. i ordered a liter bottle of nexxus y serum conditioner online and when i got it, it STUNK! and didnt work as well as my other bottle. i figured the website was selling counterfeit products since it was cheaper than normal.i also question whether the reason why stores have these great sales on products is to get rid of it before it expires.i remember buying the giovanni leave in (on sale) which most people here love and that thing worked like crap for me.btw which do you like better the elucence or elasta shampoo??i love the elucence but was thinking of trying the elasta so my hair doesnt get used to it.
I love them both. Maybe the Elucence a tad more than the Elasta. But to availability/financial reasons I probably won't purhcase it again. Maybe I will try the Kenra Moisturizing next, or just purchase a new EQP Creme shampoo. This really sucks because I had about half a bottle left.
ewww I have no idea, I guess some would say that products don't have a shelf life.

I'd say 1 year max, but then again, i've had my braid sheen for two years! lmao but it smells fine though, so I guess it depends on what it is, and how it's stored.

Isn't there something about once you open a product and the air gets to it you have to use it up but if you leave it unopened it will keep for a couple of years. I'm not sure - can anybody enlighten us?
Aalize said:
How long do you typically keep a product before you throw it out? or until it is unusable?

I purchased a one liter bottle of EQP Creme Shampoo a while back probably early this year or really late last year and I was using it weekly until I decided to try EMB shampoo (about 2 months ago). I opened the EQP shampoo and poured some in my hand and it had white spots in it (fungus maybe?) and it smelled sort of fishy. It also lost its pinkish color.

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did you purchase yours at the same bbs as me?! i had the same exact bottle....i had 2 new bottles and i was able to compare and i knew something was wrong w/it!
oh, and another thing, i bought the big professional bottle. my smaller bottles were regular size and the shampoo was a pearly peachy color...

i'm sorry you had to throw yours out but i am so glad i read your post b/c i was fretting over throwing out that bottle eventhough something did'nt seem right.
The final step in true PJ'ism is having a refriderator just for hair products....

so far i have a space in my reg fridge for my CPR since i found out they can go im always opening things and smelling them...just to check on them lol