

LA face/low class booty
Why won't it stop? Nothing I do makes it better. Trying not to manipulate it makes it worse.

I've lost the bulk of my hair, I have bald spots at my edges and for whatever reason it seems like my longest layers were hit the worst. I feel like cutting it all off and wearing a wig. :(

Please tell me what helped for moms that had this issue.
I find hair in every room of our house now.:nono: When I walk into my bathroom all I can do is smh, because it's front and center (floor, trash can, sink), no matter how good I clean it up. However, this time around my edges have remained some what in place...except for a small area on one side. With DD1 they were so thin, I thought for sure I wouldn't get them back.

I do know that trying not to manipulate, does not work. I went two days with just pulling my hair back into a bun, just finger combing my hair. When I went to the salon to get it done, it was tangle & matted up city!!! As soon as the water hit my hair, the hair that shed and hadn't fallen, matted up with everything else. It was terrible, even my hairstylist was nervous. She just said for the next few washes we're going to have to stick with co-washing only. She also recommended that I get back on my prenatal's and that could help cut it down some.
After much research, I am a firm believer that nothing can be done about PP shedding but waiting it out. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen. And it can continue up until the baby is a year old or so.

I lost my edges with my daughter and a good deal of the bulk my hair had. It's slowly started to recover.
I'm having the opposite problem. I can't shed hair fast enough! My hair was thick before the pregnancy and it's out of control now. During my second trimester I put in nubian twist and left them in until a few weeks ago. I hardly lost any hair during takedown. My edges are getting thinner but I need the rest of this mess to go back to normal. I'm currently (and slowly) putting the nubian twists back in. I just can't deal with it, work, and babies! :afro2:
I just bought one of those Sally's keratin treatment. I'm gonna see if that helps with the tangling if my hair is smooth. Since I have that going on too. Then I'm gonna cut it.
DD is 3 months an my shedding is still ridiculous. Im surprised I have any hair left on my head since i'm losing handfuls everyday. It was not this bad after my first 2 kids. It's so bad that even my 12 yo son who never pays attention to anything hair related asked me about the wad of hair left after I detangled one night. Im going to try a garlic treatment to see if that helps.
I was telling DH that I'm sorry about all of the hair everywhere. When I wash my hair in the shower...whew...I get out and there is hair on the walls, on the floor, clogging the's out of control. I have to clean up hair every time that I shower. Then don't let me try to do anything to my hair during the week.

I was giving DD her bath two nights ago and found my shed hair in one of her neck folds. SMH.
I just bought one of those Sally's keratin treatment. I'm gonna see if that helps with the tangling if my hair is smooth. Since I have that going on too. Then I'm gonna cut it.

I tried some a few weeks ago. It was the One N Only Brazilian Tech brand, but I only used the keratin smoothing lotion. I was to afraid to try the whole system and wash my hair at the time. It did pretty good, once I used my flat iron. Yesterday I bought some Wen products from Sephora. I haven't had a relaxer since March and with all the shedding, I'm kind of afraid to get one now. Like you, I just want to be able to manage the tangles.
Lol I've been finding hair in my baby's diaper. I feel so bad for that.

My mom has a really nice, very expensive steam shower in the bathroom that is most accessible to me. I have it all clogged and have to buy draino in secret and pray it clears the drain and that she doesn't feel like steaming.
I have heard that garlic supplements help. When I had DS I nearly cried about my shedding, that's what led me to this site.
I have cried about my shedding and I've never been upset about hair issues. Except for the time I used the hair softener and it melted my hair and I went from waist length to chin. :(

I'm feeling like I should just cut it so I can manage it better.
I posted my hairline a while ago. It's almost back to normal now. My son is 13 months old, so it takes a while to get your hair back :(

It sucks.
My hair shedded something awful while pregnant with dd and nothing worked. Talked to dermatologist and she said it was hormonal and it will have to take its course ;( that what in 2009, although my hair has grown back since I cut it to start over it is still not the thick, full and healthy hair I used to have..
Yeah, my hair line is tragic. In some places near my ear. While it is filling back in, I am still shedding a huge amount in the rest of my hair. Sucks. My hair locs like nobody's business right now.
I'm going through that right now, and have been for 5 months and my son is 9 months. It is very depressing and there's nothing you can do to stop it. My hair comes out in chunks. I've read about it and its a natural process that will stop on its own, and it can lasts up to 18 months.
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I posted in another thread here about shedding issues. My hair was gorgeous 3 months post, but came out in chunks at 5 months. I ended up BCing because of the breakage and the way it broke. It broke in the middle & at the front edges leaving me with long hair at the back layer & breakage throughout.
i remember shedding with both of my children, and i had two bald spots in the front. (weakest, finest, thinnest point of my hair anyway) but i am shedding a lot now during this pregnancy.

check your iron levels. i know my iron levels were low, so i know that was a contributing factor.

Mega Tek helped me. i would massage it into those two spots twice a day, or just at night.
I shed with my daughter. it started at 6 months postpartum to the day, and stopped three months later, to the day. Nothing helped for me- not going to lie- no supplements, no garlic, no treatments, etc. I just had to wait it out.

It seems like forever while it's going on, but your hair will be fine. No one else notices I am sure.
check your iron levels. i know my iron levels were low, so i know that was a contributing factor.

I'm generally anemic and I've been donating blood on a regular basis since delivery. My iron levels have been better than ever.

It seems like forever while it's going on, but your hair will be fine. No one else notices I am sure.

I should have taken pictures. I have she'd more hair than most people I know have. No lie, no exaggeration. I had a lot of hair. People that don't know me think it looks generally fine. But people that know me kind of look in horror. Not only is it thin, but there's breakage from it being tangly.

I had stupid thick hair that covered my boobs. I'm lucky if front pieces reach my shoulder now.

I am being lazy with doing the treatment because I'm with my kid all day and she doesn't take kindly to me doing ANYTHING without her and my mom is against her crying. So if I want to detangle it's a rush job as I can get maybe 5-10 minutes to myself every 2 to 3 days.
I'm generally anemic and I've been donating blood on a regular basis since delivery. My iron levels have been better than ever.

I should have taken pictures. I have she'd more hair than most people I know have. No lie, no exaggeration. I had a lot of hair. People that don't know me think it looks generally fine. But people that know me kind of look in horror. Not only is it thin, but there's breakage from it being tangly.

I had stupid thick hair that covered my boobs. I'm lucky if front pieces reach my shoulder now.

I am being lazy with doing the treatment because I'm with my kid all day and she doesn't take kindly to me doing ANYTHING without her and my mom is against her crying. So if I want to detangle it's a rush job as I can get maybe 5-10 minutes to myself every 2 to 3 days.

Can mom hold her while you get a good DC/detangling session on?

I've been meaning to ask are her eyes green?

Sorry 'bout chu hairs. :hug2:
Oh! I forgot to mention my shedding started. I took down a cornrow and half of it fell on the floor. :ohwell:
Can mom hold her while you get a good DC/detangling session on?

I've been meaning to ask are her eyes green?

Mom has been helping more lately. So yes I have been able to. I have a hard time asking for help. :sad:

Her eyes are blue grey. They will probably be more green/brown as she gets older. Mine were a bit brighter blue until I was 1 or 2 and went more green.

It's a weird color and even blue eyed people stop to tell us it's such an interesting color.
cam2717 said:
I was telling DH that I'm sorry about all of the hair everywhere. When I wash my hair in the shower...whew...I get out and there is hair on the walls, on the floor, clogging the's out of control. I have to clean up hair every time that I shower. Then don't let me try to do anything to my hair during the week.

I was giving DD her bath two nights ago and found my shed hair in one of her neck folds. SMH.

I know this isn't a laughing matter at all but :lol: at you finding hair in her neck.

This is so sad and scary though!
Mom has been helping more lately. So yes I have been able to. I have a hard time asking for help. :sad:

Her eyes are blue grey. They will probably be more green/brown as she gets older. Mine were a bit brighter blue until I was 1 or 2 and went more green.

It's a weird color and even blue eyed people stop to tell us it's such an interesting color.

Oh! Your eyes are green. You're used to the comments. Mine are brown. Comments about JDs bright blue eyes are very annoying. I was going to ask how you handled it but folks probably don't clandestinely ask if the dad is white.

And woman Ask your momma for help.
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People do ask if her dad is white. Its usually subtle because of her name, they say oh she's got Italian in her. I usually just pretend I didn't hear it. Some people are bold though.

It's odd to me because she is my clone. Without sun and/or makeup I'm actually lighter than her. People are weird though.
Dude...temples are GONE!!! I had my hair done last week and its insane :-(

Eta: look at my Avi which is 5 weeks post baby then compare it to this pic today at 14 weeks post babyZ

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